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Particle Systems 粒子系统 李博杰 PB10000603.

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1 Particle Systems 粒子系统 李博杰 PB

2 Particle systems—a technique for modeling a class of fuzzy objects (SIGGRAPH 1983)

3 粒子的参数 初始位置 初始速度的大小和方向 初始大小 初始颜色 初始透明度 形状 生存期

4 粒子的产生 如何决定产生新粒子的速度? 第一种方法:使新粒子产生速度有一定随机性
Nparts = MeanParts + Rand() * VarParts 第二种方法:考虑到屏幕大小的影响 Nparts = (MeanParts + Rand() * VarParts) * ScreenArea

5 April 1983

6 粒子形状

7 粒子形状 Spherical generation produces area effects such as smoke and explosions. Point generation facilitates effects that are attached to specific points on objects, such as vehicle thrust and muzzle flash. Line generation commonly produces effects attached to characters or melee weapons, such as glowing swords. Circular generation enables effects that surround objects, such as energy fields

8 粒子系统分类

9 粒子系统分类 The generic particle system models effects such as fire, smoke, and explosions. The plane system warps and stretches individual particles for flashes, lens flares, and other effects. The beam system simulates beam, laser, or electricity effects. The rotator system models effects based on orbital rotation common in explosions, energy, and magic. The trail system is similar to the generic system; however, each particle drops a trail of smaller particles.

10 人工神经网络

11 几种粒子系统的控制参数 Generic: input: current position (x,y,z), distance from center (dc) output: velocity (x,y,z), color (R,G,B) Plane system: input: position of each corner (x,z), distance from center (dc) Beam system: input: position of each Bezier control point (x,y,z), distance from center (dc) Rotator system: output: rotation around x,y,z axis, color (R,G,B) Trail system: 定期让部分粒子静止下来并逐渐消失

12 人工神经网络中的节点 从下面的8种函数中随机选择一个

13 随机中的限制 以武器为例,随机运动的粒子(子弹)不能返回来打到 自己

14 粒子系统进化的魅力

15 参考文献 William T. Reeves Particle systems—a technique for modeling a class of fuzzy objects. SIGGRAPH Comput. Graph. 17, 3 (July 1983), DOI= / Hastings, E.J.; Guha, R.K.; Stanley, K.O., "Interactive Evolution of Particle Systems for Computer Graphics and Animation," Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on , vol.13, no.2, pp.418,432, April 2009

16 谢谢!

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