Birthday Party II Objectives

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1 Birthday Party II Objectives
Name the 12 animals in order and tell which year they were born. (我屬…) Describe a person (長得不高,… 長得很像…,又高又帥, 又聰明又漂亮…) Respond appropriately when receive a gift(你太客氣了,我一直想要…) Express the duration of the time (來多久了? 練習多長時間?) Make assumption (我以為…, 她還沒有.)

2 5 – 1 “我屬…”

3 12 Zodiac Signs

4 12 Zodiac Signs I. Name the 12 animals in order. II. Ask and answer questions about each other’s zodiac sign: 你屬什麼? 我屬…

5 5-2 How do you say it in Chinese?
鼻子 嘴巴 眼睛 耳朵 頭髮

6 Body parts – Listening click on the pinyin for the answer Read the Chinese word and select the picture says the color 3 4 1 I. Zuĭ ba 2 VI. shŏu II. Yăn jīng VII. jiăo 2 4 3 1 VIII. Zuĭ ba III. ĕr duō 4 1 2 3 IV. Bí zi 1 2 3 4 IX. shŏu V. Tóu fă X. Yăn jīng 1 2 3 4

7 I. 嘴巴 VI. 腳 II. 眼睛 VII. 耳朵 VIII. 眼睛 III. 耳朵 IV. 鼻子 IX. 手 V. 頭髮 X. 嘴巴
Body parts – Reading click on the Chinese word for the answer Read the Chinese word and select the picture that matches 3 4 1 I. 嘴巴 2 VI. 腳 II. 眼睛 VII. 耳朵 2 4 3 1 VIII. 眼睛 III. 耳朵 4 1 2 3 IV. 鼻子 1 2 3 4 IX. 手 V. 頭髮 X. 嘴巴 1 2 3 4

8 Connection Check Sound with Symbol
tóu cōng gōng shŭ bān zhăng shŭ zhōng gŏu jīng yăn xiàng liăn zuĭ dìng diàn gā𝑜 mĕi yuán zhù măi zhí kuài zuì lún gēn tāng gāo hăi

9 Birthday Party II Vocabulary-Listen and translate
Listening exercise Birthday Party II Vocabulary-Listen and translate 鐘頭: 鼻子: 小時: 嘴: 以為: 好像: 聰明: 長大: 用功: 一定: 暑期班: 蛋糕: 長得: 最高: 可愛: 每天: 去年: 笑: 狗: 圓圓的: 屬狗: 祝你快樂: 臉: 一直想買: 眼睛:

10 Birthday Party II Vocabulary-Say it in Chinese
Speaking exercise Birthday Party II Vocabulary-Say it in Chinese Hour: Nose: Mouth: To assume: To be alike: Smart: Grow up: Diligent: Definitely: Summer class: Cake: To appear: Most/-est: Cute: Everyday: Last year: Laugh: To belong to: Round: Dog: Wish you: Face: Constantly/straight: Eye:

11 Read and translate Read and translate the word in each box.
Reading Listening 1 2 3 4 5 進來 送給 鐘頭 以為 聰明 用功 暑期 圓圓 可愛 眼睛 鼻子 嘴(巴) 一定 長長 蛋糕 最高 客氣 多久

12 Speaking Exercise Read the word in each box and say it in Chinese
1 聰明 2 3 4 5 How long Tallest Hour Assume Smart 多久 最高 鐘頭 以為 Diligent Summer term Class Appear/grow Cute 長得 用功 暑期 可愛 Zodiac sign/belong to Dog Face Mouth Round 嘴巴 Eyes Nose Resembles Grow up Definitely 眼睛 鼻子 一定 Cake Come in Hurry Courteous Constantly 蛋糕 進來 客氣 一直

13 Vocabulary 聽力練習 鐘頭:我們的中文課是一個半鐘頭. 每天:我每天聽中文錄音 以為:我以為她是老師 聰明:她以為她很聰明
用功:用功的學生是好學生 暑期班:我們暑期班有中文和電腦 課 長得: 她長得很像成龍和李小龍 可愛:這個小女孩很可愛 去年:我去年暑期去中國上課 屬:我屬豬,我的妹妹屬鼠 狗:我屬狗,老師也屬狗 臉:馬的臉很長,猴子的臉也很長 像:我像爸爸,姐姐像媽媽 長大:我長大以後要做很多事 一定:明天一定要給老師你的功課 一直:我一直想換手機 最:弟弟最可愛,因為他最愛笑.

14 5-2 Describe a person 長得… 高 矮 胖 瘦 長 短 大 小 圓 方 Opposite word
Wkbk p. 86 D Opposite word How to describe a person: 的眼睛, 的嘴, 的鼻子, 的臉,… 長得很 長得不 也不 長得很像… I. Describe your classmate II. Describe anyone you know and have the class to guess. 大大 小小 高高 圓圓 可愛 黑黑的頭髮 又…又 Guessing Game:

