Terminology for Fire Properties of Cables 电缆耐火性能术语

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1 Terminology for Fire Properties of Cables 电缆耐火性能术语
Helkama Bica Shanghai 赫科玛电缆(上海)有限公司

2 Contents 目录 Terminology for Fire Properties 耐火性能术语 Flame-retardant 滞燃
Halogen-free 无卤 Smoke emission 烟雾散发 Fire-resistant 阻燃 Regulations 规则 Conclusion 总结

3 Flame-retardant Cables 滞燃电缆
Do not spread fire 不会使火蔓延 Are self-extinguishing 自动灭火 Withstand the tests specified in standards 通过标准中规定的测试 IEC (the test for single insulated wire or cable) IEC (针对单根绝缘导线和电缆的测试) IEC (the test for bunched wires and cables) IEC (针对成束导线和电缆的测试)

4 Standard series IEC 60332-1-x IEC 60332-1-x 标准
The test for single insulated wire or cable 针对单根绝缘导线和电缆的测试 The requirement for passing the test is that minimum 50 mm of the cable, measured from the upper support, must remain unburned after the specified time 在规定的时间内进行燃烧后,从右图中电缆上端的支架开始向下,必须至少有50mm长度的电缆没有被烧到。

5 Standard series IEC 60332-3-xx IEC 60332-3-xx 标准
The test for bunched wires and cables 针对成束导线和电缆的测试 The test has three categories A, B and C (A=7 l/m, B=3,5 l/m, C=1,5 l/m) 根据可燃材料总量和燃烧时间的不同界定,分为ABC三类 ( A. 7升/米, B. 3.5升/米, C. 1.5升/米 ) The requirement for passing the test is that after the burner has been removed the cables must extinguish themselves 通过测试的要求是,当火源被移走后,电缆上的火焰应自动熄灭。 Additionally, burning may not occur more than 2,5 m from the burner 此外,燃烧范围应如图所示在距火源2.5米之内

6 About Flame-retardant Cables 阻燃电缆
PVC is a common material used in flame-retardant cables. 聚氯乙烯是阻燃电缆常用的一种材料 Popularity of PVC is based on its lower price compared to the other alternatives. 与其它材料相比,聚氯乙烯价格较低,因此受到广泛使用 Flame-retardant refers to the properties of cable design. 阻燃电缆指的是电缆设计出的性能 Even if using the same material, one cable structure might fulfill the standard, another not. 即使使用同样的材料,有的电缆因其结构设计而能够达到标准要求,而其他的电缆却不能。

7 Halogen-free 无卤 Terms used: 使用的术语 Halogen free, HF 无卤,HF
Zero halogen, ZH tai 0H 零卤,ZH tai OH Halogen-free refers only to absence of halogens, such as chlorine and fluorine. 无卤指的是不含有氯和氟等卤素的成分

8 Halogen-free, Technical Specification 无卤,技术规格
Halogen-free is determined on the basis of halogen content and the acidity of gases of a cable. 无卤是根据电缆中的卤素含量和气体酸度来定义的。 Standard IEC determines the halogen content of the material. To meet the requirement as halogen-free the halogen content of the material may not exceed 0,5% or 5 mg/g. IEC 用来规定材料中的卤素含量。 Standard IEC determines the degree of acidity of gases evolved during combustion. The limit values are 4,3 for pH and 10S for conductivity. IEC 用来规定燃烧时产生气体的酸性程度。限定值为酸碱度4.3,电导率10S 。

9 Halogen-free, Practical Matters 无卤,案例
For example, PVC is emitting chlorine, Cl, during fire. 例如,聚氯乙烯燃烧释放出氯 Chlorine in contact with water or moisture, H2O, is resulting acid, HCl. 氯与水或水汽反应产生酸——盐酸 Hydrochloric acid HCl is harmfull for human beings in direct contact or when healing the fumes! 与盐酸直接接触或吸入其产生的气体对人体有害 Additionally, HCl is resulting corrosion of materials 此外,盐酸还会腐蚀材料 HCl

10 Halogen-free, Practical Matters Examples of Corrosion after Fire 无卤,案例
AEG factory, 7 kg PVC burnt, damage of DM 50 million assessed. AEG工厂,7公斤聚氯乙烯燃烧造成了价值5000万德国马克设备的损失 Hamburg-Altona Railway Station, fire April 1980, DM fire damage finally assessed at DM 5,5 million as result of corrosive fumes from plastics. 1980年4月,德国汉堡Altona火车站着火,大火造成23万德国马克的损失,而塑料燃烧发散的腐蚀性气体造成的损失经估算达到5500万德国马克 Source: ”Development of a non-corrosive wire insulation in Noryl. Text of presentation made on The Netherlands PTT at Bergen op zoom on 25 June 1982” by General Electric Plastics B.V.

