Choice of Law in Property (物权的法律适用)

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1 Choice of Law in Property (物权的法律适用)
Chapter 8 Choice of Law in Property (物权的法律适用) Section 1 Immovable Property(不动产) Section 2 Movable Property(动产) Section 3 Other Properties(其他财产) 2019/5/5

2 物权,是指权利人依法对特定的物享有直接支配和排他的权利,包括所有权、用益物权和担保物权。(《物权法》第二条)(物权的归属与内容)
所有权:占有 使用 收益 处分 用益物权:占有/使用/收益 [ 使用权 地役权] 担保物权:抵押权 质权(动产质权 权利质权 留置权) 2019/5/5

3 Section 1 Immovable Property
PRC Law on the Law Applicable to Civil Relations Containing Foreign Element Article 36 Interests in immovable property shall be governed by the law of the place where the property is located. lex situs of the property 2019/5/5

4 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第36条: “不动产物权,适用不动产所在地法律。”
【《民法通则》第144条: “不动产的所有权,适用不动产所在地的法律。” 《最高人民法院关于贯彻执行<民法通则>若干问题的意见》第186条: “土地、附着于土地上的建筑物及其他定着物、建筑物的固定附属设备为不动产。不动产的所有权、买卖、租赁、抵押、使用等民事关系,均应适用不动产所在地法律。” 】 2019/5/5

5 Section 2 Movable Property
1. Movable property in general 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》 第37条 当事人可以协议选择动产物权适用的法律。当事人没有选择的,适用法律事实发生时动产所在地法律。 Article 37 Interests in movable property shall be governed by the law chosen by the parties. In the absent of choice, the governing law shall be the law of the place where the property was located at the time when the facts occurred. ——The law chosen by the parties; ——The law of the place where the property was located at the time when the facts occurred. 2019/5/5

6 2. Movable property in transit
《涉外民事关系法律适用法》 第38条 当事人可以协议选择运输中动产物权发生变更适用的法律。当事人没有选择的,适用运输目的地法律。 Article 38 The alteration of interests in movable property in transit shall be governed by the law chosen by the parties. In the absent of choice, the governing law shall be the law of the place of destination. ——The law chosen by the parties; ——The law of the place of destination 2019/5/5

7 —— the law of the flag state (2) mortgage of a ship
3. Vessels PRC Maritime Law Article 270 The law of the flag State of a ship shall apply to the acquisition, transfer and extinction of the ownership of the ship. Article 271 The law of the flag State of a ship shall apply to the mortgage of the ship. The law of the original country of registry of a ship shall apply to the mortgage of the ship if its mortgage is set up before or during its bareboat charter period. Article 272 The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to maritime liens. (1)ownership of a ship —— the law of the flag state (2) mortgage of a ship (3)maritime liens ——the law of the forum 2019/5/5

8 《海商法》第270-272条对船舶物权的法律适用作了特别规定: “船舶所有权的取得、转让和消灭,适用船旗国法律。 船舶抵押权适用船旗国法律。
船舶在光船租赁以前或者光船租赁期间,设立船舶抵押权的,适用原船舶登记国的法律。 船舶优先权,适用受理案件的法院所在地法律。” 2019/5/5

9 何谓船舶优先权? 第二十一条 船舶优先权,是指海事请求人依照本法第二十二条的规定,向船舶所有人、光船承租人、船舶经营人提出海事请求,对产生该海事请求的船舶具有优先受偿的权利。 第二十二条 下列各项海事请求具有船舶优先权: (一)船长、船员和在船上工作的其他在编人员根据劳动法律、行政法规或者劳动合同所产生的工资、其他劳动报酬、船员遣返费用和社会保险费用的给付请求; (二)在船舶营运中发生的人身伤亡的赔偿请求; (三)船舶吨税、引航费、港务费和其他港口规费的缴付请求; (四)海难救助的救助款项的给付请求; (五)船舶在营运中因侵权行为产生的财产赔偿请求。 载运2000吨以上的散装货油的船舶,持有有效的证书,证明已经进行油污损害民事责任保险或者具有相应的财务保证的,对其造成的油污损害的赔偿请求,不属于前款第(五)项规定的范围。 第二十三条 本法第二十二条第一款所列各项海事请求,依照顺序受偿。但是,第(四)项海事请求,后于第(一)项至第(三)项发生的,应当先于第(一)项至第(三)项受偿。 本法第二十二条第一款第(一)、(二)、(三)、(五)项中有两个以上海事请求的,不分先后,同时受偿;不足受偿的,按照比例受偿。第(四)项中有两个以上海事请求的,后发生的先受偿。 2019/5/5