15 Birthday Party II Translate the following into Chinese Give a description of a baby
Today is the birthday of my F. O. cousin’s son. His is just one year old. His zodiac sign is dog. He has big eyes, round face, tall nose, medium size ears, little mouth, and long black hair. He appears very alike his mom. He loves to eat cake the most. He is smart and cute. We thought he was a girl because he is very pretty. After he grows up, must be very handsome. 今天是我表姐的兒子的生日 他剛一歲 他屬夠 他有大大的眼睛 圓圓的臉 高高的鼻子 不大不小的耳朵 小小的嘴 和長長的黑頭髮 他長得很像他的媽媽 他最愛吃蛋糕 他又聰明又可愛 我們以為 他是女生 因為他很漂亮 他長大以後一定很帥

16 How & So/such 多… & 這麼/那麼 HOW… 多 寫功課寫多久? …多久? …多高? …用功? …聰明? …可愛? …貴?
Txbk p. 124 H (3) How & So/such 多… & 這麼/那麼 Wkbk p. 85 C (3/B) HOW… 多 寫功課寫多久? …多久? …多高? …用功? …聰明? …可愛? …貴? …便宜? …遠? …近? …難?

17 5-4 Time Duration-I 多久 & 多長時間
Txbk p. 124 H (3) 5-4 Time Duration-I 多久 & 多長時間 Wkbk p. 85 C (3/B) Q1: 多久 Q2:Replace多久with 多長時間 Reply to the questions 你來美國來了多久? 你住在上海住了多久? 你寫功課寫了多久? 你學中文學了多久? 昨天下雪下了多久? 你開車開了多久? 你坐車坐了多久? 你吃飯吃了多久? 你上課上了多久? 你打電腦打了多久?

18 5-4 & 5-5 Time Duration-II “什麼時候到的?” & “…以為…”
I. Reply to the question什麼時候到的? 剛到什麼時候到的? 已經到…了. …還沒有到. 一起到/來的. II. Add in front of each mentioned sentence 他剛到 他已經到三個半鐘頭了 老師和校長還沒有到 老師跟校長是一起到的 以為 以為 以為 以為

19 Birthday Party II How to say it in Chinese in the following situation See next page for answers
Wish someone a “Happy Birthday”. Tell someone “this is a birthday gift for you”. Thank people for bringing you so many gifts. You think to buy this pair of red shoes all the time. Ask people how long he/she practices ice skating everyday? Ask people when they arrived? Ask someone didn’t your friend come with you? Reply, “I just arrived, but my friend is not arrived yet.” You thought Helen has arrived already. Introduce your cousin and her son to your friend. Tell someone you love to eat the cake the most. Ask someone where did she learn it? Indicate, “I learned it from the summer class/school”. Wait for Tom to come to sing the Happy Birthday song.

20 Birthday Party II Read & translate
祝你生日快樂 這是送給你的生日禮物 謝謝你送給我這麼多禮物 我一直想買這雙紅色鞋子. 你每天練習滑冰多長時間? 你們什麼時候到的? 你的朋友沒有跟你一起來嗎? 我剛到, 可是我的朋友還沒有到. 我以為海倫已經到了. 這是我的表姐和她的兒子. 我最喜歡吃蛋糕. 你在哪兒學的? 我在暑期班學的. 等湯姆來唱生日快樂歌.

21 Birthday Party II Read & translate
祝你生日快樂 你的 禮物 送給 這是 生日 這麼 我 禮物 多 送給 謝謝你 這雙 紅色 鞋子 我 買 想 一直. 時間 你 滑冰 多長 練習 每天? 到的 什麼 你們 時候? 一起來 跟你 沒有 你的朋友 嗎? 還沒有 我剛到, 我的朋友 可是 到. 到了 海倫 以為 我 已經. 和 兒子 我的表姐 她的 這是. 喜歡 蛋糕 我 吃 最. 在 你 學 哪兒 的? 暑期 我 學 的 在 班. 快樂 唱 歌 湯姆 來 等 生日.

22 Listen and write Birthday Party II – Vocabulary Write in Chinese:
1) Hour: 14)Every day: 2)Smart: 15)Love to laugh: 3)All the time: 16)Grow up: 4)Cute: 17)Definitely: 5)To assume: 18)Diligent: 6)Summer class: 19)To be like: 7)Zodiac Dog: 20)Appear: 8)Eye: 21)Last year: 9)Mouth: 22)How long: 10)Nose: 23)Two hours: 11)Face: 24)Just arrive: 12)Cake: 25)Round: 13)Tallest

23 Test – Birthday Party II
Translate the following into Chinese: Hour: Mouth: To assume: To grow up: Smart: Definitely: Diligent: Cake: Summer class: The tallest: Cute: Every day: Dog: Face: Smile: Eyes? To belong to: Nose: How long: Wish you a Happy Birthday. This is the birthday gift for you. I always want to buy this book. You bring so many gifts. How long you practice English everyday?

24 Test – Birthday Party II
Translate the following into Chinese: When did you arrive? I thought she has already arrived. She is smart and diligent. This child appears very cute. Miss Lee looks alike her elder sister.

25 Birthday Party II Write a dialogue including following details.
You met a friend who you haven’t seen for a long time in your birthday party. She/he was surprised with how well you could speak Chinese. She asked how long and in where you learned Chinese. And, how long you practice Chinese everyday? You learned in high school and also in the summer class for 1 ½ years. You sometimes practice 2.5 hours a day, and sometimes you don’t practice at all. She said you speak very well because you are very smart and diligent. Conclude the conversation with a humble response and thanks him for bringing you so many gifts.

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