當直接問句 遇上 間接問句 當直接問句 遇上 間接問句。。。 口訣:疑…主…動… 教師:王靜慧.

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Presentation on theme: "當直接問句 遇上 間接問句 當直接問句 遇上 間接問句。。。 口訣:疑…主…動… 教師:王靜慧."— Presentation transcript:

1 當直接問句 遇上 間接問句 當直接問句 遇上 間接問句。。。 口訣:疑…主…動… 教師:王靜慧

2 Tell me which princess you want.

3 一.直接問句 (一)WH問句 (二)Yes-No問句

4 (一)WH問句 When did you get here?
How will you go out? ※Which princess do you like? ※What happened? ※Who ate the banana? Who are you? What is your name? How old are you? Where are you from? What can you do? Why are you here?

5 (二)Yes-No問句 Are you a super monkey? Do you have a girlfriend?
Will you marry me? Are you carrying the magic stick with you? Did you bring money with you?

6 二.間接問句 (一)WH問句 (二)Yes-No問句 口訣:疑、主、動

7 間接問句:(一)WH問句 口訣:疑、主、動 1.Tell me / Who are you Tell me who you are.
2. I want to know / What is your name I want to know what your name is.

8 間接問句:(一)WH問句 3. She doesn’t know / How old are you
問號不問號由主要子句決定 3. She doesn’t know / How old are you She doesn’t know how old you are. 4. Can you tell me / Where are you from Can you tell me where you are from ?

9 間接問句:(一)WH問句 5. Show me / What can you do Show me what you can do.
有意義的助動詞保留; 沒有意義的助動詞省略. 5. Show me / What can you do Show me what you can do. 6.I’d like to know / When did you get here I’d like to know when you got here.

10 間接問句:(一)WH問句 7. Answer me / How will you go out
Answer me how you will go out . 8.Tell him / Which princess do you like Tell him which princess you like.

11 間接問句:(一)WH問句 Who / what當主詞 9.Can you tell me / what happened
10.Tell them / who ate the bananas Tell them who ate the bananas.

12 間接問句:(一)WH問句 11.I don’t know what I should do.
前後主詞(受詞)一致: 疑問詞 + to 原v. 11.I don’t know what I should do. I don’t know what to do. 12.Can you tell me how I can do it. Can you tell me how to do it?

13 間接問句:(二)Yes-No問句 1.Tell the king / Are you a super monkey
用 whether 1.Tell the king / Are you a super monkey Tell the king whether you are a super monkey (or not). 2. I want to know / Do you have a girlfriend I want to know whether you have a girlfriend (or not).

14 間接問句:(二)Yes-No問句 3. Can you tell me / Will you marry me
也可以用if 3. Can you tell me / Will you marry me Can you tell me if you will marry me (or not)? 4. I’d like to know / Did you bring money I’d like to know if you brought money (or not).

15 間接問句:(二)Yes-No問句 I don’t know whether I’ll leave or not.
whether… or not 名詞片語 I don’t know whether I’ll leave or not. I don’t know whether to leave or not.

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