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Modal verbs 表示说话人的语气 没有人称和数的变化 basic modal verbs 基本情态动词 Unit 1

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1 Modal verbs 表示说话人的语气 没有人称和数的变化 basic modal verbs 基本情态动词 Unit 1
can could may might must shall should will would Unit 2 ought to need dare

2 Can ability permission Can _____you speak English ?
Learn Modal Verbal 学一学 Can _____you speak English ? Man _________live without air. cannot ability Can 指有能力做某事,意为”能够” permission 表示请求,允许 Can I smoke here ? Perhaps we can go out for a walk.

3 can / could 与 be able to 的区别
表示请求更加委婉 He could swim when he was 5. Could you lend me some money ? 考点 can / could 与 be able to 的区别 be able to 表示”某事已做成功” The fire spread fast, but everyone in the hotel was able to get out.

4 cannot help + 动名词 忍不住做某事 cannot too “无论怎么样..也不为过,越…越好
On hearing the story , I cannot help laughing . You cannot be too careful with them. cannot help + 动名词 忍不住做某事 cannot too “无论怎么样..也不为过,越…越好

5 It is usually warm in my hometown in March but it __ be rather cold sometimes. (2008福建)
A. must B. can C. should D. would 2. You ___ be hungry already---you had lunch only two hours ago! (2008浙江) A. wouldn’t B. can’t C. mustn’t D. needn’t 3. My MP4 player isn’t in my bag. Where ____ I have put it? (2007福建) A. can B. must C. should D. would Have a try

6 may 和 might May I smoke here? Can I smoke here ? May 表示可能性,用于推测,暗指不确定
用may I …征询对方许可,在文体上比较正式. 但在日常口语中,特别在现代口语中,用can I ..征询对方意见更为常见. May I smoke here? Can I smoke here ? May 表示可能性,用于推测,暗指不确定 He may know Tom’s address. He may be waiting for you at the station. They may have got lost.

7 考点 当句中出现” I am afraid, I am not sure” 等表示不确定 含义的时候,常选用may 和might .
I may go, but I am not quite sure. I am afraid he might not come to attend the meeting today. 从语气上判断,may 所表示的可能性比might 大一点, 而might 表示较多的怀疑. He may be very busy now. (可能性较大). He might be very busy now. (可能性教小).

8 Test yourself 测一测 Are you coming to Jeff’s Party ? I’m not sure. I ____go to the concert instead. A. must B. would C. should D. might I thought you __like something to read, so I have brought you some books. A. may B. might C. would D. must

9 Will 和would will would 表示意愿,愿望,决心 I will never do that again.
I will do all I can to help you. 表示过去反复发生的动作, 或表示谦恭的请求. would During the vacation, he would visit me every week. Would you please tell me the way to Wenzhou Overseas Chinese Hotel ?

10 “Write to me when you get there. “ _____”.
Do exercises. 练一练 “Write to me when you get there. “ _____”. I must B. I should C. I will D. I can When he was there, he ____go to that coffee shop after work. would B. should C. had better D. might

11 Shall 和should Shall I dance with you ? Shall he start at once?
You shall fail if you don’t work hard. (警告)  He shall be punished. (威胁) 用于法律,条约,规章,等文件中,无论主语人称如何 一律用shall Each student shall arrive at classroom before 7:05 in the morning.

12 考点 should 表示劝告,建议,起同义词是ought to 表示义务,指应该做,且有道义上的责任.
    表示期待,用于表达合理的推断或明显的结果 You should go to class right away. It is 3 o’clock, the football game should begin soon. I should help him because he is in trouble. 考点 Should 表示惊讶,忧虑,惋惜, 意思“竟然,竟会”常用在 I’m surprised, it’s a pity, you cannot imagine 等结构中. It is a pity you should be so careless. I am surprised she should have done such a thing.

13 must表示推测 Must 和 have to 考点 We mustn’t ____________________in class.
I must study hard, because _________________. I have to study hard, because _______________. We mustn’t ____________________in class. We mustn’t ____________________in dormitory. 考点 must表示推测

14 ________________________
must用在肯定句中表示较有把握的推测,意为“一定”。 2) must表对现在的状态或现在正发生的事情的推测时,   must 后面通常接系动词be 的原形或行为动词的进行式。 他现在肯定呆在那里。 ________________________ He must be staying there. 3) must 表示对已发生的事情的推测时,must 要接完成式。 I didn't hear the phone. I _______________________ (我刚才没有听到电话,我想必是睡着了。) must have been asleep

15 Test yourself 测一测 I mustn’t B. I can’t C. I needn’t D. I won’t
Coco, you _____play with the knife, you ____hurt yourself. won’t; can’t B. mustn’t ; may C. shouldn’t ; must D. can’t ; shouldn’t ---Will you stay for lunch ? ---Sorry , _____. My brother is coming to see me . I mustn’t B. I can’t C. I needn’t D. I won’t

16 A. might B. will C. must D. can
--Excuse me. Is this the right way to Wenzhou Middle School? --Sorry. I am not sure. But it _____be. A. might B. will C. must D. can Look, it _____be Coco. No, it _____be him. He has gone abroad. may, mustn’t B. must, may not C. must, can’t D. can, may not

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