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Cultural Awareness MANAGEMENT 任維廉 老師 資財02 組別: 傅盈軒

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Presentation on theme: "Cultural Awareness MANAGEMENT 任維廉 老師 資財02 組別: 傅盈軒"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cultural Awareness MANAGEMENT 任維廉 老師 資財02 組別:3-8 9844030 傅盈軒 9833006
資財 組別:3-8 傅盈軒 陳冠宇

2 文化衝擊下,大家都有心目中的地圖

3 問卷分數統計結果(各大洲平均) http://www. kwintessential. co
問卷分數統計結果(各大洲平均) 手勢:60 送禮禮儀:80

4 結果分析(I) 我們對澳洲、美洲、和亞洲的文化較熟悉。

5 結果分析(II) 我們對歐洲和非洲的文化較為不了解。

6 結果分析(III) 對於送禮禮儀較手勢代表意義方面熟悉。

7 如何解決文化衝突 尊重與包容 理性地面對衝突 學習不同層面 Nothing’s good or bad, just different.
海納百川,有容乃大;壁立千仞,無欲則剛 世界上最寬闊者是海洋,比海洋寬闊的是天空,比天空更寬闊的是人的胸懷 勇於面對與交流

8 心得與感想 對於這次的測驗結果與我們的預期沒有很大的落差。相較於他組的報告都是較實務理論性質,我們這組顯得較為生活化、較不局限於課本,讓我們思考範圍更寬廣。雖然當今社會不停強調地球村的概念,然而當面臨到了不同的文化時,我們仍然受到了文化衝擊。 目前我們所吸收接觸的全球文化仍屬於片面,尚未全盤化,從我們所做的問卷顯示我們對於較少接觸的文化吸收有限,因此無法降低我們與熟悉文化的相對落差;而對於較常接觸的文化,也已逐漸吸收而成了我們的自身文化。 對於未來的展望,不但希望能落實地球村的概念,也期望民族間的包容與認知有更大的成長。讓地方全球化與全球地方化相輔相成。

9 附錄: 問卷中較有趣的題目和與傳統想法有所出入的問題
附錄: 問卷中較有趣的題目和與傳統想法有所出入的問題

10 1. Gifts within the business context are seen as bribes in China
1. Gifts within the business context are seen as bribes in China? True 2. It is acceptable to answer phone calls in meetings in China. True!!! 3. What colour would you suggest wrapping a gift in for a client in India?  Green 4. Why would you not give a Brazilian a knife for a gift? Cutting off of a relationship 5. In Belguim(比利時)when should gifts be given to a host?  Before the meal

11 6. Gifts are opened in front of the giver in Indonesia. True 7
6. Gifts are opened in front of the giver in Indonesia. True 7. Canadians typically find it difficult to say “no” 8. In Japan, during a period of silence in a meeting you should Stay silent too 9.In Korea, when receiving a gift it is good etiquette to... Accept it with the left hand while shaking hands with the right 10. What is the Mexican attitude towards punctuality? punctuality

12 11. In Mexico, Placing your hands on your hips indicates
11. In Mexico, Placing your hands on your hips indicates? you are are making a challenge 12.In Australia, “Tea” would be served between which times? 6pm and 8pm 13. The pace of business meeting in Egypt is much faster than in the West True 14. What is the working week in Egypt? Sunday to Thursday 15. Which of these qualities will be most beneficial when negotiating with Italians? Patience

13 THE END 

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