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Presentation on theme: "創造思考的開發與培養."— Presentation transcript:

1 創造思考的開發與培養

2 自我訓練四步驟 思考 -- 心想事成 充實 -- 事豫則立 實踐 -- 從做中學 檢討 -- 精益求精

3 6 W 檢討法 Why (為什麼, 何故) What (做什麼, 何事) Who (何人) When (何時) Where (何地)

4 社區要栽種榕樹 為什麼要栽榕樹 要栽怎樣的榕樹 栽在什麼地方 何時栽比較好 請誰來栽 要如何栽比較理想

5 Don’t ask “Why”, Think “What”
Why me ? Why does it happen ? Why don’t they communicate ? Why did he not do his job ? Why don’t she take care it ? Why don’t we have good products ? Why don’t we have enough resources ? Why … Think “What” can do … 擊敗 你生命中的裁判 不責怪 爛水手責怪風向 石底餐廳的服務生 雅各 空服員 波妮塔 誰都不怪,甚至包括自己在內!

6 Don’t ask “When”, Think “Now”
When can they learn the lesson ? When does Customer know it ? When can I get the information ? When will he do his job ? When will we have the resources ? When can boss change the attitude ? When can people know the R&R ? When … Think What can do “now” … 現在=“關鍵時刻” 不拖延 拖延是有很多風險的 史黛西的飛行員父親 都是拖延惹的禍

7 Don’t ask “Who”, Think “I”
Who should be responsible for it ? We need to prepared well ! They shall do it as required. You will go to clean it up. It is not my business ! Customer should know the rules. People need to pay for services. Who … Think What can “I” do now … 我現在能做什麼 不抱怨 個人擔當從“我”開始 大賣場的收銀員茱蒂 殘障朋友 布萊恩

8 (Positive Mental Attitude)
相信自己 : PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) Don’t say you don’t have power ! 我只能改變我自己 我不再試圖改變別人 從自身做起吧 言行合一 發揮“個人”力量 Stand up and be a role model !!! 除去“小媳婦”心態 發揮“主人”精神 Yes, I can do it !!

9 輕鬆一下

10 分組競賽






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