Welcome to my class..

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to my class.."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to my class.

2 Welcome to my class.

3 Nouns 名词

4 Objectives 教学目标 1. You will have a understanding of what is a noun.
2. You will grasp the application of a noun in a sentence.

5 Look and Say a flower

6 Look and Say a watch

7 a boy a girl Tom Lucy

8 water

9 Sichuan the Yellow River China a map

10 watch, boy, Tom, girl, Lucy, map, China, Sichuan, the Yellow River ,water
名词是表示人、事物、地点、组织、河流、国家或抽象概念的名称。 What is a noun? 什么是名词?

11 Can you list more nouns?

12 factory

13 toys

14 the Red Cross

15 the Great Wall

16 Read the sentences below
1.The woman is speaking English. 2. These are some books. 3. The bus stop is over there. woman, English, books, bus, stop subject, object,predicative , attributive, subject

17 由此可见:名词在句子中主要作: 1. 主语subject 2. 宾语object 3. 表语predicative
4. 定语attributive

18 e.g. 1. Coffee can make us excited. Coffee,主语subject 2. They are interested in pandas. panda,宾语object 3. The steel cup is expensive. steel,定语attributive cup,主语subject

19 4. It sounds a good idea. idea,表语predicative 5. He asks Lucy to help him with his English. Lucy,宾语object English,宾语object

20 Exercises

21 Directions: Please find out the nouns in the following sentences and point out their functions:
1. He likes American Songs. 2. They ask Tom to go to Beijing city. 3. That is a nice bag. 4. Paper cup is bad for us. 5. Children are having classes.

22 Beijing 定语 songs 宾语 city 宾语 Tom 宾语 paper bag 表语 定语 cup 主语 children classes 主语 宾语


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