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2 美國亞利桑納州Eurofresh農場的晨曦

3 EuroFresh Farm 1990年創立於美國賓州
創辦人 Johan van den Berg 與 Wil van Heyningen, 為荷蘭溫室業者第三代 基於想在冬天也能生產蕃茄的想法,於1992年 選定 Willcox, Arizona 的現址做為基地。選拔條件包括日照,海拔,天候與水源等因素 1998年開始生產串收蕃茄 1999年底已成為全美可全年供應蕃茄的主要栽培業者

4 第一基地Wilcox, Arizona 781英畝(316甲)農地 未來 目前 221英畝(89 甲)溫室
第二基地 Snowflake, Arizona 還有186 英畝農地,含 44 英畝溫室 未來 目前 221英畝(89 甲)溫室

5 超過164英畝(74.5甲)的蕃茄園

6 溫室彌補大自然之不足:在此指的是溫室可保溫,允許冬天也能生產蕃茄

7 風扇帶動水冷的空氣

8 溫室安裝了許多風扇

9 加熱系統確保植物溫暖與舒適

10 透明被覆資材與晴朗的天空有利於蕃茄的全年生長

11 各溫室彼此相連

12 供應足夠的養分給蕃茄植株

13 蕃茄園內有超過6百萬株蕃茄

14 許多溫和的照顧有助於蕃茄的生長

15 蕃茄可長到5, 10 甚至20英呎(1.5, 3, 6 m)高

16 蕃茄在一個不噴灑農藥的場合內生長,採用生物防治法

17 準備採收的蕃茄

18 手摘的蕃茄排隊準備檢驗

19 工人手工包裝

20 每顆蕃茄都在檢驗後貼上標籤

21 每顆蕃茄都接受檢驗

22 出貨區準備進入貨櫃運給買者

23 展示中的Eurofresh蕃茄

24 進入買場記得挑EuroFresh的蕃茄區

25 多元的產品:串收蕃茄

26 多元的產品:Campari 蕃茄

27 多元的產品:牛肉蕃茄

28 多元的產品:橘色與黃色蕃茄

29 多元的產品:羅馬蕃茄

30 多元的產品:無子黃瓜

31 Video Box Machine Destacker Dripper Multi colored 四捲影片 公司網頁

32 U of Arizona教授 訪問該公司主管的訪談紀錄1
Gene: Where are your markets? You grow an awful lot of tomatoes. How many tomatoes do you grow here in a given year or what number can you tell us? Damian: Well last year we grew 82 million pounds of tomatoes company-wide which equates to about 250 thousand pounds a day produced. Gene: A quarter of million pounds per day of tomatoes. Who eats all these tomatoes and where do they go? Damian: Our marketing is stretched all across America from east coast to west coast, north to south. We have several distribution centers located around the United States and several large customers, WalMart, Costco, those kinds of markets.

33 U of Arizona教授 訪問該公司主管的訪談紀錄2
Gene: Damian, this seems to be a huge facility, a real high technology tomato plant factory. How large is it and how did you grow to be this large? Damian: Currently EuroFresh is 165 acres, growing by 40 acres in the next couple months so it will be roughly over 200 acres of production area. We started out very small when the company started in They came with a ten-acre plot. Then they got that ten-acre plot producing and then expanded ten acres. Expanded that 20 acres and that completed Site One. Then we came into Site Two, completed 20 acres, got it producing, went to Site Three and so on and so forth. The reason to do that is so that we can pay off some of our debts and not keep as much overhead.

34 訪談紀錄彙整可得產能數據 英制 公制 8200萬磅/年 25萬磅/日 37000 噸/年 113 噸/日 165英畝 66.67甲
上年度年產能 8200萬磅/年 25萬磅/日 37000 噸/年 113 噸/日 上年度栽培面積 165英畝 66.67甲 單位面積年產能 55.5 kg/m2/年 訪視全文

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