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呼吸系统 respiratory system

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1 呼吸系统 respiratory system
吕寒冰 2011.9

2 功能: gas exchange 组成: 呼吸道 respiratory tract 肺 lung 鼻 nose
咽 pharynx 上呼吸道 喉 larynx 气管 trachea 各级支气管 bronchi 肺 lung 下呼吸道

3 鼻 Nose 1.外鼻 external nose 鼻根、鼻背、鼻尖、鼻翼 鼻唇沟

4 2.鼻腔 nasal cavity 鼻中隔 nasal septum 鼻孔 nostril 鼻后孔 choanae
鼻前庭 nasal vestibule 鼻阈 nasal limen 固有鼻腔 nasal cavity proper

5 back The formation of the nasal septum 2 Bones, 1 Cartilage,
Nasal mucous membrane: olfactory region respiratory region back

6 易出血区 Little region

7 呼吸区respiratory region 和嗅区olfactory region

8 上鼻甲 中鼻甲 下鼻甲 蝶筛隐窝

9 半月裂孔 筛漏斗 筛泡

10 3. 鼻旁窦 Paranasal Sinuses 额窦 frontal sinus 上颌窦 maxillary sinus
蝶窦 sphenoidal sinus 筛窦 ethmoidal sinus

11 4对鼻旁窦 的开口

12 喉 larynx 1.位置:颈部,3-6颈椎前方 2. 喉软骨——喉的支架 甲状软骨 thyroid cartilage
环状软骨 cricoid cartilage 会厌软骨 epiglottic cartilage 杓状软骨 arytenoid cartilage

13 甲状软骨:左右板、前角、喉结、上切迹、上角、下角 环状软骨:环状软骨弓、环状软骨板、杓关节面、甲关节面
——唯一完整的软骨环→支撑呼吸道 会厌软骨:甲状会厌韧带、会厌 杓状软骨:声带突、肌突

14 3.喉的连结 1)甲状舌骨膜thyrohyoid membrane、甲状舌骨正中韧带median thyrohyoid ligament
2)环甲关节 cricothyroid joint 3)环杓关节 cricoarytenoid joint 4)方形膜 quadrangular membrane 5)弹性圆锥 conus elasticus 、声韧带vocal ligament、环甲正中韧带median cricothyroid ligament 6)环状软骨气管韧带cricotracheal ligament

15 1. cricothyroid joint: rotate around the coronary axis 2
1. cricothyroid joint: rotate around the coronary axis 2. cricoarytenoid joints: rotate around the vertical axis 3. conus elasticus: free and thicked upper border formed the vocal ligament 4. quadrangular membrane: free lower border formed vestibular ligament 5. thyrohyoid membrane 5 4 2 1 3

16 4.喉腔 laryngeal cavity 喉口:会厌上缘、杓状会厌襞和杓间切迹2 2flod — 前庭襞vestibular fold
声襞vocal fold 2 fissures— 前庭裂vestibular fissure 声门裂fissure of glottis 3 parts — 喉前庭laryngeal vestibule 喉中间腔intermediate cavity of larynx 声门下腔infraglottic cavity 喉室




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