逛書店 沒有比 V 更 adj. 的了 2. make time for sb. 為 sb.留時間

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1 逛書店 沒有比 V 更 adj. 的了 2. make time for sb. 為 sb.留時間
在繁忙的一週中,沒有比為自己留點時間更重要的事了。 1. there is nothing more + adj. than Ving 沒有比 V 更 adj. 的了 2. make time for sb. 為 sb.留時間

2 There is nothing more important than making some time for yourself during a busy week.

3 在星期四晚上,我通常會自己去逛城裡的大型書店。
On Thursday evenings, I often go to the large bookstore in town city by myself.

4 take one’s mind off + N. 使某人忘記N. enrich 充實
瀏覽有趣的新書不僅可以讓我忘卻課業,也可充實我的心靈。 browse through 瀏覽 take one’s mind off + N. 使某人忘記N. enrich 充實 not only A but (also) B 不止A而且B

5 Browsing through interesting new books not only takes my mind off study but also enriches my mind.

6  接著我喜歡在書店的咖啡廳喝杯咖啡,放鬆一下,是我個人的樂趣之一。
Afterward I like to relax with a good cup of coffee in the bookstore coffee shop, and it’s one of my personal pleasures.

7 然而,為了避免夜晚失眠,應該不要喝太多咖啡。
avoid + N. / Ving. 避免 However, to avoid sleepless nights, you should take care not to drink too much coffee.

8 去游泳 在炎熱的夏天,沒有什麼事是比游泳更涼爽的了。

9 During the hot summer, there is nothing more refreshing than going swimming.

10 一到暑假時,我常到住家附近的游泳池晨泳。

11 When summer comes, I often go swimming in a nearby pool in the morning.

12 游泳不但能鍛鍊身體,也能加強肺活量。 加強 enhance

13 Swimming can’t only strengthen your body but also enhance your breathing capacity.

14 游泳完可以洗個舒服的澡,讓身體完全放鬆。
放鬆 sooth

15 After swimming, you can take a relaxing shower, which is soothing for your body.

16 不過剛吃飽時不宜去游泳,不然可能會消化不良。
消化不良 indigestion

17 However, you should not swim on a full stomach, or you may develop indigestion.

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