Love Divine, All Loves Excelling All thy faithful mercies crown!

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Presentation on theme: "Love Divine, All Loves Excelling All thy faithful mercies crown!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Love Divine, All Loves Excelling All thy faithful mercies crown!
[1/8] Love Divine, All Loves Excelling 超過尋常恩萬般 All thy faithful mercies crown!

2 Enter every trembling heart.
[2/8] 進入我等渴慕心 Enter every trembling heart.

3 Let us find that second rest.
[3/8] 但願人人得承繼 Let us find that second rest.

4 Set our hearts at liberty.
[4/8] 自由釋放我心衷 Set our hearts at liberty.

5 Never more Thy temples leave.
[5/8] 居我心中永不離 Never more Thy temples leave.

6 Glory in Thy perfect love.
[6/8] 完全愛裡永歡欣 Glory in Thy perfect love.

7 Perfectly restored in Thee;
[7/8] 得以復享主恩慈 Perfectly restored in Thee;

8 Lost in wonder, love, and praise.
[8/8] 忘形愛頌驚奇中 Lost in wonder, love, and praise.

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