專業倫理 (Professional Ethics) 2008 FALL SEMESTER (N3)

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Presentation on theme: "專業倫理 (Professional Ethics) 2008 FALL SEMESTER (N3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 專業倫理 (Professional Ethics) 2008 FALL SEMESTER (N3)
INSTRUCTOR: GUOO-SHYNG WANG (王果行) TIME: Wed.: 8:10 am -10:00 am (Rm. NF 158) DATE TOPIC INSTRUCTOR 分組,志工工作分配 Introduction 王果行老師 Professional Ethics (Theory, application etc.) 王果行老師 Professional Ethics (Theory, application etc.) 王果行老師 Fundamental Ethics 潘小慧老師 Fundamental Ethics 潘小慧老師 Nutrition and Food Sciences Ethics 陳雪娥老師 Nutrition and Food Sciences Ethics 王果行老師 Nutrition and Food Sciences Ethics 曾明淑老師 Nutrition and Food Sciences Ethics 曾明淑老師

2 11-19 Research ethics 駱菲莉老師
Mid-term Exam 王果行老師 Two student presentations 王果行老師 Two student presentations 王果行老師 Two student presentations 王果行老師 Two student presentations 王果行老師 Two student presentations 王果行老師 Two student presentations 王果行老師

3 (Opinions, 300-500 words per class) 3. Volunteer works: 10%
Evaluation: 1. Presentation: % Report: % 2. Notes % (Opinions, words per class) 3. Volunteer works: 10% 4. Mid-term Exam. 20% 衛生署網站︰ 輔大全人教育課程中心: /ethics

4 Presentation: (1) Twelve groups of approximately 5-6 students per group. (2) Select an ethical case, from newspaper, text book, personal experience, etc. (3) At least one week before, make appointment and review the case with the instructor. (4) Presentation: MAXIMUM 35 MINUTES (a) Present to the class – video, skit, etc. 8 minutes (b) Analysis 15 minutes

5 *What is the ethical problem?
*Who are the main persons involved? Stakeholders? *Are there legal issues? Professional codes? *Ethical motivation – Kohlberg’s six stages. *What does your religious or philosophical tradition have to say? Basis for ethical decision. *What would you do? (c) Class discussion 8 minutes (d) Conclusion 2 minutes

6 (5) Within two weeks of presentation, submit written report
One report per student (a) Statement of the case. (b) Ethical analysis, 1-3 pages typewritten. *What is the ethical problem? *Who are the main persons involved? Stakeholders? *Legal issues? Professional codes? (c) What do the traditions have to say? 1-2 pages. *What values are involved? *What does your religious tradition have to say? *What is the basis for your ethical behavior? (d) What should be done, reasons. 1-2 pages. *Student opinions. *Your opinions (possibly different). *Total: 4 – 8 pages.

7 *Andersen’s seven stages – Case analysis
基本倫理學 結果論 目的論 義務論 羅斯義務論 德性論 原則主義。。。。。。。 * Kohlberg’s six (seven) stages - motivation *Andersen’s seven stages – Case analysis

8 駱菲莉老師 Research ethics 科學中的價值觀 發表與公開 榮譽分配 論文屬名 科學中的錯誤與疏忽。。。。。 案例 (怎樣當一位科學家 輔大理工學院倫理小組,1999 )

9 陳雪娥老師 & 曾明淑老師 Nutrition and Food Sciences 將來的職場中共事與服務的對象,身分與想法? 將來的職業是否有可能與傳統之倫理觀念與宗教理念相悖? 食品營養行業中有哪些相關的專業法令? 案例討論

10 教學目標 1. 導引專業倫理方面的認知,提昇責任感與道德感。 2. 喚起對倫理情境的想像,提高對倫理情境的敏感度。
3. 協助發現專業倫理問題,培養分析判斷情境與抉擇的技巧。 4. 培養實踐專業倫理及解讀倫理兩難困境的能力。 5. 結合傳統倫理精神與現代倫理的規範,研討未來倫理發展的新方向。

11 分組,選小組長 筆記本 上本校專業倫理網站: 請寫出本校有哪幾位教師在專業倫理這門課有設網站? 4. 10/29 前繳個案報告題目

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