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UNIT 14 Society and Values

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1 UNIT 14 Society and Values
王守仁 泛读教程 第四册 创思英语: 英语专业泛读课件 英语阅读课件 Tell me what you pay attention to and I will tell you who you are. —José Ortegay Gasset

2 Dictation (为琐事)争辩,争吵,牢骚 难以置信的,不像真实的 变异,突变 使…受孕,施肥,为…授粉 偏差,偏航,偏离,背离
消灭,灭绝,根除 恳求,为…辩护,以…为由 精明的,敏锐的,有眼光的 仿效,模仿,赶超 友善的,和蔼的 quibble implausible mutation fertilize deviation exterminate plead shrewd emulate affable amiable 前一单元单词听写 创思英语 Andy原创!

3 Word Pretest Keys: 1-5 BBCCC 6-10 ACBCA 1. 她对他的讲话方式不满。
1. She was resentful of the way of his speaking. 2. 学生时不时会称病缺课。 2. Students occas~ allege illness as the reason for absence. 单词预测试 创思英语 Andy原创! 3. 他一生中已经对女性的爱慕习以为常了。 3. He has been used to female adoration all his life.

4 Reading Comprehension
Keys: 1-4 BCCB 5-8 CACC 1. 当我的面 1. to my face 2. 翻悔,打退堂鼓 2. back out 3. 唱片公司 3. record company 4. 十诫 4. the Ten Commandments 阅读理解答案 摘自课文里的短语 创思英语 Andy原创! 5. 退缩,隐瞒,阻止 5. hold back 6. 中产阶级 6. the middle class

5 Definition 1. celebrity 名人, 明星
someone who is famous, especially in entertainment 2. individualism 个人主义, 自由放任主义, 个性 the behaviour of someone who likes to think and do things in their own way, rather than imitating other people. 3. middle class 中产阶级, 中产阶层 the people who are not working class or upper class, esp. business people, managers, doctors, lawyers, and teachers 定义名词 解释意思 创思英语 Andy 4. sociology 社会学 the study of society or of the way society is organized.

6 Idioms - Happiness 1. be on cloud nine 1. 欣喜若狂 overjoyed
2. be down in the dumps 2. 垂头丧气 depressed 3. be in seventh heaven 3. 欢天喜地 in rapture 4. be out of sorts 4. 心绪不佳 uneasy, upset 5. be tickled pink 5. 喜出望外 pleasantly surprised 习语 填空时注意词形的时态人称变化 创思英语 Andy原创! 6. feel blue 6. 无精打采 spiritless 7. walk on air 7. 洋洋得意 rejoice 8. be on top of the world 8. 幸福至极 utmost happiness

7 Vocabulary & Analogies
Keys to Vocabulary: anticipate justifiable ambition determination agreed befriended perishable expression theoretical profundity worships mythical passionate worthy longing crime fascinating obsessive exposure ridiculed GRE词汇选择 词汇填空 逻辑类比选择 创思英语 Andy原创! Keys to Analogies: 1. B 2. A 3. D 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. B

8 Cloze & Section B C Keys to Cloze: making which on right
marked with away created with as Keys to Section B: 1-3 CCC 4-6 DAB BCDD 11-13 TTF CB 完形填空 快速阅读 补充阅读答案 创思英语 Andy原创! Keys to Section C: 1-6 FTTFTF FFTTTT

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