COMMUNITY 团契 Teen Challenge Core Value 3 青年挑战核心价值观 #3

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1 COMMUNITY 团契 Teen Challenge Core Value 3 青年挑战核心价值观 #3

2 --Working together and supporting one another
Teen Challenge Core Value 3 青年挑战核心价值观 #3 COMMUNITY 团契 --Working together and supporting one another 共同做工,彼此支持 T

3 a. Community is a group of people who share many common things
b. Jesus’ community was His disciples. Mark 3: 耶稣的团契是他的门徒 马可福音 3:13-14 c. Jesus said He would build a community called the Church. Matthew 16: 耶稣说他要建立一个叫做教会的团契。马太福音 16:18 d. A Teen Challenge community ministers to people with life-controlling problems 一个青年挑战的团契服侍有生命控制问题的人。 T

4 a. The disciples learned from Jesus 门徒们学习耶稣的榜样 when He taught them; 当他教导他们的时候 when they saw His daily life; 当他们看见他每天的生活的时候 when He answered their questions. 当他回答他们的问题的时候 b. In Teen Challenge, students learn together in chapel, classes, and small groups. 在青年挑战,学员们在教堂,教室和小组里共同学习。 T

5 3. Community is a group who works together. 团契是一个大家在一起工作的团队
a. People learn through the experience of working together 通过共同工作,大家学到新知识。 b. Jesus’ disciples worked with Him 耶稣的门徒一他一同做工。 c. Jesus sent disciples on short term mission trips to minister to people 耶稣差遣门徒做短期的宣教旅途,帮助众人。 d. In Teen Challenge work programs, staff and students work together 在青年挑战的工作项目中,员工和学员一同做工。 T

6 a. In a Christian community, 在一个基督徒团契中, we build up one another, Ephesians 4:29 我们彼此建立,以弗所书4:29 we encourage one another, 1 Thessalonians 5:11 彼此鼓励 帖前 5:11 we are kind to one another. Ephesians 4:32 我们彼此友善 以弗所书 4:32 b. In Teen Challenge, we support students through one-on- one counseling and in small groups. 在青年挑战,我们通过一对一的咨询和小组学习支持学 员。 T

7 a. Jesus sent His disciples out and they reported back to Him
a. Jesus sent His disciples out and they reported back to Him. Mark 6:30 耶稣派他的门徒出去后,他们回来向他报告。 马可 福音6:30 b. Paul and Barnabas reported back to the church at Antioch. Acts 14:26-27 保罗和巴拿巴回去后向安提阿的教会报告。 使徒行 传14:26-27 c. Teen Challenge staff supervise the students in every setting. 青年挑战的员工监管每项活动中学员的状况。 d. At Teen Challenge, accountability includes discipline. 在青年挑战,可信度包括管教。 T

8 a. In a time of need, the Early Church prayed together
a. In a time of need, the Early Church prayed together. Acts 4:23-24 在有需求的时候,早期的教会 在一起祷告。使徒行传 4:23-24 b. In Teen Challenge, we seek God together in chapel, group prayer, and Spiritual Emphasis Week. 在青年挑战,我们在教堂,小组祷告,和属灵重点 周,寻求神。 T

9 Jesus’ disciples developed relationships with each other
In Teen Challenge, students develop Christian friendships with other students. 在青年挑战,学员之间发展基督徒式的友谊。 Teen Challenge staff build relationships with the students 青年挑战员工与学员建立关系。 T

10 After Jesus was gone, His disciples worked together as a team
In a Teen Challenge community, staff members work together to minister to students 在青年挑战团契,员工们一起做工服侍学员。 T

11 T

12 Contact: 联系: Global Teen Challenge 全球青年挑战 gtc@globaltc
Contact: 联系: Global Teen Challenge 全球青年挑战 Training materials for this course are available at the following address: 培训教材可以在如下网站查询: T

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