囊虫病 Cysticercosis.

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Presentation on theme: "囊虫病 Cysticercosis."— Presentation transcript:

1 囊虫病 Cysticercosis

2 病原学 猪囊尾蚴

3 流行性学 1.传染源 Patients with T. Solium 2.传播途径
(1)accidental ingestion of eggs from patients harbouring the adult worm (2)retro-infection 3.人群易感性 4.流行情况

4 发病与病理

5 临床表现 1.脑囊虫病 2.皮下及肌肉囊虫病 3.眼囊虫病 4.其他

6 诊断 1.Blood 2.CSF 3.Immunological test 4.X ray 5.CT 6.MRI 7.Biopsy

7 治疗 1.阿苯达唑(Albendazole) 18-20mg/kg/day,10. 2.吡喹酮(pyquiton)
3.甘露醇 4.镇静药

8 注意事项

9 预防 1.驱绦灭囊. 2.禁止米猪肉上市 3.粪便管理.

10 猪囊尾蚴细胞疫苗产业化 今后用疫苗免疫可以减少患病猪,使人们吃到放心肉,打断了人食用病猪肉患绦虫病;而猪食用了人体排出的绦虫患猪囊尾蚴病的人畜共患病的锁链, 我国年出栏生猪4.8亿头, 猪囊尾蚴病的发病率在1%以上,病猪约500万头.





15 四脑室的囊虫

16 Cysticercosis in Muscle Section


18 囊虫

19 A view of the brain of a cysticercosis patient with multiple lesions, using MRI

20 Brain with cysticercosis abscesses

21 Cysts in muscle, such as in the psoas muscle, seen on x-ray, eventually become calcified
MRI Scan of the Brain of a 34-Year-Old Woman

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