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A Week In my Classroom 我的课堂的一周安排

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1 A Week In my Classroom 我的课堂的一周安排
Dale Griepenstroh By

2 Overview of the Week 作者:周综述
Monday 星期一 Remediation of Attempted Reading – Post Test 对预习查漏补缺-----检查 Tuesday 星期二 Essay –Timed Writing or Historical Thinking Skills 限时作文,思考技巧 Chronological Thinking, Historiography, Point of View, Primary Sources 按时间,按史料,按观点,按原材料 Wednesday 星期三 Peer Grading or Historical Thinking Skills or Film Reinforcment 同伴互评,思考技巧,电影强化 Thursday 星期四 Group Learning and Presentation for Next Chapter; Note Check for Next Chapter 对下一张,小组学习,个人称述,笔记检查 Chapter Test 下一章 Friday 星期五

3 Note Card Activity 卡片活动
Chronological Thinking 时间为序 Create 5 Cards 做5个卡片 One side is the term, person, or event 一边是名称,人物,事件 Other side should be two sentences of info 另一边,概括的信息, Describe the person, event 一句描述人物事件 Tell why it is important to us 另一句说明其重要性 Qin, Shihuang Di 秦始皇 First emperor to unite China using legalism. Known for Uniting the walls and Terra Cotta Warriors 第一位以法制统一中国的人。因为长城和兵马俑而闻名

4 Time Line 时间顺序 Students put themselves in the right order 按时间整理
The students randomly pull cards out of their stack of flash cards and go around the room discussing their person or even with their classmates. They then put themselves in chronological order noting some cause and effect relationships or Chronological thinking. Shihuang Di First to unify China Marco Polo Proved the possibility to get to China and the value of trade George Washington Helped create the USA and defeat colonialism Mao Zedong Created a unified modern China

5 Time Line 时间顺序 学生从打乱的卡中抽出几张并在教室中走动讨论
Shihuang Di First to unify China Marco Polo Proved the possibility to get to China and the value of trade George Washington Helped create the USA and defeat colonialism Mao Zedong Created a unified modern China 学生从打乱的卡中抽出几张并在教室中走动讨论 按照自己手中的卡片站定一个位置,用自身的位置来表明事件的因果关系或者是时间顺序 秦始皇,首位一统中国的人 华盛顿,帮助建立美国,打败殖民主义 马可波罗,可以到中国以及通商的价值 毛泽东,建立现代的中国

6 Cause and Effect Thinking
Merchants started exploring the Silk Road for opportunity 商人们探索丝绸 之路寻找商机 Ideas were exchanged as well as goods, like Buddhism 思想和商品得 以交流,比如 说佛教 With each connection, classic civilizations became closer to understanding one another and uniting people 因为联系,古典文明 得以更近的交流,互 相理解,加强联系

7 Grouping to make connections
A Spider’s Web Grouping to make connections Essential to memorization and application Group 1 Cause and Effect Group 2 Thematic Thematic Grouping Social Political Intellectual Religion Interaction Technology Economics Determined by Environment A possible Grouping could be Cause and effect groups These 2 things had to happen before those things could happen Not Chronological necessarily Deeper understanding of events

8 分类以建立新的联系 有利于记忆和实践 蜘蛛网 1组:因果关系 2组:同一主题 按主题分类 社会 政治 文化知识 宗教 交融 技术 经济
A Spider’s Web 分类以建立新的联系 有利于记忆和实践 蜘蛛网 1组:因果关系 2组:同一主题 按主题分类 社会 政治 文化知识 宗教 交融 技术 经济 环境决定的 以因果关系分类的组 这两件事情在其他事件之前发生 不一定按时间顺序 对事件的深入理解

9 Celebrity Death Match Compare two historical figures
War! Celebrity Death Match Compare two historical figures Zhu Xi Jesus Blended Confucius teachings with some Buddhist thought Born 1130 CE Wrote in late 12th Century Added to modern philosophy of Chinese Affects 1.3 Billion Chinese people Modified Judeo Thinking Born 5? BCE Taught 30? CE Added to European, American and other philosophies Affected founding of new religion of 2 Billion People World Wide Today

10 名人的搭配 比拼 将儒家理论与佛家思想结合 公元前5年出生 生于公元1130 于公元30年前传教 在十二世纪晚期创作
比较两个历史人物 朱熹 耶稣 将儒家理论与佛家思想结合 生于公元1130 在十二世纪晚期创作 被添加入了中国现代哲学 影响了13亿中国人 修正了犹太教的思想 公元前5年出生 于公元30年前传教 思想影响欧美以及更远的哲学 影响到今天拥有2亿的世界基督徒的宗教的创建

11 Make Students Reflect about Decisions
In each activity it is important to have the students write and talk to show understanding and to justify their thinking Tell me why you put yourself in this place Tell the group, class why you made these groupings Tell us why your person is more important than the other in a paragraph

12 让学生思考他们的判断 在每一个活动中,让学生写出或是说出他们的理解以及论证他们的观点 说明为什么站在这个位置 解释给全班人为什么这样分类

13 Goals 目标 Historical Understanding and Appreciation 理解历史
Self Directed Learners 自觉的学习者 Communication of Learning 交流学习 Creatively Thinking Students 学生能创造性的思维

14 Future Generations of Historians and Good Citizens 做新一代的历史学家和优秀的公民

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