The Title of the Paper in Bold Letters

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1 The Title of the Paper in Bold Letters
第30届中国过程控制会议(CPCC 2019) 云南.昆明 CPCC 2019 The Title of the Paper in Bold Letters Names of the Authors, in bold letters Author's Affiliation, Italics, pay attention to upper and lower cases 1. Introduction This is the template for preparation of posters for IEEE conferences. Please use this document as a sample of the conference poster. The authors of poster papers must produce your poster PPT file using this template and submit it with the final paper PDF file. The conference will print the hard copies of all the received poster PPT files in a unified style. The PowerPoint template to prepare your conference poster PPT files is available for download at the conference website. 3. Samples of Figures and Tables Please follow the samples to prepare your Figures and Tables, The number of Figures and Tables should be no more than five in a poster. Fig. X. Title of figure, central justified 2. The guidelines for poster preparation Do not change the font sizes , leave one clear line between sections. The number of figures and tables should be no more than five in total. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the poster. Sponsor and financial support acknowledgments are placed in the unnumbered footnote. The corresponding author's contact would be placed on the bottom of the poster. Table 1. Heading of the Table left justified. Do not use vertical lines within the table, use horizontal lines only to separate headings from table entries Xxxx Xxxx Xxx Xxxx Xxxxxx _________________________________________________________________ X X X X X XX X XX XXX XX X XX XXX X X XXX XXX XXXX XX X X X X XX XXX XX XXX XXXXX Others 1 Do not change the font sizes in the template, leave one clear line between sections. The number of figures and tables should be no more than five in total. Footnotes should appear at the bottom of the poster. Sponsor and financial support acknowledgments are placed in the unnumbered footnote. The corresponding author's contact would be placed on the bottom of the poster. Others 2 本海报中英文字体统一采用“华文宋体”,通常的windows系统均自带该字体。 本海报大小尺寸为59.4cm*84.1cm,即标准的A1大小 根据文章结构合理安排Poster内容,力求简练,清楚,最好分条目撰写,避免大段落文字论述。 请严格控制Poster版面内容(共一页),不足的地方请留白,切勿将引导文字留在版面内。 基金支持和作者信息请置于Poster底部。 请严格按照上述模版格式排版,poster中所附的图和表的总数限制在5幅以内。由于文字较多,无法按规定格式完成的,可做适当调整。 海报请自行打印,多谢配合 文章 ID: 联系方式: 基金支持及作者信息:

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