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Lesson 2 What’s your name?

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1 Lesson 2 What’s your name?
第二课 你叫什么?

2 What am I learning today?
Name and nationality Sentence patterns 你叫什么? What’s your name? 我叫Mary。 My name is Mary. 你是英国人吗? Are you British? 我是中国人。 I’m Chinese. 他不是中国人。 He is not Chinese. Vocabulary 叫, 什么 , 是, 不, 中 国, 英国 Ji`o sh9nme sh# b& Zhōnggu5 Yīnggu5 法国, 美国, 亚洲, 欧洲, 美洲, 人, 他 Fǎgu5 Měigu5 Y3zhōu 4uzhōu Měizhōu r9n tā Characters:是,中,国,人,不,英, 八, 九

3 Warm up: 我是……人。 中国 Zhōnggu5 英国 Yīnggu5 3

4 New words

5 Ji3o to call to call

6 什么 sh9nme what what

7 sh# to be to be

8 b& not not

9 英国 Yīnggu5 UK, Britain

10 中国 Zhōngguó China

11 法国 Fǎgu5 France

12 美国 Měiguó USA

13 亚洲 Y3zhōu Asia

14 欧洲 ōuzhōu Europe

15 美洲 Měizhōu America America

16 people r9n people

17 he; him he; him

Exercises and games on vocabulary CAN YOU REMEMBER THE NEW VOCABULARY?

19 What’re the characters on board?
法国 美国 中国 什么 欧洲 美洲 英国 亚洲

20 Where is it?

21 What are the following words in Mandarin?
people he; him to call to be what not 21

22 4uzhōu 叫 ji3o to call 法国 F2gu5 France 什么 sh9nme what 美国 Měigu5 USA 是
to be 亚洲 Y3zhōu Asia b& not 欧洲 4uzhōu Europe 中国 Zhōnggu5 China 美洲 Měizhōu America 英国 Yīnggu5 UK, Britain r9n people t` he; him

23 欧洲 美国 英国 人 中国 亚洲 Let’s play Slap the board Game---Slap the Board
Two students stand in front of the board. The teacher or another student speak out the word, the one who slaps the correct word first wins. 中国 亚洲 23 23

24 英国 法国 叫 什么 不 他 中国 Let’s play Slap the board Game---Slap the Board
Two students stand in front of the board. The teacher or another student speak out the word, the one who slaps the correct word first wins. 中国 24 24

25 Let’s play: Against teacher 
法国 美国 中国 什么 欧洲 英国 Game---Against teacher 1. Show a character or a word on the board. 2. The teacher can read the character or word either right or wrong. 3. Students follow to read only if the teacher reads it right. 4. Students will collect a point when they’ve done it right. 5 points to win. 美洲 亚洲

26 Let’s try to write some Chinese characters









35 How many strokes in each character?
Zhōng Centre,middle guó country people Yīng brave rén How many strokes in each character? Stroke number 4 8 2 8 35

36 b& not sh# to be 8 jiǔ 9 Stroke number 4 9 2 2 36

37 I made a sentence with the words above :
英国 中国 什么 I made a sentence with the words above : 我是中国人。 What is your sentence?


39 How to ask questions with 什么(what)?
你叫什么? 我叫李小龙。 你要什么? 我要面包。 Learning tips: The question word 什么 and the answer word are in the same place in Chinese sentence. 要(y3o) : to want

40 X 我 不 是 X 中国人 X 。 X 我 不 叫 X Mary X 。
Where to put 不 ? X 我 不 是 X 中国人 X 。 X 我 不 叫 X Mary X 。 Add 不 into the following sentences. 你是英国人。 他是法国人。 我叫Tom。 Negative statement with 不

41 ? E.g. 小明 Who is this person Tips: You can ask : “ 他叫……吗?” “ 他是……人吗?”
Activity Teachers can choose a student in class and write down his/her name under the red box. Student can ask questions in Chinese which he/she has learnt today. Teacher can only answer “yes” or “no”. Student need to find out the name according to the conversation to win the game. PS: Teacher can also make up some names or nationalities in this game.

42 What have I learnt today?
Name and nationality 句型 你叫什么? 我叫Mary。 我是中国人。 他不是中国人。 你是英国人吗? 词汇 叫, 什么 , 是, 不, 中国, 英国 法国, 美国, 亚洲, 欧洲, 美洲, 人, 他 汉字 是,中,国,人,不,英, 八, 九

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