11 Smoke Emission 烟雾散发 Low smoke emission is essential when considering escaping and fire-fighting during fire. 当着火后逃跑或灭火时,低烟雾散发非常重要 In practice, one should see the exit in order to survive. 实际上,一个人只有看到出口后才能逃离并生存下来 Smoke includes toxic gases for human beings. 烟雾含有对人体有害的有毒气体 Additionally, smoke results dirty. 此外,烟雾会把周围弄脏

12 Smoke Emission 烟雾散发 Smoke emission refers to visibility in fire.
27m³ cube smoke chamber 27M3 立方体熏烟室 Smoke emission refers to visibility in fire. 烟雾散发指的是着火时的能见度 Standard IEC test method IEC 测试方法 Standard IEC test requirements IEC 测试要求 When testing smoke emission of the cable according to above mentioned standards, the light transmittance must be min. 60% 根据以上标准进行测试时,要求最低达到60%的透光率 3 m

13 Smoke Emission, Practical Matters 烟雾散发,案例
Polyolefins PE and PP and special compounds based on them are solutions for low-smoke emission. 采用聚乙烯、聚丙烯等聚烯烃以及一些特殊的聚合物是实现低烟雾散发的方法 PVC and rubber compounds result a lot of black smoke when burning. 当燃烧时,聚氯乙烯和橡胶复合物会产生黑烟

14 Fire-resistant 阻燃 Fire-resistance cable maintains its functionality in fire. 阻燃电缆在火源中能够保持其工作性能 To be classified as fire-resistant according to the standard IEC , the cable must operate for a minimum of minutes while the burner is directed towards the cable as shown below, temperature 750 C. 电缆要归类为阻燃型,必须要通过IEC 标准中规定的测试。在如下图所示将火源对准电缆进行燃烧的情况下,电缆至少须工作90分钟。

15 Fire-resistant, Practical Matters 阻燃电缆,案例
Fire-resistant cable is the ”highest grade” of cables. 阻燃电缆是最高级别的电缆 Fire-resistant refers to the properties of cable design. 阻燃电缆是指电缆设计出的性能 Mineral tape around the conductor is often used as a final barrier to short-cut between conductors during fire. 燃烧时,包裹在导体上的矿物带经常被用作防止短路的最后一道屏障 High-frequency transmission requires extreme symmetry of copper cable structure. Fire-resistant CAT cables might fullfill the short-cut requirement during fire. However, the structure of the cable changes when burning which might affect the data transmission properties. Well-structured fire-resistant optical fibre cable is a good solution for data transmision in these extreme conditions. 高频率的传输要求含铜电缆的结构非常对称,CAT阻燃电缆能满足燃烧时发生短路后的一些需求。然而,燃烧时电缆的结构会发生改变,这就可能影响数据传输的性能。而拥有良好结构的阻燃光纤电缆能够在恶劣的环境下传输数据。

16 Fire-resistant, Example of Real Life 阻燃电缆,真实案例
Automatic dry extinguishing system of the conveyor belt in a Finnish paper mill did not function during fire. The alarm signal was missing, because the fire had burned the control cable. 芬兰一家造纸厂着火时,传送带上的自动干粉灭火器没有运作。原因是控制电缆在大火中燃烧,导致报警信号不能发出。 Fire-resistant cable would have maintained its properties during fire. 而阻燃电缆就可以在大火中保持其工作性能。

17 Regulations 法规 Official regulations concerning the usage of cables with different fire properties are ”under development”. 关于在不同火源下电缆使用的法规正在制定中 The decision-maker taking responsibility does not only fulfill the regulations. He or she takes care of environment and surrounding society. 肩负责任的决策者不仅仅要满足法规的要求,还要关心环境和周边的社会。 The responsible decision-maker chooses the ”right cable” to its place. It is important to be sure that the cable is fulfilling its required performance specification. 有责任感的决策者选择正确的电缆。重要的是:要确定电缆满足要求的性能和规格。

18 Conclusion 结论 The fire properties flame-retardant, halogen-free, low-smoke emission, and fire-resistant are all separate features. 滞燃,无卤,低烟雾散发,阻燃都是独立的耐火性能 Each one of these properties must be defined separately. 每一个特性都必须独立定义 Cable structure and materials used affect these properties. 电缆结构和所使用的材料都会影响这些特性 For example, cables made of PVC are usually flame-retardant, but they are not halogen-free and do not fulfill the low-smoke requirement. Vice versa, cables made of PE are usually halogen-free and low-smoke type, but they are not typically flame-retardant. 例如,使用聚氯乙烯材料的电缆通常都是滞燃的,但不是无卤的,也不满足低烟雾散发的要求。相反,聚乙烯材料的电缆通常是无卤和低烟雾散发的,但不是滞燃电缆。 All the good fire properties flame-retardant, halogen-free, low-smoke emission, and fire-resistant can be also achieved at the same time. 滞燃,无卤,低烟雾散发,和阻燃这些条件能够同时被满足。

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