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Presentation on theme: "知难而进——攻克高考英语阅读理解中的长难句"— Presentation transcript:

1 知难而进——攻克高考英语阅读理解中的长难句
Learn to Analyze and Understand Long & Difficult Sentences 增城市郑中钧中学英语科 王秀媚

2 Appreciate the poem and figure out the sentence structure
世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world

3 世界上最遥远的距离 The furthest distance in the world
主语 The furthest distance in the world  Is not between life and death  But when I stand in front of you    Yet you don't know that I love you  世界上最遥远的距离    不是生与死  而是 我就站在你面前    你却不知道我爱你 谓语+表语1 表语2(复合句) Structure:主语+is +not 表语1 +but 表语2 Not…but… 不是……而是……

4 Structure:主语+is +not 表语1 +but 表语2
The furthest distance in the world  世界上最遥远的距离  Is not when I stand in front of you  不是 我就站在你面前  Yet you can‘t see my love  你却不知道我爱你  But when (we are)undoubtedly knowing the love from both  而是 明明知道彼此相爱  Yet (we)cannot be together  却不能在一起  省略 Structure:主语+is +not 表语1 +but 表语2 Not…but… 不是……而是……

5 Structure:主语+is +not 表语1 +but 表语2
The furthest distance in the world  世界上最遥远的距离  Is not being apart while being in love  不是 明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起  But when (I )painly cannot resist the yearning  而是 明明无法抵挡这股思念  Yet (I am)pretending you have never been in my heart  却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里  省略

6 Structure:主语+is +not 表语1 +but 表语2
The furthest distance in the world  世界上最遥远的距离  Is not when (I ) painly cannot resist the yearning  不是 明明无法抵挡这股思念 yet (I am) pretending you have never been in my heart 却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里  but using one's indifferent heart  而是 用自己冷漠的心对爱你的人  To dig an uncrossable river  掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠  For the one who loves you  省略 Structure:主语+is +not 表语1 +but 表语2

7 Long & Difficult Sentences!
启示:If we have some knowledge of the elements and the structure of a sentence, it is not so difficult to understand a long sentence. 八大句子成分:主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语、宾语补足语以及同位语。 三个句子类型:简单句、并列句和复合句(定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句)

8 Ex.3 in pre-class tasks Discuss the answers with your partner and welcome to the Bb to correct the answer if you like. (4 minutes)

9 去枝叶, 留主干。 长难句之分门别类篇 1.带有较多成分 的简单句 Schools across China are expected to hire 50,000 college graduates this year as short-term teachers, almost three times the number hired last year, to help reduce unemployment pressures (2009 江苏) Schools are expected to hire college graduates 介词短语 定语 时间状语 介词短语 同位语 过去分词做定语 不定式做状语 翻译:今年,全国各大学校将会聘请50,000大学毕业生作为短期教师,以帮助减轻失业的压力。这一数目几乎是去年的三倍。

1) 长难句类型:带有较多成分的简单句 应对策略:①先跳读修饰成分或附加成分,找出句 子的主干并理解其意义;②然后再分层理解修饰成分或附加成分。 牛刀小试:(2007广东)Indeed, any serious student of antique should spend as much time as possible visiting palaces, stately homes and museums to see some of the finest examples of clocks from the past. 翻译: 的确,任何认真钻研古董的研究者,应该尽可能 更多的游览名胜,参观豪宅和博物馆来欣赏旧时 最好的钟表样本。

11 男人说直到他的朋友一天晚上问他是否可以睡在他家的沙发上他才知道他朋友的婚姻已非
Whereas a woman’s closest female friend might be the first to tell her to leave a failing marriage, it wasn’t unusual to hear a man say that he didn’t know that his friend’s marriage was in serious trouble until he appeared one night asking if he could sleep on the sofa. 找从属连词, 分析从句, 理解句意。 2.含有多个从句的复合句 主句 一个女人最亲密的女性朋友可能是第一个告诉她离开一次失败的婚 姻;而听见一个男人说直到他的朋友一天晚上问他是否可以睡在他 家的沙发上他才知道他朋友的婚姻已非常糟糕,这是很平常的。     简析:夹杂多种语法结构,形式主语 not unusual=usual;not…until…,直到……才……。

12 3. 并列和主从复合句并存的处理方法 ——先读懂并列句,再看主从复合句
you ask people to name one person had the greatest effect on the English language, you will get answers like “Shakespeare”, “Samuel Johnson”, and “Webster”, none of these men had any effect at all compared to a man didn’t even speak English—William, the Conqueror. If who but who 如果你要别人说出一个对英语语言影响最大的人的名字,你会 得到像“莎士比亚”,“塞缪尔.约翰逊”和“韦伯斯特”这些名字, 但是这些人没有一个可以比得上一个甚至不说英语的人---威廉一世(征服者威廉 )。