10 4. Aircrafts PRC Civil Aviation Law
Article 185 The law of the State in which the nationality of a civil aircraft is registered shall apply to the acquisition, transfer and extinction of the ownership of the civil aircraft. Article 186 The law of the State in which the nationality of a civil aircraft is registered shall apply to the mortgage of the civil aircraft. Article 187 The law of the place where the court hearing the case is located shall apply to civil aircraft liens. (1) Ownership of a civil aircraft ——the law of nationality of the civil aircraft (2)Mortgage of a civil aircraft —— the law of the nationality of the civil aircraft (3)civil aircraft liens —— the law of the forum 2019/5/5

11 《民用航空法》第185-187条对民用航空器物权的法律适用做了特别规定:
“民用航空器所有权的取得、转让和消灭,适用民用航空器国籍登记国法律。    民用航空器抵押权适用民用航空器国 籍登记国法律。    民用航空器优先权适用受理案件的法 院所在地法律。” 2019/5/5

12 第十九条 下列各项债权具有民用航空器优先权: (一)援救该民用航空器的报酬; (二)保管维护该民用航空器的必需费用。
何谓民用航空器优先权?  《民用航空法》 第十八条 民用航空器优先权,是指债权人依照本法第十九条规定,向民用航空器所有人、承租人提出赔偿请求,对产生该赔偿请求的民用航空器具有优先受偿的权利。    第十九条 下列各项债权具有民用航空器优先权:    (一)援救该民用航空器的报酬;    (二)保管维护该民用航空器的必需费用。    前款规定的各项债权,后发生的先受偿。 2019/5/5

13 Section 3 Other Properties 1. Securities( 有价证券)
《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第39条 有价证券,适用有价证券权利实现地法律或者其他与该有价证券有最密切联系的法律。 Article 39 Securities shall be governed by the law of the place where the interest in securities is realized or the law with which the securities are most closely connected. —— the law of the place where the interest in securities is realized; or —— the law with which the securities are most closely connected. Question? 2019/5/5

14 —— the law of the place where the pledge is created
2. Pledge of Rights 《涉外民事关系法律适用法》 第40条 权利质权,适用质权设立地法律。 Article 40 The pledge of rights shall be governed by the law of the place where the pledge is created. —— the law of the place where the pledge is created 2019/5/5

15 3. Intellectual Property Right (知识产权)
《涉外民事关系法律适用法》第48条 知识产权的归属和内容,适用被请求保护地法律。 Article 48 The ownership and contents of intellectual property right shall be governed by the law of the place where protection is sought. ——the law of the place where the protection is sought. 2019/5/5

16 案例分析 中国公民张原与丈夫蔡侨居马来西亚。解放初期,张偕子女回中国厦门定居。1958年,张用丈夫蔡寄回的侨汇购买了厦门市住房一套,房主登记为张。此后,其子女先后出国或在香港定居。1987年,张申请去香港定居获准。因在厦门无亲人,欲在出境前将房屋 卖掉。经人介绍,张在未取得丈夫同意的 情况下,与原告于1989年4月签订了房屋 购买合同,将该房以15000 元的价格出卖给原告。签约 2019/5/5

