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Producer: Zhang Shaolin

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1 Producer: Zhang Shaolin
New Words And Expressions Unit 1, Book 3 Producer: Zhang Shaolin

2 to raise one’s head and square his shoulders a discreet policeman
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U1A.1, B3 昂首挺胸 谨慎的警察 矜持的人 关于某大楼位置 对某人踪迹的研究 打开一本选集 摸索课表 to raise one’s head and square his shoulders a discreet policeman a reserved person about whereabouts of a building research into sb’s whereabouts to crack an anthology to grope for the schedule

3 to step in a puddle of ketchup the flailing of one’s feet
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U1A.2, B3 to tip sb off sandwich goodies to step in a puddle of ketchup the flailing of one’s feet to try another maneuver the rear of the hall rear service to kick off one’s sandals a cleanup brigade to sneak out of a place 提前给人警示 美味食品三明治 朝……走去 踩在一堆番茄酱上 双脚的打滑 试另一种战略 大厅的后部 后勤 踢掉凉鞋 清洁队 溜出某处

4 an assortment of junk food to take a crunchy bite fried spaghetti
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U1A.3, B3 an assortment of junk food to take a crunchy bite fried spaghetti a victory clasp (heart) to go to sb to slink out of the cafeteria a malicious attempt the shackles of self-consciousness 各种各样的快餐食物 吃一口嘎嘎响的食物 炒通心粉 胜利的拥抱/握手 同情某人 偷偷溜出自助餐厅 恶意的企图 束缚自我意识的枷锁

5 to supplant typewriters undying course to confer a medal on the hero
New words and expressions in phrase contexts U1B.1, B3 frontier towns ancient foothold potential quagmire to be guilty of heresy to fall into heresy to supplant typewriters undying course to confer a medal on the hero on behalf of a learned and valiant man 边境城镇 古老的立足点/价值观 潜在的困境 犯异端邪说罪 陷入旁门左道 取代打字机 永恒的事业 授予英雄一枚勋章 代表 博学而英勇的人

6 to add to one’s distress the distinct impression
Collocations of old words U1A.1, B3 to drive off to stand pitifully in a parking lot to consider sb mature to add to one’s distress the distinct impression to keep one’s ears open to keep one’s mouth shut with that thought in mind 驾车离开 可怜地站着 在停车场 认为某人成熟 添加苦恼 明显的感觉 多听 少说 想到这些

7 to set out in the direction of … the map clutched in one’s hand
Collocations of old words U1A.2, B3 向…走去 抓在手里的地图 瞥见某人 使某人注意到某事 自信的神态 准时进入 问傻乎乎的问题 to set out in the direction of … the map clutched in one’s hand to catch a glimpse of sb to draw one’s attention to sth one’s airs of assurance to make a timed entrance to ask dumb questions

8 intelligent and energetic demeanor after deliberation
Collocations of old words U1A.3, B3 freshmen annuals intelligent and energetic demeanor after deliberation out of sb’s direct line of vision to scribble the date (a cold sweat) to break out on the back a crisp ruled page 新生守则 勤奋而朝气蓬勃的举止 经过深思熟虑 不在某人的直视范围内 打开一本选集 潦草地写上日期 背后冷汗直冒 整洁的横格纸

9 to settle into one’s chair to assume the scientific pose
Collocations of old words U1A.4, B3 to settle into one’s chair to assume the scientific pose a biology major to bend forward furious notetaking to curse under one’s breath to need nourishment to hurry to the cafeteria 在椅子上坐好 摆出一副理科生姿态 生物专业学生 向前俯身 快速记笔记 嘴里低声诅咒 需要营养 匆忙赶往自助餐厅

10 to keep oneself upright to get out of the mess to tip to one side
Collocations of old words U1A.5, B3 朝……走去 保持身体直立 摆脱乱七八糟的人/事 向一边倾斜 停住脚步 猛冲过来 (声音) 越来越弱直至消失 怀着屈辱独自吃饭 to head for to keep oneself upright to get out of the mess to tip to one side to come to one’s feet to come charging to die down to dine alone on humiliation

11 to sound vaguely familiar to meet the fate
Collocations of old words U1A.6, B3 校园里的人 踮着脚来到餐桌旁 如释重负 听到碰撞声 听起来似曾相识 遇到倒霉事 镇静的橄榄球队员 同情某人 the campus population to tiptoe to a table to collapse in relief to hear a crash to sound vaguely familiar to meet the fate the composed football player (one’s heart) to go out to sb

12 to embarrass a naïve freshman to show up in the wrong lecture
Collocations of old words U1A.7, B3 to grin from ear to ear to take sth seriously to embarrass a naïve freshman to show up in the wrong lecture a law of survival to run with the crowd to want nothing more than to do 咧着嘴大笑 认真对待某事 令天真的大学新生尴尬 进错教室 生存法则 随大流 只想做……

13 to live up to sb’s expectations articles of clothing
Collocations of old words U1A.8, B3 to live up to sb’s expectations articles of clothing to check fit of sth to judge worth of sth to break a few rules to test one’s conscience to have a taste for jazz to act one’s way to be forgiven for massive mistakes 按照某人的期望生活 一件件衣服 看某物是否合适 判断某物的价值 打破一些规则 测试某人的良知 喜爱爵士乐 伪装自己 犯大量错误而得到原谅

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