2) 长难句类型:环环相扣式(多个并列句或复合句) 应对策略:①先判断是简单句、并列句还是复合句,如是并列句、符合句,找出并列连词及从属连词;②然后理清主句与从句的关系。 牛刀小试:A mere hundred species (物种) are the basis of our food supply,of which but twenty carry the load. Wilson suggests changing this situation by looking into ten thousand species that could be made use of,which will be a way to reduce the clearing of the natural homes of plants and animals to enlarge farming areas. (2008全国卷一E篇) Q: Wilson suggests that one way to keep biodiversity is to _______. A. learn how to farm scientifically B. build homes for some dying species C. make it clear what to eat D. use more species for food D

14 A mere hundred species (物种) are the basis of our food supply,of which but twenty carry the load. Wilson suggests changing this situation by looking into ten thousand species that could be made use of,which will be a way to reduce the clearing of the natural homes of plants and animals to enlarge farming areas. (2008全国卷一E篇) 译文:只有约100种物种为我们提供食物基础,其中只有20种承担着供应人类食物的重担。Wilson建议通过调查研究一万种可以被利用的物种来改变这种现状,这样做可以减少人类为了增加耕种面积而开垦动植物的自然家园的做法。

15 4.含有插入语的句子 忽略插入成分, 直奔句子主题. 这种句子的特点是在正常的 句子中插入一些或长或短的 成分或句子,比如同位语(从句)、 非限制性定语从句、状语从句、分词、插入语等等,打断读者的思路,割裂前后之间的语义,造成理解上的困难。我们称之为“打岔”。有时有逗号或破折号分开,

16 The lack of right male (男性的) role models in many of their lives—at home and particularly in the school environment (环境)—means that their peers are the only people they have to judge themselves against.(2008辽宁卷C篇)    译文:在他们很多人的生活中,如在家里,尤其是在学校,缺少合适的男性榜样,这就意味着他们只好对照自己的同龄人来评判自己。

3)长难句类型:含有插入语的句子(分隔结构) 应对策略:跳过插入成分,关注标点符号(如破折号,两个逗号 之间的同位语),直奔句子主干。 牛刀小试: The lack of right male (男性的) role models in many of their lives—at home and particularly in the school environment (环境)—means that their peers are the only people they have to judge themselves against.(2008辽宁卷C篇) Q: What seems to have a bad effect on students like Tom? A. Peer groups B. A special unit C. The student judges.  D. The home environment A

18 把握大意, 找出上文对应信息, 补充省略成分 4. 成分省略   The magazine is male-targeting because young guys generally won’t pick up a magazine that appears to be directed at females, whereas girls usually will. 这本杂志是以男性为目标读者的,因为通常一个年轻的小伙子是不会拿起一本面向女性读者的杂志来阅读的,然而女孩子却常常会这样做(拿起一本面向男性读者的杂志来阅读。)

19 确定主语, 调整语序, 把握大意. 5. 倒装句 Before 1066, in the land we now call Great Britain lived peoples belonging to two major language groups. 谓语 主语 1066年前,在现在我们称作大英帝国的土地上,居住着属于两大语言族群的民族。

4) 长难句类型:倒装+省略 应对策略:确定主语, 调整语序,把握大意./ 找出上文对应信息,补充省略成分。 牛刀小试:Napoleon, as a character in Tolstoy’s War and Peace, is more than once described as having “fat little hands.” Nor does he “sit well or firmly on the horse.”(08广东C) 翻译: 拿破仑,托尔斯泰作品《战争与和平》的一个角色,不止一次被描述为有“一双又粗又短的手”。他甚至“在马背上也坐不稳”。

21 【小结】理解长难句的两种方法: (1)结构分析法:
简单句——先跳读修饰成分或附加成分,找出句子的主干并理解其意义;然后再分层理解修饰成分或附加成分。 并列句/复杂句——如果待处理的长难句为一个复杂的主从复合句,可这样处理:先分清 主句与从句,然后弄清从句的性质,即弄清它是什么从句。是名词性从句,还是状语从句,或是定语从句。

22 (2) 意群阅读法   意群阅读法即把意义和语法结构上有关联的几个词连接成较完整的信息。此方法不仅有利于提高阅读速度,而且有利于对句子的整体理解。

23 ①When two cars travelling at 30 mh hit each other, ②an unbelted
意群阅读法 ①When two cars travelling at 30 mh hit each other, ②an unbelted driver would meet the windshield ③with a force equal to diving headfirst into the ground from a height of 10 meters.   分析:①是状语从句,②是主句,③是with引导的介词短语作状语,修饰谓语。这样,把整个句子划为3个意群,可以大大提高阅读速度。

