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漸進式活動計劃 實踐章 Youth and Volunteer Department
青年及義工事務部 漸進式活動計劃 實踐章 Youth and Volunteer Department Progressive Program - Practising Stage B4.1 紅十字知識課程 Knowledge of Red Cross 第二節 :七項基本原則的實踐 Application of The Seven Fundamental Principles
Tell me about the 7P 每組派代表抽兩張咭,一張為原則,另一張為表達形式 (如畫畫/話劇/唱歌/擺Pose),每位組員都需要參與其中 The representative of each group draws two cards. One is about the principles, while another shows the presentation mode (e.g. drawing, drama, singing, posing). Every group member should participate in the activity.
Each group has 5 minutes to prepare for your presentation about the principle chosen (You are not allowed to present in words or directly tell the principles verbally.) 每組1min表演,表演後其他組別可以競猜其表演的原則,揭曉後表演組別可加以解釋當中意義,其他組別亦可以給予意見 Each group has 1 minute for presentation. Then the other groups can guess the principle presented. The group can further explain the principle after the answer is told.
七項基本原則的實踐 Application of the seven fundamental principles
人 道 Humanity 紅十字與紅新月基本原則
Fundamental principles of Red Cross & Red Crescent 無論國際或非國際性武裝衝突, 都不加歧視地救護戰地傷員; bring assistance without discrimination to the wounded on the battlefield 不論何時何地,努力防止並減輕人類的疾苦; prevent and alleviate human suffering wherever it may be found 人 道 Humanity
人 道 Humanity 紅十字與紅新月基本原則
Fundamental principles of Red Cross & Red Crescent 保護生命和健康; protect life and health 保障人類尊嚴; ensure respect for the human being 促進人與人之間的相互了解、友誼和合作, 促進持久和平 promotes mutual understanding, friendship, cooperation and lasting peace amongst all peoples 人 道 Humanity
台灣粉塵爆炸 2015 2015 Flammable powder explosion in Taiwan
意外造成近五百人受傷,但台灣各界不乏有心人士,齊心救援,多間診所及整形外科醫院,為輕傷者免費提供治療及後續整形服務,民眾踴躍捐血,人潮擠滿多個捐血站。在意外發生當晚,並非值班的醫護人員也參與搶救工作,有傷者明明身受重傷,也苦忍痛楚,先讓失去意識的患者登上救護車。多間診所及整形外科院為傷者免費提供治療。你認為這是人道行為嗎?為什麼? The accident resulted in almost 500 casualties. However, different parties in Taiwan did not hesitate to assist in the relief work. Many clinics and plastic surgery hospitals offered free medication and follow-up plastics surgeries for the victims. People were so dedicated that many blood stations were crowded with donors. On the evening of the accident, many off-duty medical staff joined the relief work; some casualties were willing to let those unconscious to get the place on the ambulance first, despite the pain they suffered. Do you think these are humanitarian behaviours? Why?
公 正 Impartiality 紅十字與紅新月基本原則
不因國籍、種族、宗教信仰和政治見解而有所歧視; makes no discrimination as to nationality, race, religious beliefs, class or political opinions 僅根據需要, 努力減輕人們疾苦; endeavours to relieve the suffering of individuals, being guided solely by their needs 優先救濟困難最緊迫的人 give priority to the most urgent cases of distress. 公 正 Impartiality
佔中事件 - 藍絲VS黃絲 2014 Occupy Central - Blue ribbons VS Yellow Ribbons
佔中事件,香港紅十字會於現場提供急救服務,如你是當值紅十字會急救員,正協助一位傷勢嚴重的示威者時,一位警方負責人前來表示有一位警察因公也受了傷,要求紅十字會急救員協助,你會怎樣做?為什麼? In Occupy Central, HKRC provides first-aid services at the site. If you were one of them on duty, helping a demonstrator who was seriously injured, a police officer approached you and said another policeman was also hurt and needed first-aid assistance. What would you do? Why?
