Resources Planning for Applied Research

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1 Resources Planning for Applied Research

2 作者介紹 Leonard Bickman Ph.D. (City University of New York, 1969)
Quantitative Methods Associate Dean for Research, Peabody College

3 Outline 1. Resources 2. Data as a Resource 3. Time as a Resource
4. Personnel 5. Financial Resources 6. Monitoring Project Implementation

4 1. Resources Difference between applied and basic research Data Time
Personnel Money

5 2. Data as a Resource Most important resource
問題導向:Specified by the research question Most important resource Can be obtained primarily in two ways Primary data collection Secondary data analysis

6 Primary Data Collection
Three major issues (1) Site selection (2) Authorization (3) Data collection process

7 Primary Data Collection
(1) Site Selection Visibility and openness, e.g., university, faculty salaries Front stage and backstage (2) Authorization Confidentiality is a significant issue Experienced organizations have standard procedures, SOP Permission, central approval not guarantees everything Any agreement should be in writing

8 Primary Data Collection
(3) Data Collection Process Participants Logistics: Accessibility, Other support, 客運,租車, 借車……

9 Secondary Data Analysis
Lower costs and time savings Flawed and inappropriate data Direct examination of a representative sample of records should be conducted Provide an indication of the content and quality of the records

10 3. Time as a Resource Calendar and clock time Consideration of time
Actual or real time needed to accomplish some task Consideration of time Relationship to the phenomenon that is being studied Time budget, a research project Decide what categories will be used Estimate how long it will take to complete each task, Deadline, 逾期罰錢:樂觀,悲觀,最可能時間

11 時間 ․Task and Time 在時間的分配上,研究者不僅僅只是作一個報告,還要跟

12 Gantt chart (PERT, Project 2000, 先行關係, 容易低估時間)

13 4. Personnel Skill matrix, 專長,互補 Person-loading table, 上限

14 5. Financial Resources The biggest part of any research budget: Research staff, 人事成本通常佔總預算最大部份 (DL) 50%, 月薪,時薪,批次 健保部分負擔給付,保險 其他直接成本 (DM) 差旅費, 電話費, 郵資(問卷、回函、催函), 影印費, 生活津貼 (伙食、住宿), 電腦時間 間接或經常性成本 (FO) 空間、設備及維修費用 (以直接成本 50 % 計) 管理費

15 5. Financial Resources Research staff, other cost items, 報價
May be faced with a total cost that is not reasonable for the project, 價格標,累死學生? Eliminate or reduce the scope of some tasks, 修正題目 or 縮小範圍 Use less expensive staff Look for more efficient methods

16 6. Monitoring Project Implementation
Be kept on schedule At least monthly accounting of the expenses The purpose of the planning is to anticipate difficulties Budget: Planning, Conducting, Communicating, 計畫感不上變化

17 Thanks for your attention!

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