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知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包

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1 知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包
感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语


3 Writing Skills (文采飞扬) Skill I: “Show, don’t tell.” What is it?
Show, don’t tell is a technique used in various kinds of texts to allow the reader to experience the story through action, words, thoughts, senses, and feelings rather than through the author’s exposition(说明) and summarization (概括). Why should we learn it? The Show, Don't Tell method of writing is when the writer is able to create a picture in the reader's mind. The writer gets away from the repetition of empty words like went, big, or sad and instead uses rich descriptions which makes the reader feel as if s/he were part of the story.

4 When you display a certain kind of emotion, think about how this emotion affects your body language?
What would your face be doing? What would your mouth be doing? What would your eyes be doing? What would your feet be doing? What would your hands be doing? What would your heart be doing?

5 Writing Skills (文采飞扬) Skill I: “Show, don’t tell.”
How to show sadness: words 语言 “Nothing will ever be the same again,” Ally whispered. … her own tears were still frozen inside her heart. She sank slowly into her father’s favorite chair … Ally curled herself up in the worn leather chair and … But her mother must know bird-watching wouldn’t be the same this year. How could it be? Ally wondered. If only I could get that good feeling back, she thought, sighing. feelings心里感受:what would your heart do action 动作 thoughts 心理活动 + action 动作

6 Writing Skills (文采飞扬) Skill I: “Show, don’t tell.”
How to show excitement: facial expression 脸部表情 Ally smiled, remembering the excited look on his face when he first showed her the pretty bird. “I can’t believe someone spotted this little guy way up here in New Jersey,” he’d said, his eyes sparkling. An excited feeling bubbled up inside of Ally as she searched the sky. “I knew it!” she exclaimed, leaping to her feet. words 语言+ what would your eyes do眼神 feelings:what would your heart do words 语言 + action 动作

7 Writing Skills (文采飞扬) Skill II: Figures of Speech (修辞格) Simile(明喻) She found her mother in the backyard weeding the flower bed, where dozens of pretty yellow daffodils (水仙花) stood straight like guardians lining the woods.

8 Writing Skills (文采飞扬) Skill II: Figures of Speech (修辞格)
Personification(拟人) Some things never change, Ally thought as the familiar smells of fresh earth and mushrooms rose up to greet her. Beyond the stream, she noticed the jack-in-the-pulpits (深红天南星) were already poking their heads toward the sunlight filtering down through the branches. She took photos of two robins (知更鸟) having a tug of war over a worm.

9 Writing Skills (文采飞扬) Skill II: Figures of Speech (修辞格)
Onomatopoeia(拟声): She could almost hear her father’s laughter in the gentle breeze as she listened for the sweet-sweet-sweet song of the special bird. She counted the tap-tap-taps of a woodpecker (啄木鸟) drilling a hole in a nearby tree. She took photos of two robins (知更鸟). Sweet-sweet-sweet, she heard once more as a flash of fiery (炽烈的) orange swooped down and perched on a nearby branch.

10 知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包
感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语

11 Writing Skills (文采飞扬) Skill III: The Use of Adverbs
She sank slowly into her father’s favorite chair … When she reached the stream, she stopped and took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. And I won’t stop searching until I spot it, she promised herself, settling comfortably on the rock. Ally blinked back tears. “Thanks, Dad,” she whispered, slowly lifting her camera and taking careful aim. to emphasize her sadness to show that she gradually relaxed to show that she didn’t want to scare the bird away

12 Writing Skills (文采飞扬) Skill III: The Use of Adverbs to show happiness
5) Dad was sitting in the middle of a stream, soaking wet but grinning proudly as … 6) She was smiling brightly, but her eyes had that worried look. 7) Time passed pleasantly as Ally waited. to show happiness

13 Section III Tony had a little dog when he was a kid. They grew up together, went everywhere together and were best friends. However, as the dog grew older, he got seriously ill. Tony had no choice but to practice euthanasia(安乐死)to him. Write a short paragraph of about 80 words to describe how Tony felt and what he did after the dog died.

14 Possible version Tony sank slowly into his favorite chair and thumbed through the album containing dozens of Buddy’s photos. All sweet memories came crowding in. Buddy would lick its feet and wag its tail when he came back from school; Buddy would run loose around him cheerfully when he was taking a walk in the nearby park; Buddy would lie at his feet noiselessly when he was reading… Tony felt seized by a burst of sadness, his heart aching and tears streaming down his cheeks. “I’m sorry, Buddy. How I wish you were still with me!” Tony murmured to himself.

15 The End 右键点击结束放映

16 作者介绍 王璐老师,中学高级教师,曾获“杭州市教坛新秀”荣誉称号,现为“富阳区学科带头人”。2011年以来积极参与高中英语选修课程和校本课程的开发与研究,主要成果包括听说课程《英语影视戏剧表演》;文化系列课程《中外节日觅趣》、《中国传统文化之旅》;读写系列课程《恋恋美文》、《酷文解码》、《英语原版读写乐园》,均被评为杭州市普通高中精品选修课程,其中《英语影视戏剧表演》和《酷文解码》还被评为浙江省普通高中精品选修课程。

17 知识产权声明 扫码关注 回复:hello sun 获取课件制作、录课等实用工具包
感恩遇见,相互成就,本课件资料仅供您个人参考、教学使用,严禁自行在网络传播,违者依知识产权法追究法律责任。 更多教学资源请关注 订阅号:溯恩英语

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