The Challenge of Human Resources Management

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Presentation on theme: "The Challenge of Human Resources Management"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Challenge of Human Resources Management
Dr. Yen-Hsiang Huang Class presentation for Managing Human Resources Graduate Program Putz, Chiayi

2 Challenge 1: Going Global
Impact of Globalization Effect of Globalization on HRM

3 Challenge 2: Embracing New Technology
From Touch Labor to Knowledge Workers Influence of Technology in HRM

4 Challenge 3:Managing Change
Type of change Reactive change Proactive change Managing change through HR Environment Policy Market ..

5 Challenge 4: Developing Human Capital
Human “CAPITAL” and HRM 內部資產 & 外部資產 internal & external 人才在那裏 ????

6 Challenge 5: Responding to the Market
Consumer behaviors Total Quality Management, six Sigma, and HRM Reengineering and HRM

7 Challenge 6: Containing Costs
Downsizing Outsourcing and employee leasing Productivity Enhancement

8 Demographics and Employee Concerned
Demographic changes The diversity challenge Age distribution of employees Gender distribution of the workforce Rising levels of education

9 Demographics and Employee Concerned
Culture Changes Employee rights Concern for privacy Changing attitudes toward work Balancing work and family

10 Case study In a diverse workforce, you will see the following problems, if you are a manager, how will you deal with them? A work environment limits opportunity for advancement. Exclusion form mentoring and networking, Work and family issues.

11 Thanks for Your Audience
& Have a nice day!


13 TQM 3 Qs – 1. personnel; 2. system & procedure; 3. product and service
Focus on CULTURE – have all employees in the organization perceive the importance of quality

14 Six sigma It is a statistical process emphasizing on translating immeasurable problem into measurable. To limit error in an acceptable scope. 3.4/ Define Measure Analyze Improvement Control

15 TQM 全面品質管理

16 「六個標準差(Six Sigma)」是一個品質改善目標的代號,源自統計製程管制(Statistical Process Control,簡稱SPC)的理論。簡單的說,就是每生產一百萬個產品,其不良品不能超過四個。過去只有航空運輸業才有這麼高而近乎完美的品質管制要求,一般製造業或服務業大概可以做到每生產一百萬個產品或提供一百萬次服務時,不良品個數或是出錯次數控制在六千到二萬三千之間,相當於「三個半到四個標準差」。

17 每次製程上發生不良品,就已經造成成本與時間的浪費,將其修復又要再投入成本與時間,所以不良品出現的次數影響公司的營運績效甚鉅。「六個標準差」是顧客導向的持續品質改善策略,改善範圍包括產品的設計與製造,以及管理作業。任何作業過程只要有改善機會,就貫徹「六個標準差」策略,使不良率將低到百萬分之三或四以下。 因此也有學者把追求「六個標準差」品管目標定義為在製程初期即發現瑕疵點並加以改善的商業過程(Business Process)

18 推行 TQM 可促成組織文化之轉變 ( 策略面 )
From To ‧ 只重視內部績效之管理 ‧ 以顧客為導向之經營方式 ‧ 強調功能別的分工 ‧ 推動跨部門管理 ‧ 只是消極的解決問題 ‧ 持續不斷的改進 ‧ 靠檢驗來確保品質 ‧ 強調「預防重於檢查」及「第一次就好」 ‧ 重視個人的表現 ‧ 發揮團隊合作 ‧ 品管是品管人員及主管的事 ‧ 做好品質是每個人的責任 ‧ Top-Down 的授權 ‧ 推行 Empowerment ‧ 結果導向之管理 ‧ 過程更重於結果 ‧ 目標管理 ‧ 方針管理 ‧ 過於強調技術與專業 ‧ 品質觀念的灌輸,共識的行程及良好企 業文化的建立

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