17 的房屋。双方协商不成,原告起诉至法院, 要求确认房屋买卖有效。 请问:本案该如何处理?
后,张收取了大部分房款,并将部分房屋交原告居住。同年10月,双方前往房管部门办理产权过户手续。因张未能提供其夫同意出卖的证明,房管部门未给其办理产权过户手续。此后,张因身体原因未去香港定居,其夫蔡得知其卖房之事,从国外来信指责,并通过律师到房管部门要求不办理产权过户手续。在此情况下,张向原告表示要求取消买卖合同,各自返还已收取的房款和占住 的房屋。双方协商不成,原告起诉至法院, 要求确认房屋买卖有效。 请问:本案该如何处理? 2019/5/5

18 Swiss PIL Art. 99 II. Applicable law 1. Real property
(1) Interests in real property shall be subject to the law of the place where the property is located. (2 )Claims arising from nuisances emanating from real property shall be governed by the provisions of this Code concerning torts (Art. 138). 2019/5/5

19 Art. 100 2. Movable property a. General rule
(1) The acquisition and loss of an interest in movable property shall be governed by the law of the place where the property was located at the time when the facts occurred from which the acquisition or the loss derive. (2) The extent and the exercise of interests in movable property shall be governed by the law of the place where the property is located. 2019/5/5

20 Art. 101 b. Property in transit
The acquisition and the loss of interests in movable property in transit based on a legal transaction shall be governed by the law of the State of destination. 2019/5/5

21 c. Property arriving in Switzerland
Art. 102 c. Property arriving in Switzerland 1 If an item of movable property is transported to Switzerland from abroad and if an interest in such property had not already been acquired or lost abroad, the facts occurring abroad shall be deemed to have occurred in Switzerland. 2 If an item of movable property arrives in Switzerland over which a retention of title was validly established abroad which does not satisfy the requirements of Swiss law, that retention shall nevertheless remain valid for three months. 3 Such retention of title shall not be applied against a bona fide third party. 2019/5/5

22 d. Retention of title to property being exported
Art. 103 d. Retention of title to property being exported Retention of title to an item of movable property intended for export shall be governed by the law of the State of destination. 2019/5/5

23 e. Choice of law by the parties
1 The parties may submit the acquisition and loss of an interest in movable property to the law of the State of shipment or the State of destination or to the law applicable to the underlying legal transaction. 2 The choice of law shall not be applied against a third party. 2019/5/5

24 a. Pledge of claims, securities, and other rights
Art. 105 3. Special rules a. Pledge of claims, securities, and other rights 1 The pledge of claims, securities, and other rights shall be governed by the law chosen by the parties. The choice of law shall not be applied against a third party. 2 In the absence of a choice of law, the pledge of claims and securities shall be governed by the law of the State of the habitual residence of the secured creditor; the pledge of other rights shall be governed by the law applicable to such other rights. 3 Only the law applicable to the pledged right may be applied against the debtor. 2019/5/5

25 Art. 106 b. Title documents 所有权凭证
1 The law designated in a document of title shall determine whether such document represents title to the merchandise. In the absence of such designation, the law of the State of the place of business of the issuer shall govern. 2 If the document represents title to the merchandise, title to the certificate and to the merchandise shall be governed by the law applicable to the title document as an item of movable property. 3 If several parties assert an interest in the merchandise, one directly, the others by virtue of a title document, the law applicable to the merchandise itself shall determine whose right prevails. 2019/5/5

26 Swiss PIL Art. 110 II. Applicable law
1 Intellectual property rights shall be governed by the law of the State in which protection of the intellectual property is sought. 2019/5/5

27 案例分析 (1)某甲在美国建造了一些船舶,经过登记注册,他把它们抵押给自己的债权人某乙,他在船舶国籍证上背书注明该项抵押,并把船舶送到中国出卖。后因背书有碍船舶在中国出卖,甲与乙协商议定,将不再背书签注抵押。随后,一条新船建造出来,甲将它抵押给乙,并送往中国。该船在中国被甲卖给丙。1993年,乙于中国法院诉请该船转让给丙无效。请问此案应适用何国法律?为什么? 2019/5/5

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