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佳音翰林英語 文法教學PPT.

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Presentation on theme: "佳音翰林英語 文法教學PPT."— Presentation transcript:

1 佳音翰林英語 文法教學PPT

2 Ms. Chen is not at school today. Where is she? Guess.

3 疑問詞why

4 一、核心概念 疑問詞 ,用來詢問「」 why A: Why are you cleaning your room?
2. 回答時,不可用yes或no來回答,必須針對詢問的原因回答。 回答的句型:主要句子 + because + 副詞子句. A: Why are you cleaning your room? B: I clean my room because grandma is coming to see me this weekend.

5 二、基本句型 疑問詞 why 1.Why 用於問句中,用來詢問「原因、理由」。 2. 回答的句型:主要句子 + because + 子句.
did she eat so much food last night? didn’t come to school yesterday? why She ate so much food because she didn’t have lunch. She didn’t come she went to the doctor. 1.Why 用於問句中,用來詢問「原因、理由」。 2. 回答的句型:主要句子 + because + 子句. A: Why are you cleaning your room? B: I clean my room because grandma is coming to see me this weekend. = Grandma is coming to see me this weekend.

6 小試身手 疑問詞 why ( )1.My family went out for a big dinner
yesterday __________ it was Mother’s Day. (A) so (B) because (C) and (D) but B why ( )2. A: ______ can’t you come to my tea party? B: I have a date with my boyfriend that day. (A) Why (B) Who (C) What (D) When A

7 延伸補充

8 特別叮嚀 Why 的否定問句可以用來表示給予建議,有「何不、為什麼不做…」的意思。 A: I am so tired. (我好累。)
B: Why don’t you go to bed? (你為什麼不睡覺?)

9 連接詞 because / so

10 一、基本句型 連接詞 Because she was sick, she didn’t come to school yesterday. She was sick, so she didn’t come to school yesterday. 1. so的特性:表示「所以、因此」的意思,連接兩個子句。與so連用的子句要放在句中,且前面需加上逗號。而so所引導的子句表示「結果」。 He grew up in America, so he can speak English very well. 2. so 不可與 because 同時出現在句子中。

11 小試身手 連接詞 ( )1.He shouted in the museum., _____ a man came and stopped him. (A) so (B) because (C) and (D) but A ( )2.He wasn’t hungry, _____ he didn’t eat much. (A) but (B) x (C) and (D) so D

12 延伸補充

13 動詞不規則變化 以下列出常見的不規則變化的動詞過去式 (中文解釋僅供參考,可能因句義而有不同意思。) 原形動詞 過去式 中文 blow
blew 吹(風) buy bought catch caught come came do did drink drank drive drove 駕駛 eat ate feed fed 餵食 forget forgot 忘記 get got 得到 give gave go went grow grew 成長 have had 擁有 know knew 知道 make made 製作 mean meant 意指 pay paid 付(錢) put

14 動詞不規則變化 read read [rεd] 閱讀 ride rode 騎 run ran 跑 say said 說 see saw 看見
sell sold shake shook 搖晃 sing sang sit sat sleep slept speak spoke 說話 stand stood swim swam 游泳 take took teach taught wake woke 醒來 wear wore 穿 write wrote

15 特別叮嚀 需特別注意的是 有一些單字的原形動詞與過去式相同: cut  cut,put  put, 因此若出現這樣的句子:
He cut his finger. (他割傷了手指。) 是發生在過去,若是發生在現在, 會寫作:He cuts his finger. (他割傷了手指。) (2)特別注意,read這個字也是特例。 過去式同為read,但讀音不同。 原型動詞念[rid] 過去式念[rεd]。

16 牛刀小試

17 選擇題 ( )1. Simon didn’t join the contest _____ he had a cold. B
(A) so (B) because (C) but (D) or ( )2. A: _____ didn’t you call me last night? B: Sorry, I forgot. D (A) How (B) When (C) What (D) Why

18 依提示作答 1. I sold the hat. The hat was too big for me. (用so合併)
The hat was too big for me, so I sold it. ___________________________________________ 2.Allen fought with his classmates. Allen’s teacher called his parents.(用because合併) Allen’s teacher called his parents because he fought with his classmates. ___________________________________________

19 句子重組 1.didn’t/ join/ you/ Why/ us/ yesterday morning/ ?
Why didn’t you join us yesterday morning? ___________________________________________ 2. so/ the table/ is/ for us/ she/ dinner/ is setting/ ready/, / . Dinner is ready, so she is setting the table for us. ___________________________________________

20 翻譯題 1. 我今天有考試,所以我不能跟你去看電影。
I have a test today, so I can’t go to the movies with you. ___________________________________________ 2.Jack 沒有吃月餅,因為他非常飽了。 Jack didn’t eat the moon cake because he was very full. ___________________________________________

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