2008 教學觀摩會 教學心得報告 資工系 曹孝櫟.

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1 2008 教學觀摩會 教學心得報告 資工系 曹孝櫟

2 教學理念 理念 理念 理念 理念 理念 教學方法 課前 上課 課後 教學成果 對內 對外

3 教學理念 #1 Teaching, which establishes fundamental principles, is the most important thing to do, especially in research universities

4 Teaching is not a profession; it's a passion
教學理念 #2 Teaching is not a profession; it's a passion “Education is not the filling of a pail but the lighting of a fire.” – William Butler Yeats, lrish poet “Just give them a little more time and they’ll almost always impress you.” - Jon Snoddy with patience

5 We not only teach students, we inspire them
教學理念 #3 We not only teach students, we inspire them

6 教學理念 #4 Theory and practice are both important, especially for applied science and engineering

7 教學理念 #5 Fundamentals are much more important than advances Problems are much more important than answers Framework/structures are much more important than details

8 教學方法 教學前準備 課堂教學 課後實習、輔導與檢討 用作研究的態度設計教材 (example) 設計啟發性的作業與實驗 (example)
練習與準備教材 課堂教學 強調思考、觀念與結構 (example) 善用實例、分享經驗 注意學生上課狀況 作業、實驗原理與課程關係 課後實習、輔導與檢討 教學團隊的建立 作業與實驗的要求 透過資訊論壇瞭解學生狀況 (example) 檢討與改進

9 教學方法 (Cont.) 用作研究的態度設計教材 Bootloader 2005 version 2006 version

10 Self-contained and rich lecture materials make students easy to follow
Lesson learned Self-contained and rich lecture materials make students easy to follow without thinking Asking/describing questions rather than giving answers

11 教學方法 (Cont.) 設計啟發性的作業與實驗 印證理論 從重製、觀察、嘗試、啟發、創新的漸進式實驗 引起興趣

12 Slow is fast, less is more
教學方法 (Cont.) Lesson learned Slow is fast, less is more It’s very difficult to convince students, but it’s very easy to confuse them. Less, frequent, and incremental homework is recommended

13 教學方法 (Cont.) 強調思考、觀念與結構 Ask questions, before describe the questions
Describe the question, before provide concepts behind the solutions Students know the problems and concepts, they easily derive the methods by themselves OS scheduler as an example

14 A good teacher should be at least a skilled speaker
教學方法 (Cont.) Lesson learned A good teacher should be at least a skilled speaker X transceiver From open-loop to close-loop

15 教學方法 (Cont.) 透過資訊論壇瞭解學生狀況

16 教學成果(對內) 近兩年教學反應問卷各項指標皆超過4.0分,總平均4.3分 2007年獲得交通大學優良教學獎
舉辦期末專題發表,達到互相觀摩學習的效果 建立課程資訊論壇(

17 教學成果(對內) 教學反應評量

18 教學成果(對內) 創意期末專題作品發表 — 嵌入式系統設計 (網際網路電話) See video demo

19 教學成果(對內) 創意期末專題作品發表 — 微算機系統實驗

20 教學成果(對內) 創意期末專題作品發表 — 嵌入式系統設計 (遠端無線遙控探索車)

21 教學成果(對外) 自2005年起連續4年爭取獲得教育部『超大型積體電路與系統設計人才培育先導型計畫』補助總金額超過 NTD 7,000,000 爭取『HP Technology for Teaching, 2007 Higher Education Grants』,獲美金8萬元經費與設備捐贈

22 教學成果(對外) 獲頒教育部系統晶片人才培育計畫績優教授
參與或主持6項教育部課程改進計畫,設計教材投影片超過1500頁供其他夥伴學校教授使用 發起2007第一屆亞太地區嵌入式系統教學與研究會議並擔任大會主席,凝聚亞太區嵌入式系統教學及研究能量 針對參與規劃之嵌入式學程以及所設計發展的嵌入式網路系統課程發表2篇國際會議論文,並獲選最佳論文收錄於美國計算機學會嵌入式系統特別興趣小組期刊中 應微軟亞洲研究院邀請至浙江杭州大學以交通大學資訊工程系之作業系統方面之教學經驗與成果進行演講,與會超過百位亞太地區一流大學教授,獲得高度肯定 2007獲教育部補助赴瑞士參加『Embedded Programmable System Design』短期課程訓練

23 From A to A+ From Skilled Teacher, Good Teacher to Great Teacher
Thank you!

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