Checking in 入住模块.

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1 Checking in 入住模块

2 注册登记 Registration 名词 Register (in)登记 Check in (out) 入住(结账离店)
Registration card/form 入住登记卡/表 例句:I would like to check in. Would you please fill in this registration card.

3 有关询问有无预定 Do you have a reservation? Have you made a reservation?
I reserved a single for me/for two days . In whose name and when? May I have your name? Name-list 名单 Waiting list 候客单 Group visa 团队签证 Visa 维萨

4 有关入住登记表 Nationality 国籍Occupation 职业 Next stop ,next destination下一站
Room type 房型 room rate 房价 Signature 签名 Remarks 备注 Departing time 离店时间 Arriving time 抵店时间 The way of payment 付款方式 By prior arrangement优先安排 Specimen signature 印签 Clerk’s initials 员工字母代码 Check:Have a check 仔细核对

5 确认离开细节 Departure n.离店 Depart v 离开
We depart the hotel after checking out. reconfirm 再确认v. (动词原形Confirm) Confirmation n. Make a confirmation 确认 Confirmation letter 确认函 May I reconfirm your departure time?

6 完成入住手续 Standard rooms 标准间 Check out time 离店时间 Breakfast coupons 早餐券
例句:You stayed four days. Is that right? Have you used any other hotel service since this morning? Front Desk 前台 Make/settle the payment (pay)付款 Schedule/timetable 日程安排

7 引客入房 Do you have two suitcases? 确认行李的数量 Head for 走向
This way, please. 这边请 After you.您先请 Take/carry the luggage 拿行李 May I have your room card and I will show you the way. 询问行李的放置 Shall I put your suitcases here? Where shall I put your suitcases?

8 关于开通电话 Operator 总机 Extension 分机 Activate 激活/接通
例句:Would you please put through room 620 for me? You ask the operator activate the service first. May I make an international call with the phone of my room?

9 服务生询问其他事 Turn up / turn down Heating/air-conditioner 调高/调低 暖气或空调
Open the curtains /Draw the curtains 打开或关闭窗帘 例句:Is there anything else that I can do for you? Anything else? Anything else can I do for you? Get something done =have something done

10 祝愿客人 Enjoy your stay! Enjoy your stay with us.
Enjoy your stay in our hotel. Have a good time with us. I hope you will have a nice day with us. I hope you had a good time here. I hope you are having a good time here.

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