Born on the Fourth of July

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Presentation on theme: "Born on the Fourth of July"— Presentation transcript:

1 Born on the Fourth of July
Born on the Fourth of July by Ron Kovic Contemporary College English Companion Reader 3 现代大学英语 阅读3 外语教学与研究出版社 杨立民 主编 创思英语: 英语阅读课件 英语专业泛读课件 Ron Kovic

2 Simple Questions When and where did the story happen?
What games did Ron play? What job did he take the summer before? Where did the killed soldier come from? Can you describe the situation then? To whom did Ron report the accident? What were their military ranks? 创思英语 【影片原名】Born on the Fourth of July 【中文译名】生于七月四日/七月四日诞生 【出品公司】CIC Vídeo 【出品年代】1989 【上映日期】1989年12月20日 美国 【影片级别】Australia:M 【类  别】传记/剧情/战争 【导  演】奥利弗·斯通 Oliver Stone 【主  演】汤姆·克鲁斯 Tom Cruise .....Ron Kovic

3 1. When and Where In Vietnam in October 1967
故事发生的背景 越南战争 美国 Vietnam War In Vietnam in October 1967

4 2. Games baseball(stickball) 棒球(曲棍球) wrestling 摔跤
Favorite sports games wrestling 摔跤

5 Working in the food store
3. Job Summer job 食品店 Working in the food store

6 The kid (at nineteen) from Georgia
4. Hometown 佐治亚州维纳斯 The kid (at nineteen) from Georgia

7 He was the last to come back. He was shot and fell down.
5. Situation He was the last to come back. Everyone was shooting. 被枪击毙的过程情形 rifle 误杀 He was shot and fell down. They pulled him back.

8 6. Superiors Lieutenant 中尉 Major 陆军少校 向上级军官汇报 superior officer
Major 陆军少校

9 7. Military Ranks 军衔 military rank 中士 sergeant 下士 corporal

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