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Caffeine:Harmless Helper Or Energy-Boosting Enemy?

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Presentation on theme: "Caffeine:Harmless Helper Or Energy-Boosting Enemy?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Caffeine:Harmless Helper Or Energy-Boosting Enemy?

2 Summary Caffeine has many positive effects, such as staying awake, losing weight, boosting memory and so on, but also harmful, such as causing high blood pressure and difficulty falling asleep, so taking the right amount is the best. 咖啡因有許多正面效果,例如保持清醒、減重、增強記憶 力等、但是也有害,例如造成高血壓、難以入睡等,所以適 量取用才是最好的。

3 Words/Phrases I Learmed
1.apply A to B 在此表示「把A塗抹在B上」 The doctor told me to apply this cream to my hands twice a day 醫生叫我把這種乳霜塗在手上,每天塗兩次。 2.not A but B 表示「不是A而是B」,A和B詞性要相同 Don't run but walk--- it's for your own safety. 不要用跑的而要用走的---這是為了你自己的安全著想。 3.find 在此指「發現、找到」常用fine+O.+O.C. 表示 You can find the rules posted on the sign. 你會發現規則貼在那個告示上。 ..


5 Video

6 Question What is the positive and negative effects of caffeine? Give each one 咖啡因有什麼正負面效果?各舉一個 How many doses of caffeine do adults feel anxious? 成人攝取多少劑量的咖啡因會感到焦慮? 3. When is it best to have a cup of coffee? 什麼時候來一杯咖啡最好

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