綠色創意伙伴Green Creative Partner

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1 綠色創意伙伴Green Creative Partner
Go Green教材套 綠色創意伙伴Green Creative Partner

2 Global Resources at Risk
TOPIC 2 Global Resources at Risk Everyday we perform many tasks to protect our environment by recycling, saving water, saving electricity and so on. We do these tasks because we are aware of problems such as climate change or global warming. Address question: What is the difference between climate change and global warming? 全球資源


4 水的重要性 Why water is important to us?
維持生命 We need water to survive 人體約70%由水構成 About 70% of the human body is made up of water 種植和生產食物、製造商品所必需的原料 Essential for growing and producing food, manufacturing products, etc 有清潔、調節溫度等功能 Serves purposes such as cleaning and regulating temperatures n/a

5 水的重要性 Why water is important to us?
我們需要水來維持生命 We need water to survive! 人體70%由水構成 70% of the human body is made up of water. Replace “woman and man” with 水滴仔 and 阿言

6 水的許多用途 Water is needed for many things…
飲食 OUR DIETS 貨品 PRODUCTS WE USE 140 L 生產1杯咖啡 for 1 cup of coffee 2650 L 造一件棉衫 for 1 cotton t-shirt 50% 10% 10980 L 造一條牛仔褲 for a pair of blue jeans 2400 L 生產一個漢堡 to make 1 burger n/a 能源使用 ENERGY USE 家居 HOME 13 L 生產1公升氣油 for 1 litre of petrol 洗滌 Washing 清潔 Cleaning 飲用 Drinking 30% 10% 19 L 為60W燈泡供電1小時 1 hour for a 60-watt light bulb

7 地球的水源 Water Source on Earth
Illustration of earth and pie chart 71% 地球表面約71%被水覆蓋,其中只有2.5% 的水是淡水 About 71% of the Earth‘s surface is water-covered, and only 2.5% of it is fresh.

8 Water 水 地球表面約71%被水覆蓋,而海洋儲存着全球約96.5%的水量
About 71 % of the Earth's surface is water-covered, and the oceans hold about 96.5 % of all Earth's water. 只有2.5% 的水是淡水,其餘是鹹水或海水。其中大部分的淡水封藏於冰川和雪地之中,只有1%可供人類使用 Only 2.5% of it is fresh. The rest is saline and ocean-based. Even then, just 1% of our freshwater is easily accessible, with much of it trapped in glaciers and snowfields. n/a How much water is there on, in, and above the Earth? water.usgs.gov/edu/earthhowmuch.html Clean Water Crisis - Environment - National Geographic environment.nationalgeographic.com/.../freshwater/freshwater-crisis/

9 Shortage of water resource – 50% of water used in US goes towards raising animals for food


11 Why does meat production require so much water?
為甚麼生產肉類會消耗大量水? Why does meat production require so much water? 飲用Drinking 種植飼料作物Growing food for animals Grass, cow 屠宰後處理Post-slaughter processing 清洗Washing

12 食素可節省1611公升水 你知道嗎? Did you know? 肉食者每人每天耗水量 (公升) 素食者每人每天耗水量 (公升)
Comparison of showering one minute less and going green one day saves 1600 L. 肉食者每人每天耗水量 (公升) 素食者每人每天耗水量 (公升) 你知道嗎? Did you know? 縮短一分鐘的沐浴時間只能節省10公升水!! Showering one minute less can only save 10 litres of water!!

13 Reducing each shower by a minute only saves 10L of water.
縮短一分鐘的沐浴時間只能節省10公升水。 Reducing each shower by a minute only saves 10L of water. 素食一天就可節省1600公升水! Go green ONE day saves 1600L of water! Left: 水滴仔 showering Right: picture of eating vegetables

14 食物FOOD Pictures of food needed

15 世上每八個人就有一個沒有足夠食物。

16 Picture of corn being fed to a cow

17 2050年全球人口 需要增加70%食物生產 估計高逹90億 才能為所有人提供食物
By 2050, if we do not change our eating habits/patterns, we will need 70% increase in food. But if 9 billion people alter their eating habits…our planet can still sustain us by 2050. 2050年全球人口 估計高逹90億 需要增加70%食物生產 才能為所有人提供食物 17

18 土地 Land


20 Land

21 會發生甚麼事? What will happen?

22 End of Topic 2 22

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