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Presentation on theme: "Revolver."— Presentation transcript:

1 Revolver


3 原始森林的开发与保护 ——这便是我们组的研究课题,原始森林的开发与保护。去做关于这方面的调查主要是因为在我的家乡泸州市古蔺县就有一处原始森林。为了当地的经济发展政府在大概8年前开始了对这个原始森林的开发,但是,对于政府的选择性开发是否能够不让森林走向退化这个问题,我们仍有疑问。于是我们展开了这次研究性学习。 但有一件事要给大家解释一下,本来计划里的实地考察这一项,由于寒假含有春节这样的大节日,原始森林并未对外开放,所以实地考察遗憾地没能完成。

4 森林↓ 工业活动↑ 人口↑ 我们将这张图片抽象理解为我们地球上原有的森林资源总量。
原始森林在过去的几千年一直未受人类工业活动的干扰,但是近两百年左右,也就是大概从第一次工业革命之后,图中所示的齿轮,代表了人口、工业活动,森林资源的关系的齿轮,开始了不停的旋转。 就这短短两百年间,地球上几乎一半的森林资源已经消失,另外的30%也因为破坏而严重退化,丧失了支持动植物和原住民生存在此的能力。世界上仅剩20%的原始森林保持原状,仍然栖息着包含大量濒危物种在内的地球上三分之二的陆地动植物物种。 面对这样严峻的现状,倘若这些齿轮还不断地旋转下去,那么恐怕这样的现状也终将破碎、毁灭。

5 为了更直观的了解,下面我将给大家展示一副世界的森林资源分布图。

6 THE END Thanks 谢谢大家。 Made by Dandelion




10 This song became famous to a great many people when issued in westlife’s album turnaround in And most of them thought that it was the original song by westlife. But practically this song was the first signature song(成名曲) by the band Mr.Big in Mr.Big was set up in Chicago in As one of a large number of Heavy Metal bands which sprang up(涌现) in 1980s, Mr.Big did has a special style that they added the style of Blues into traditional Heavy Metal. Maybe that’s why this song got widespread. MADE BY DDL OF EASTLIFE

11 This song is definitely the most excellent tender one of Mr
This song is definitely the most excellent tender one of Mr.Big’s and overflows with a relaxing atmosphere enjoying music.And the lead singer Eric Martin’s soulful and elegant performance filled this song with moving prayer deep within his heart. Compared to Mr.Big’s version, Westlife’s cover version seems more fluent and popular and it’s the widely circulated(广为流传的) version. MADE BY DDL OF EASTLIFE


13 Even though someone quickly goes, and someone stays for a while I’m just the one who wants

14 Why be alone when we can be together, baby 宝贝,既然可以在一起,何必独自忍受孤独    You can make my life worthwhile 你可以让我的生命更赋意义    And I can make you start to smile 我可以让你重拾动人的微笑 When it's through, it's through 既然已成为故事,就随它去吧    Fate will twist the both of you 命运将会开启新的篇章    So come on, baby. Come on over 宝贝,请靠近我    Let me be the one to show you 让我告诉你 I'm the one who wants to be with you 我就是那个想和你在一起的人    Deep inside I hope you feel it too 深深期待你也感觉到    Waited on a line of greens and blues 路途漫漫 我已等候许久    Just to be the next to be with you (就让我成为)下一个一直陪伴你的人 Hold on, little girl 等等,女孩    Show me what he‘s done to you 告诉我,他对你做了什么    Stand up, little girl 坚强点,女孩    A broken heart can’t be that bad 心碎并没想象的那么糟    When it's through, it's through 既然已成为故事,就随它去吧    Fate will twist the both of you 命运将会开启新的篇章    So come on, baby. Come on over 宝贝,请靠近我    Let me be the one to show you 让我告诉你 Build up your confidence 重拾你的心情    So you can be on top for once 度过命运的难关    Wake up whom cares about 找出那些真正懂你的人    Little boys that talk too much 任由他们说吧(little boy此处指不懂得正真关心你的人)   I see it all go down 我看着一切平息下来    Your game of love was all rained out 你的爱情游戏已经不堪    So come on, baby. Come on over 请过来,宝贝!请靠近我    Let me be the one to hold you 让我紧紧地拥抱你   I'm the one who wants to be with you 我就是那个想和你在一起的人    Deep inside I hope you feel it too 深深期待你也感觉到    Waited on a line of greens and blues 路途漫漫 我已等候许久    Just to be the next to be with you (就让我成为)下一个一直陪伴你的人 I'm the one who wants to be with you 我就是那个想和你在一起的人    Deep inside I hope you feel it too 深深期待你也感觉到    Waited on a line of greens and blues 路途漫漫 我已等候许久    Just to be the next to be with you (就让我成为)下一个一直陪伴你的人

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