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一張圖 x 一句話 x 介紹自己的城市.

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Presentation on theme: "一張圖 x 一句話 x 介紹自己的城市."— Presentation transcript:

1 一張圖 x 一句話 x 介紹自己的城市

2 Taipei 101 is one of the tallest buildings in the world.

3 The Longshan Temple is a place where many people come to seek good fortune, health and even guidance on who to marry. 龍山寺是許多人祈求好運健康甚至是姻緣的地方。

4 Liberty Square is Taipei's cultural site to honor the former president of the Republic of China, Chiang Kai-shek. 自由廣場是台北的文化遺址用來紀念中華民國前總統蔣中正。

5 The Grand Hotel is not only the most splendid landmark of Taipei, but representative of contemporary palatial architecture. 台北圓山大飯店不僅是台北市最耀眼的地標建築物,也是當代宮殿建築的代表。

6 National Palace Museum is home to the world's greatest collections of Chinese art and antiquities.

7 People can enjoy the blooms and haggle for jewelry and Jade at Chien Guo Holiday Market.

8 Just a fifteen minute walk from Taipei 101 is Elephant Mountain, the most popular hike, especially for tourists. 距離台北101 十五分鐘路程的象山對於觀光客而言是最受歡迎的登山景點。

9 The Maokong Gondola is a 4-kilometer-long ride that takes passengers from the Taipei Zoo station to the Maokong's famous tea houses. 貓空纜車全長四公里,乘客可以從台北動物園站搭纜車到貓空知名茶莊。

10 Mount Qixing, Taipei’s highest peak, lies in the Yangminshan National Park. 台北的最高峰七星山位於陽明山國家公園。

11 Shilin Night market is a place where people enjoy great Taiwanese traditional food like giant fried chicken, tempura, bubble tea, oyster vermicelli, oyster omelets and stinky tofu. 士林夜市是人們享受台灣傳統小吃像是豪大雞排、甜不辣、珍珠奶茶、蚵仔麵線、蚵仔煎還有臭豆腐的地方。


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