中 立 Neutrality 紅十字與紅新月基本原則
Fundamental principles of Red Cross & Red Crescent 為繼續得到所有人信任, 本運動在衝突各方之間不採取立場; To continue to enjoy the confidence of all, the Movement may not take sides in hostilities 任何時候也不參與涉及政治、種族、宗教或意識形態的爭論 not engage at any time in controversies of a political, racial, religious or ideological nature 中 立 Neutrality
佔中事件 - 藍絲VS黃絲 2014 Occupy Central - Blue ribbons VS Yellow Ribbons
佔中事件,香港紅十字會於現場提供急救服務,如你是當值紅十字會急救員,而你支持其中一方,你會怎樣做? 有甚麼要留意? 為什麼? In Occupy Central, Hong Kong Red Cross provide first-aid service at the site. If you were one of the first-aiders and you supported one of the sides, what would you do? Is there any thing you should pay attention to? Why?
獨 立 Independence 紅十字與紅新月基本原則
Fundamental principles of Red Cross & Red Crescent 本國政府人道工作的助手並受本國法律制約; RC is auxiliary in the humanitarian services of their governments and subject to the laws of their respective countries 但必須時刻保持獨立, 以便任何時候都按本運動的原則行事 But must still always maintain their autonomy so that they may be able at all times to act in accordance with the principles of the Movement. 獨 立 Independence
捐款使用安排 Use of donations
新疆曾經發生雪災,有捐款者願意捐出幾百萬,但指明希望捐助當地少數民族,香港紅十字會應該接受捐款嗎?為什麼? In Xinjiang snow disaster, a donor was willing to donate millions of dollars, but indicated that was for the ethnic minorities there. Should HKRC accept the donation? Why?
志願服務 Voluntary service
紅十字與紅新月基本原則 Fundamental principles of Red Cross & Red Crescent 志願救濟運動; a voluntary relief movement 絕不期望以任何方式得到好處 not prompted in any manner by desire for gain. 志願服務 Voluntary service
服務獎章 Service Awards 香港紅十字會建立了一套義工的嘉許制度,經常有會員與職員爭論服務時間的計算方法,衍生不同問題, 浪費時間人力資源去處理統計及紀錄。 HKRC has established an award system for volunteers. Yet it is often seen that members argue with the staff about the calculation of service hours, resulting in different problems and wasting time and manpower to manage the data and record. 你認為應該取消有關的嘉許制度,使更多資源可以用於直接服務之上?你的理由何在? Should the award system be cancelled, so that more resources can be directly spent on services? Why?
紅十字與紅新月基本原則 Fundamental principles of Red Cross & Red Crescent 任何國家只有一個紅十字會或紅新月會; There can be only one Red Cross or one Red Crescent Society in any one country. 它必須向所有人開放; It must be open to all. 必須在全國範圍內開展人道工作 It must carry on its humanitarian work throughout its territory. 統 一 Unity
義工招募 Recruitment of Volunteers
基於紅十字運動統一原則,我們須向所有人開放。如果在招募義工過程中,我們需要進行面試以揀選合適義工參與服務工作。你認為這個過程是否有違統一原則?為什麼? Due to the principle of “unity”, we have to be open to all. If in the recruitment process, we arrange interviews to select suitable volunteers for the service, do you think this violates the principle of “unity”? Why?
普 遍 Universality 紅十字與紅新月基本原則
Fundamental principles of Red Cross & Red Crescent 國際紅十字與紅新月運動是世界性的 The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement is worldwide. 所有的紅十字會及紅新月會都享有同等地位,享有同樣的責任和義務去相互支援 All Societies have equal status and share equal responsibilities and duties in helping each other. 普 遍 Universality
賑災救援工作 Fundraising & Relief Service
2013年11月8日 超級颱風「海燕」在菲律賓登陸 ,造成嚴重破壞,超過6,000人死亡 、4,000,000人流離失所、550,000家園受損、580,000家園被摧毀、家園損毀的數字是2010年海地地震的6倍。 On 8 Nov 2013, Super Typhoon Haiyan struck the Philippines, causing severe damage – more than 6,000 were dead, 4,000,000 became homeless, 550,000 houses were destroyed and 580,000 houses were severely damaged. The number of houses damaged is sixfold of that of Haiti earthquake in 2010. 你認為ICRC / IFRC, 甚至香港紅十字會有沒有責任、義務支持受災國家? 可以怎樣幫助? Do you think ICRC/ IFRC, or even HKRC, has any responsibilities and duties to help the country affected? How?
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