24 2. 经典试题再现 经典高考真题(NMET2003.A篇)实例分析,分析下面这篇文章共有194个单词,却只有9个句子,平均每个句子大约有22个单词,是近几年高考英语阅读理解中一篇比较典型的集中含有长难句的文章。

25 Tristan da Cunha, a 38-square-mile island, is the farthest inhabited island in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records. It is 1,510 miles southwest of its nearest neighbor St. Helena, and 1,950 miles west of Africa. Discovered by the Portuguese admiral(葡萄牙海军上将) of the same name in 1506, and settled in 1810, the island belongs to Great Britain and has a population of a few hundred. Coming in a close second——and often wrongly mentioned as the most distant island——is Easter Island, which lies 1,260 miles east of its nearest neighbor, Pitcairn Island, and 2,300 miles west of South America. The mountainous 64-square-mile island was settled around the 5th century, supposedly by people who were lost at sea. They had no connection with the outside world for more than a thousand years, giving them plenty of time to build more than 1,000 huge stone figures, called moai, for which the island is most famous. On Easter Sunday, 1722, however, settlers from Holland moved in and gave the island its name. Today, 2,000 people live on the Chilean territory(智利领土). They share one street, a small airport and a few hours of television per day.

26 1. What’s the name of the Portuguese admiral? Easter B. St. Helena C. Tristan da Cunha D. Pitcairn 2. What’s the Easter Island well-known for? the most distant island B. Moai C. one street D. Easter Sunday

27 长难句之 方法总结篇

28 长难句之方法总结 1. 带有较多成分的简单句------去枝叶,留主干。 2.含有多个从句的复合句
------找从属连词,分析从句, 理解句意。 3.含有插入成分的句子 ------忽略插入成分, 直奔句子主题。 4. 倒装句------确定主语, 调整语序, 把握大意。 5. 成分省略 ------把握大意, 找出对应信息, 补充省略成分。

29 分析长难句的注意事项 1、是否有同位语和插入语。 2、是否有省略、倒装和分隔等现象。 3、替代词的所指对象。 4、判断并列成分的层次。
5、句首的并列连词and、or、but、for通常起承上启下的 作用,不要将他们归入后文的句法分析。 6、在从句多的句子中,从句中又包含从句的现象。 7、非限定动词短语在句中作次要成分(定语和状语)时 又带着自己较长的从属成分,尤其是状语从句或宾语 从句时的结构分析。 8、在有多个从句的复合句和并列句中,状语(单个词、 短语或从句)究竟是全句的修饰语还是某个从句或词 语的修饰语。

General reading strategies(策略) for students: 1) Read phrase by phrase, rather than word by word. 2) Don't try to understand every word in a text. 3) Focus on the important information which helps you answer the questions, read the rest quickly. 4) Use background knowledge to help understand the text. 5) Make full use of the four options(选项)to guide you. 6) Read the questions first. Reading with a purpose counts.

31 额外成就(启示):漂亮句子原来可以这样写——长难句就是高级表达!(适用于基础写作)
简单句的高级形式 A) Amy Chua, 美籍华人, 耶鲁大学教授。(同位语) (广东) B) 我们学生应当通过努力学习而不是考试作弊来获得好成绩。 (介词短语) (福建) C) 合并句子: (1) The book was entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother . (2) The book was written by Amy Chua. (3)The book came out in (过去分词短语)

32 简单句的高级形式 A) Amy Chua, a Chinese American, works as a professor in Yale University. B) We students should try to get good results by studying hard instead of cheating in examinations. C)The book, entitled Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother and written by Amy Chua, came out in 2011.

33 合并句子 (并列句/复合句) (1)We high school students do have some growing pains.
(2)We can get rid of them correctly and wisely. (1) Li Hua is a senior one student. (2) She had to attend different enrichment classes (3) She had to do a lot of homework during the summer vacation. (4) This made her unhappy. (5) she wanted to relax herself. We high school students do have some growing pains, but we can get rid of them correctly and wisely. Li Hua, a senior one student, had to attend different enrichment classes and do a lot of homework during the summer vacation, which made her unhappy, as she wanted to relax herself.

34 高级句型: I didn’t realize the importance of cooperation until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school. (用强调句改写) We can live a happy life only in this way. (用倒装句改写) It was not until I was chosen monitor of my class in my senior middle school that I realized the importance of cooperation. Only in this way can we live a happy life.

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