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Martin Luther King Jr. 金恩博士

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1 Martin Luther King Jr. 金恩博士
I Have a Dream Martin Luther King Jr. 金恩博士

2 Introduction 1960年代,美國人和白人間存在著很嚴重的種族歧視。
During the 60s, there was a serious problem between white and black people called “ racial discrimination”. 1960年代,美國人和白人間存在著很嚴重的種族歧視。

3 Many black people were treated unfairly
Many black people were treated unfairly. Some white people laugh at them, bit them or hurt them just because they are black. 很多黑人因此遭受到非常不公平的對待,他們被嘲笑、欺負,甚至無緣無故被傷害。

4 金恩博士對於這種情形感到難過,所以他發表了ㄧ場演講,題目是「我有一個夢」。
Martin Luther King Jr. felt sad about this situation. So he gave a speech called “I Have a Dream”. 金恩博士對於這種情形感到難過,所以他發表了ㄧ場演講,題目是「我有一個夢」。

5 Sharing With Others If you were Dr. King and being under this circumstance, what dream would you have? 若你是金恩博士,在這樣的情況下,你會有怎麼樣的夢想呢?

6 現在就讓我們回到當時,看看白人與黑人之間到底發生了什麼事?
Now, let’s go back to see what happened during those years between white and black people. 現在就讓我們回到當時,看看白人與黑人之間到底發生了什麼事?

7 Drama I Have a Dream

8 *Action*

9 Some Questions For You What problem did the white and black people have in the drama? 戲劇裡的種族歧視問題主要發生在哪兩種族群? What happened to people waiting for bus in line in the drama? 戲劇裡正在排隊等公車的人發生了什麼事? When the black woman talked back to the bus driver, what did the bus driver do? What did other white people do? 黑人婦女向公車司機反駁時,司機對她做了什麼?其他白人有什麼反應?

10 在演講的最後,金恩博士希望黑人跟白人一起做 什麼?
4. To show his anger, Dr. King delivered a speech. What is the speech topic? 為了表示抗議,金恩博士發表了演說,是什麼題目呢? 5. In the speech, Dr. King said he wanted black children and white children can do what? 演說裏他希望黑人跟白人小孩可以? 6. In the end of the speech, Dr. King hoped that black and white people can do what thing together? 在演講的最後,金恩博士希望黑人跟白人一起做 什麼?

11 Sing Along “I Have a Dream”
I have a dream, a song to sing 我有一個夢,是一首想唱的歌 To help me cope with anything 幫助我對抗一切

12 If you see the wonder of a fairy tale 如果你見過童話中的神奇
You can take the future even if you fail 你就可以掌握未來,縱使你失敗了

13 我相信有天使 Something good in everything I see 我所看見的一切都是美好的
I believe in angels 我相信有天使 Something good in everything I see 我所看見的一切都是美好的

14 I believe in angels 我相信有天使 When I know the time is right for me 當我知道時機來臨 I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 我將涉水過溪───我有一個夢

15 I have a dream, a fantasy 我有一個夢,是一個幻想 To help me through reality 幫助我熬過現實

16 我的目的使這一切都沒有白費 將黑暗拒於幾哩外 And my destination makes it worth the while
Pushing through the darkness still another mile 將黑暗拒於幾哩外

17 I believe in angels 我相信有天使 When I know the time is right for me 當我知道時機來臨 I'll cross the stream - I have a dream 我將涉水過溪───我有一個夢

18 *I Have a Dream* By Martin Luther King

19 “I Have a Deram” By Martin Luther King
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal." 我有一個夢,那就是我們都知道「人生而平等」。

20 我有一個夢,有一天奴隸的孩子和雇主的孩子能ㄧ起在同一張桌子上吃飯。
I have a dream that one day the sons of slaves and the sons of slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood. 我有一個夢,有一天奴隸的孩子和雇主的孩子能ㄧ起在同一張桌子上吃飯。

21 我有一個夢,希望全國每ㄧ個地方,都能成為自由以及正義的綠洲。
I have a dream that one day even the state of Mississippi will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. 我有一個夢,希望全國每ㄧ個地方,都能成為自由以及正義的綠洲。

22 我有一個夢,有天我的孩子不是因為膚色被評斷,而是因為他們的特質。
I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. 我有一個夢,有天我的孩子不是因為膚色被評斷,而是因為他們的特質。

23 我有一個夢,有天黑小孩能跟白人小孩手牽著手。
I have a dream that one day little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls as sisters and brothers. 我有一個夢,有天黑小孩能跟白人小孩手牽著手。

24 I have a dream that one day every valley shall be exalted, and every hill and mountain shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. 我有一個夢,山谷被高舉、大山被挪平、崎嶇之地變曠原,彎曲之地變平直。而全世界的人可以ㄧ起看到上帝的榮耀。

25 I Have a Dream that…

26 自由!自由! 感謝全能的上帝,我們最後自由了!
All of God's children, black and white, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will join hands and sing: Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last! 每ㄧ個上帝的兒女,不管人種、族群、信仰都可以手牽手一起唱: 自由!自由! 感謝全能的上帝,我們最後自由了!

27 And you? Do you have a dream?
Martin Luther King Jr. had a dream and he fulfilled his dream in the end. And you? Do you have a dream? 金恩博士曾經有一個夢,而且他的夢實現了!你呢?你有什麼夢想呢?

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