ABC 2013 課碼(Workshop): G- 301 教室(Room #): 西 W5 講員(Speaker): 林信良

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Presentation on theme: "ABC 2013 課碼(Workshop): G- 301 教室(Room #): 西 W5 講員(Speaker): 林信良"— Presentation transcript:

1 ABC 2013 課碼(Workshop): G- 301 教室(Room #): 西 W5 講員(Speaker): 林信良
北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention 課碼(Workshop): G- 301 教室(Room #): 西 W5 講員(Speaker): 林信良 授課語言: Mandarin 題目(Topic): 從移民教會談英語事工 專題簡介: 英語事工在華人教會中常陷於衝突,無力感和不滿足。 這專題希望以移民教會為出發點和終結,嘗試對這現象做反思,整理與建議。

2 English Ministry in Chinese Immigrant Church
ABC 2013 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention English Ministry in Chinese Immigrant Church

3 ABC 2013 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Blinds and the Elephant

4 ABC 2013 Blinds and the Elephant Vision-impaired and
北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Blinds and the Elephant Vision-impaired and the Running elephant?

5 ABC 2013 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Identity Self Church

6 ABC 2013 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Begin with An End

7 ABC 2013 Begin with An End questions: Where are you now?
北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Begin with An End questions: Where are you now? Where are you heading to? How do you want English congregants looks like? Where do you expect them to be?

8 ABC 2013 Begin with An End questions:
北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Begin with An End questions: How your church will looks like in 5 years, 10 years, 20 years? What people groups will be your targets to evangelize? In 5, 10, 20 years?

9 ABC 2013 When English congregants move from …… 北美華人基督徒教育大會 High school
Access Bible Convention When English congregants move from …… High school College Graduate school Married Have children

10 ABC 2013 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Current state Mandarin/Taiwanese/Cantonese congregation is dominant in: Leadership, Financial decisions, Facility utilization,

11 ABC 2013 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Current status Mandarin/Taiwanese/Cantonese congregation is dominant in: Pastoral ministry Language of communication

12 ABC 2013 Nurturing and shaping of English pastor 北美華人基督徒教育大會
Access Bible Convention Nurturing and shaping of English pastor

13 ABC 2013 The big blur and the fuzziness
北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention The big blur and the fuzziness What are the expectations of them? What are their expectations to church? What is their ministry philosophy? Is it in line with church ministry philosophy? What level of pay they want?

14 ABC 2013 Nurturing and shaping of English pastor
北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Nurturing and shaping of English pastor The relationship with Senior Pastor (and with key lay leaders)

15 ABC 2013 Adopt them like your sons or daughters ! 北美華人基督徒教育大會
Access Bible Convention Adopt them like your sons or daughters !

16 ABC 2013 Nurturing and shaping of English Lay Leaders 北美華人基督徒教育大會
Access Bible Convention Nurturing and shaping of English Lay Leaders

17 ABC 2013 English Lay leaders, Have they been recognized?
The relationship with Senior Pastor (and key lay leaders) Adopt them like your son or daughter The relationship with Senior Pastor (and key lay leaders) Adopt them like your son or daughter ABC 2013 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention English Lay leaders, Have they been recognized? Have they been trained and equipped for ministry? Have they been empowered?

18 ABC 2013 Independent or Interdependent Church within a church
北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Independent or Interdependent Church within a church Church side by side of a church Church outside of a church

19 ABC 2013 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention Church planting What model is most suitable or plausible for your church? Consider In-house (or On-Campus) church plant

20 ABC 2013 我兒啊,你要在基督耶穌的恩典上剛強起來。
北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention 我兒啊,你要在基督耶穌的恩典上剛強起來。 你在許多見證人面前聽見我所教訓的,也要交託那忠心能教導別人的人。 (提後 2: 1-2) You then, my child, be strengthened by the grace that is in Christ Jesus, and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men who will be able to teach others also. 2 Timothy 2:1-2

21 ABC 2013 北美華人基督徒教育大會 Access Bible Convention

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