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Presentation on theme: "英美電影欣賞."— Presentation transcript:

1 英美電影欣賞

2 導讀討論 Preview Questions
在愛情裡,你認為現實的考量大於情感的歸屬嗎? 若你是女主角,你會勇敢選擇所愛或是幸福地被愛?

3 角色介紹 Characters

4 知識補充站Language Link I've loved another with all my heart and soul and for me that has always been enough. ~with all someone’s heart and soul = with one’s whole

5 知識補充站Language Link Noah, stop fooling around. ~ fool around
= to say or do stupid or silly things, often in order to make people laugh

6 知識補充站Language Link Yeah, I wanted to clear that up with you.
~ clear up =the process of removing rubbish and tidying things

7 知識補充站Language Link I was being drawn to you. ~ be drawn to somebody
= be attracted by

8 知識補充站Language Link No. No, you're getting me wrong.
~ get someone wrong = Misunderstand someone. This expression is often used to clarify one’s feeling, views, or the like.

9 知識補充站Language Link Noah and Allie gave a remarkably convincing portrayal of a boy and a girl traveling down a very long road with no regard for the consequences. ~with no regard for the consequence =without thinking of the results of the behavior

10 知識補充站Language Link You must be very fond of each other.
~be fond of someone / something = feeling affection for somebody or something

11 知識補充站Language Link I lost track of time.
~ lose track of something / someone =not have information about what is happening or where somebody/ something is

12 知識補充站Language Link He's not suitable for you, baby.
~suitable for someone =right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion. Sentence structure ~suitable for someone / somebody ~suitable to do something

13 知識補充站Language Link Watch it, screwball! ~screwball (n)
=a strange or crazy person **nut, crank, crackpot

14 知識補充站Language Link He worked out his frustration with life on the creek every morning. ~work out =solve **figure out / puzzle out ~frustration = the feeling of annoyance ~annoyance

15 知識補充站Language Link He won't be able to take his eyes off you,
~take someone’s eyes off somebody =to cease looking at someone or something

16 知識補充站Language Link It's normal to get cold feet before your wedding.
~get / have cold feet =to suddenly become nervous about doing something that you had planned to do

17 佳句賞析 Nice quote I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent a summer beneath the trees learning from each other and growing in love. 我會滿懷喜悅地對你微笑,我會記得我們在樹下所度過的夏日時光互相學習、在愛情中成長。

18 佳句賞析 Nice quote The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds. And that's what you've given me. That's what I'd hoped to give to you forever. 最好的愛情就是那種能喚醒靈魂... 令人食髓知味點燃我們心中火焰並帶給我們內心平靜那便是你所賜予我的亦是我永遠希望給予你的

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