陳平常點傳師 示導 By Tao Transmitting Master Chen Ping-Chang

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1 陳平常點傳師 示導 By Tao Transmitting Master Chen Ping-Chang
認識一貫道 Getting to Know I-Kuan Tao 陳平常點傳師 示導 By Tao Transmitting Master Chen Ping-Chang

2 前言Foreword 道本無名 Tao originally has no name. → 落入名相,即非真實義
It loses the true meanings once name and descriptions are involved. 慕道者常興發的疑問 Tao Seekers’ Common Questions → 明理起修,循名實應於心 Begin by first understanding the reasoning. despite following the name of Tao, it really is just the application of it within our hearts. 普令有緣有愿者,能有適切了解的進路方便 To suit all with affinity and vows, to be able to conveniently comprehend at the start.

3 從宗教認識一貫道 Understanding I-Kuan Tao from a Religious Point-of-View
教是聲教 Religion is to educate with audio-visual means 不同於道教 Different to Taoism

4 從緣由認識一貫道 Understanding I-Kuan Tao by Tracing its Origin
有緣由即非本來 If there is a traceable origin, then it means its not the original form of Tao. 不是人為創造的宗教 The Tao is not a man-made phenomenon shaped into a religion. 歷代祖師代代相傳 There is a Holy Decree of authentic transmission of the Essence of the Tao, passed down by generational Patriarchs.

5 從名相認識一貫道 Understanding I-Kuan Tao from its Name
“一”的真義 The true meaning of One → 超越二法的對待 Above the opposing notion of Two. → 絕對依循的真理 Ultimate universal path. → 宇宙萬有的起始 The beginning of the universe and all matter.

6 從名相認識一貫道 Understanding I-Kuan Tao from its Name
“貫”的義涵 Kuan, Continuous → 貫通:打開人情的疏離 和諧真誠的對待  Continuous Link: Break apart the barriers between human hearts, treating each other sincerely and genuinely. → 貫徹: 通透生命的實踐  Connecting Thoroughly: Completely realising the meaning of Life

7 從名相認識一貫道 Understanding I-Kuan Tao from its Name
“道”的真義 The true meaning of Tao 道本一貫 → 人妄加分別 Tao is all interconnected within the One  Humans ignorantly differentiates it so. 生化萬物 → 一切的主宰 Birth and nurture for all forms of matter  The Lord of all things. 人人可走的路 A Path everyone can take. → 吾欲仁,斯人至。Confucius: “I want to be kind, and thus I become a man.” 靈性返鄉之路 → 心靈的故鄉 The path for our spirit to return Home  The birthplace of our heart and soul.

8 結論 Conclusion 見月忘指,身心靈一貫
When pointing at where the Moon is with our fingers, we don’t treat the tip of the finger as where the moon is. Hence, when describing the Tao, the Body, Thoughts and Spirit are all within our own “One-ness”

9 敬祝 Wishing all 聖凡如意Enjoyable Holy & Worldly matters
福慧雙修 Gains in fortune and wisdom 身體健康 Great Health 吉祥如意 Peace and Comfort

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