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專題討論指導教授: 謝平城 老師 論文指導教授: 林德貴 老師 學生: 周彥妤

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1 專題討論指導教授: 謝平城 老師 論文指導教授: 林德貴 老師 學生: 周彥妤
專題討論 Numerical Simulation of Deep Excavation of Taipei-101 Construction Project 臺北101深開挖之數值模擬 專題討論指導教授: 謝平城 老師 論文指導教授: 林德貴 老師 學生: 周彥妤

2 前言 在台灣台北市中心,由於面積十分有限,因此台北市許多建築物逐漸轉向地下發展。
但許多地點之地質條件不佳,在施工過程中,其對於相鄰結構物之安全性是設計上一大主要考慮因素。 深開挖施工過程中,出現了顯著側向位移及地表移動,此一潛變行為將會逐一被記錄在地下連續壁之觀測位移量上。 為了了解上述之影響,本研究將採用台北101之可靠現地觀測數據、建造特性、及適合之土壤模式,進行台北101深開挖之數值模擬。

3 參考文獻-樁 t-z曲線 The end bearing was neglected to estimate the pile capacities due to safety consideration. design of pile foundation. The normalized design t-z curves were used for the pile performance-based design concept. The maximum side friction evaluated in loading tests was reduced by 20% off to consider the effect of overburden soil removal during basement excavation, because the pile ultimate load tests were conducted on the existing ground level.

4 參考文獻-樁 Pile group effect was considered that the side friction of strata above bedrock was reduced with coefficient of Only a 15% reduction in the total ultimate capacity was estimated with the modified t-z curves. The creep behavior for pile on bedrock was also evaluated that increment about only 2.5mm was estimated for test piles under load sustained for 1hr after testing to 10 yrs duration.

5 參考文獻-樁 Pile group effect was considered that the side friction of strata above bedrock was reduced with coefficient of Only a 15% reduction in the total ultimate capacity was estimated with the modified t-z curves. The creep behavior for pile on bedrock was also evaluated that increment about only 2.5mm was estimated for test piles under load sustained for 1hr after testing to 10 yrs duration.

6 參考文獻- 深開挖 The potential failure zone due to active failure is approximately equal to two times the excavation depth but is restricted by the rock-like soil. The potential basal heave failure zone is approximately equal to the width of excavation but is limited by the depth of soft clay bottom.

7 參考文獻-3D 深開挖 基坑底部靠近坡腳之位置,其主應力都相對偏大,此一現象說明,此部位受力狀況較為複雜,設計時應注意坡腳的安全性。

8 研究範圍 1.塔樓區 2.東南方四分之一

9 研究流程


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