Task-based Reading and Writing

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1 Task-based Reading and Writing
Mainly Revision for Senior Three Topic 16 heroines Task-based Reading and Writing

2 Tasks for today Summarize an article. Brainstorm about the topic.
Finish the writing in groups.

3 Lead-in Topic 16 heroines 袁苏妹 此处从话题导入,引出平民巾帼英雄。 Yue Somoy was awarded an honorary fellowship (荣誉院士) by the University of Hong Kong.

4 As a cook and cleaner, she dedicated a lifetime of service to the university.

5 What kind of article? Task 1 Read and find… 1. narration 记叙文
2. news report 新闻报道 3. argumentation 议论文 4. exposition 说明文 此处给学生1分钟判断文体,然后告诉学生news report的主要信息在第一段,接着让他们做下一张幻灯片的任务。

6 Task 2 Read and find the key information
who what when where why Yue Somoy -- a cook and cleaner She was conferred an honorary fellowship by the University of Hong Kong. recently 此处给学生2分钟,引导他们在第一段寻找重要信息。 Hong Kong She dedicated a lifetime of service to the university.

7 How to write a summary of a news report ?
Task 3 write a summary How to write a summary of a news report ? Use key points or key words/nouns. 2. Use synonyms (同义词) for verbs. 3. Join the key words and sentences coherently (连贯地) in good grammar structure. 此处突出key words,尤其是key nouns;synanyms主要用于动词 方法点拨 1

8 Write a summary of the news report, using the following for reference.
Task 3 write a summary Write a summary of the news report, using the following for reference. who Yue Somoy -- a cook and cleaner what She was conferred an honorary fellowship by the University of Hong Kong. when recently where Hong Kong why She dedicated a lifetime of service to the university. 1. key points or key words/nouns 2. synonyms for verbs 3. coherently

9 A sample summary (28words)
The university of Hong Kong has recently given an honorary fellowship to Yue Somoy for her contribution to the university: serving as a cook and cleaner for 40 years. (28words)

10 Work in groups of three and discuss. 1) Do you agree with the move?
Task 4 Brainstorming Work in groups of three and discuss. 1) Do you agree with the move? Give your reasons. 2) What can we learn from it ? 3) What do you think we should do next? 此处5分钟是必要的,但是引导一定要到位,通过进一步的问题(口头)让学生充分思考,然后以清晰指令让学生合作讨论。 学生讨论时,你要上黑板板书structure,等下collect ideas时要边collect 边写ideas

11 Task 5 Finish your writing
The Structure summary I totally agree that … I can’t agree more with the idea that… I firmly support the view that… A glorious step to honor ordinary workers From my own point of view,… Personally, I think that… I think it’s good thing that… Body 此处告诉学生写body要分三个段落,分别是……,可以参考粉红色boxes里边的句型(而观点都在黑板上)。 Therefore, our top priority now should be focused on… 方法点拨 2

12 Words and expressions for reference
1. humanity n 人文 2. faculty n 全体教员 3. gratitude n 感激 4. selflessness n 无私 1.commit to 致力于 2.devote oneself to… 3.dedicate oneself to… 4.set a good example to… 5.be honored/ known as... 1. I totally agree that … 2. I can’t agree more with the idea that… 3.I firmly support the view that…because… 4.My support for… is based on the following reasons. 5.From my own point of view,… 6.Personally, I think that… 7.I think it’s good thing that…. 8.Besides, it enables us to realize that… 此处让学生大声朗读,然后引导他们可以参考这些表达,告诉他们材料上有。

13 Task 5 Finish your writing
Work in groups of 3 Student A – Part 1 Student B – Part 2 Student C – Part 3 and then join them together. 记得提醒学生结合板书上的structure 和材料上的reference 然后合作写作。

14 Thank you for listening!
Homework Finish your own writing as today’s assignment. Thank you for listening!

15 任务写作范文 A Glorious Step to Honor Ordinary Workers The University of Hong Kong recently given an honorary fellowship to So Moy Yuen for her contributions to the university: serving as a cook and cleaner for 40 years.

16 I totally agree that the move of the university of Hong Kong is an example of how to honor ordinary workers because it not only reflects the humanity of the university's faculties, officials and students, but also a deep understanding of the educators about the idea of education.

17 From my own point of view, by giving the honorary fellowship, the University of Hong Kong tends to tell the world that a university is not only about education, but also about love and respect for human beings. Besides, the university enables us to realize that it is love that will guide youths out of a university's gate into the wider world outside.

18 Only if we love and show more care for ordinary workers can we honor the motto —labor is a matter of honor. Therefore, our top priority now should be focused on calling people to pay more respect and honor to ordinary workers on. In addition, people are supposed to be encouraged to be dedicated to their careers, no matter what roles they are playing in society.

19 Aiding words and expressions
1.. solace n 安慰;慰藉 2. sustain v 维持;支撑 3. waver v 动摇;踌躇 4. affectionately adv 亲切地;挚爱地 5. dedicate…to… 奉献给 6. maternal figure 像母亲样的人 7. pay tribute to 称赞;歌颂 8. be conferred an honorary fellowship 被授予荣誉院士 9. catering contractor 膳食承办商 10. assume the role of 担任角色

20 Opinion _______ agree an example to honor ordinary workers Part 1 reflect humanity(人文情怀) of the faculties(全体教员) and officials. reasons a deep understanding of the idea of education.

21 Show love and respect for
ordinary workers Part 2 What can we learn? Express gratitude to others’ selflessness Labor is a matter of honor

22 Part 3 What should we do next?
Call on people to pay more respect and honor to ordinary workers. Part 3 What should we do next? Encourage people to be dedicated to their career.

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