International History Bee and Bowl Tournament; Taiwan Division

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1 International History Bee and Bowl Tournament; Taiwan Division
台灣區IHBB國際歷史競賽 The History Bee and Bowl is a history competition held around the world. The Bee is for individual students; the Bowl is for teams. Both are buzzer-based. IHBB國際歷史競賽是一個源自於美國的中學生歷史比賽(NHBB),也是奧林匹亞歷史競賽的熱身賽,分個人組(Bee)和團體組(Bowl)兩種方式,以搶答方式進行。

2 International History Bee and Bowl Tournament; Taiwan Division
台灣區IHBB國際歷史競賽 On March 21st, 2 KCIS senior high teams (grade s 10 & 11) of four students each were taken by their coach, Ms. Frankie Tsui to attend the IHBB. 5 schools and about 100 students participated in the Taiwan division, held by the International Bilingual School at Tainan Science Park. 康橋由指導老師Ms. Frankie Tsui領軍2隊共8位10及11年級的學生參加;此次台灣區競賽由國立南科國際實驗高級中學舉辦,共有5所學校大約100位學生參加。

3 International History Bee and Bowl Tournament; Taiwan Division
台灣區IHBB國際歷史競賽 Congratulations to our G10 Team who won the 2015 History Bowl Championship for the Junior Varsity Division. 10A Howie Chang won the Bee silver medal! 恭喜10年級組勇奪高中團體B組冠軍! 10A 張皓崴贏得個人組亞軍! 10A張皓崴Howie Chang 10F李承翰Bryan Lee、10A張皓崴Howie Chang 10F陳昶宏Jerry Chen、 10E 高永齊Alex Gao

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