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Area of interaction focus

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1 Area of interaction focus
Unit title: 在上海买东西– Shopping in Shanghai Area of interaction focus Which area of interaction will be our focus? Why have we chosen this? Significant concepts What are the big ideas? What do we want our students to retain for years into the future? Environment This AoI was chosen so that we can consider how the Chinese environment influences people’s shopping. Our environment and culture has a strong influence on where and how we go shopping. MYP unit question What are the similarities and differences between Chinese and English shopping?

2 Can you match the characters together to form a word you have already learnt?
EXT – What does that word mean? A. 可 一. 物 B. 礼 二. 楼 C. 汉 三. 爱 D. 高 四. 字

3 Pairwork in a souvenir shop. A is customer and B is the shop assistant.

4 A: 我想买(筷子/中国画/熊猫/明信片/中国茶 )。你觉得( )怎么样?
B: 我觉得( )很漂亮。 A: ( )有点儿贵。 B: ( )不贵。

5 Page 93 Ex. 5 L isten and answer the questions in Chinese.
1. 她想给爸爸妈妈买什么?为什么? 2. Robert 写什么写得很好? 3. 张小红觉得熊猫怎么样?

6 4. Robert 在商店买了一张什么?他什么时候学过画中国画?

7 Review words and then do the Character Randometer Game

8 sometimes





13 Linking word between a verb and an adverb


15 lovable; cute

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