成為一個健康的教會 Becoming a healthy church

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1 成為一個健康的教會 Becoming a healthy church
胡忠倫 Allen Hu

2 今日計畫Plan for Today →9:10-9:20 歡迎與介紹 Welcome →9:20-9:50 成為一個健康的教會Becoming a healthy Church →10:00-11:20 門徒訓練與外展的經歷Discipleship Training & outreach →11:30-12:30分組討論 X 6 Group Discussion SWOT, June to Dec. Goal, adjustment, Need and Pray Together (Send the meeting note to pastor) →12:30-1:30 午餐Lunch, 1:30 Q&A

3 一、教會是?What’s a church?

4 Church is a group of people…
是聖父的子民聚集Heavens Father Calling People to do the mission 是耶穌基督身體的彰顯Jesus Body 是聖靈團契、交通Holy Spirit working

5 二、教會存在的目的The purpose of a church (Matthew太28:19-20)
所以,你們要去使萬民作我的門徒,奉父子聖靈的名,給他們施洗。凡我所吩咐你們的,都教訓他們遵守,我就常與你們同在,直到世界的末了 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”

6 如何評估教會 How we evaluate a healthy church?
Attendance 出席人數 Building 建築 Cash 存款 Disciples 門徒

7 三、十大健康教會的特性 10 Traits of a Vital Ministry-1
1.神能力的同在“Empowering presence” 2.讚美神的敬拜“God-exalting worship,” 3.屬靈操練“Spiritual disciplines” 4.信仰群體的學習與成長“learning and growing in community” 5.滿有愛心和關懷的人際關係“a Commitment to loving and Caring relationships”

8 10 Traits of a Vital Ministry-2
6.僕人領袖的培育 “Servant-leadership development” 7.強調外展的視野 “an Outward focus” 8.智慧、負責任的教會管理 “Wise administration and accountability” 9.與基督身體的聯絡網 “Networking with the Body of Christ” 10.管家職分與慷慨 “Stewardship and generosity”

9 EFCI 2015 to 2020 Vision: 2020 – 1000 – EFC Strategy: WE - EFC Worship Evangelize Equipping→門徒訓練Discipleship Training Fellowship Community Structure 群眾Crowd會員Member→門徒Disciple →事工負責人(小組長) Ministry/SG Leader → 執事Deacon(一任兩年) → 長老Elder (一任三年)

10 四、最主要工作→門徒訓練

11 黃金圈: 為什麼? 怎麼做? 做什麼?

12 五、教會終極目標ultimate goal
11 他所賜的有使徒,有先知,有傳福音的,有牧師和教師, 12 為要成全聖徒,各盡其職,建立基督的身體, 13 直等到我們眾人在真道上同歸於一,認識 神的兒子,得以長大成人,滿有基督長成的身量。(弗4:11-13)

13 Ephesians 4:11-13 (NIV) 11. So Christ himself gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the pastors and teachers, 12. to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13. until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.


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