唱詩/Worship in Praise 主復活 Christ Arose (HOL 129).

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1 唱詩/Worship in Praise 主復活 Christ Arose (HOL 129)

2 主復活 Christ Arose (HOL 129 1/3)
1. 主安睡墳墓內,耶穌我救主! 等復活日到來,耶穌我主! Low in the grave He lay - Jesus, my Saviour! Waiting the coming day - Jesus, my Lord!

3 主復活 Christ Arose (HOL 129副歌 Refrain)
從墳墓裡主復活,勝過一切仇敵與罪惡, 主耶穌復活戰勝黑暗死亡, 從此永與眾聖徒一同作王, 主復活!主復活!哈利路亞,主復活! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hal le lu jah! Christ arose!

4 2. 兵丁守墓無用,耶穌我救主! 封石也歸落空,耶穌我主!
主復活 Christ Arose (HOL 129 2/3) 2. 兵丁守墓無用,耶穌我救主! 封石也歸落空,耶穌我主! Vainly they watch His bed - Jesus, my Saviour! Vainly they seal the dead - Jesus, my Lord!

5 主復活 Christ Arose (HOL 129副歌 Refrain)
從墳墓裡主復活,勝過一切仇敵與罪惡, 主耶穌復活戰勝黑暗死亡, 從此永與眾聖徒一同作王, 主復活!主復活!哈利路亞,主復活! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hal le lu jah! Christ arose!

6 3. 死權困主不成,耶穌我救主! 因主已經得勝,耶穌我主!
主復活 Christ Arose (HOL129 3/3) 3. 死權困主不成,耶穌我救主! 因主已經得勝,耶穌我主! Death cannot keep his prey - Jesus, My Saviour! He tore the bars away - Jesus, My Lord!

7 主復活 Christ Arose (HOL 129副歌 Refrain)
從墳墓裡主復活,勝過一切仇敵與罪惡, 主耶穌復活戰勝黑暗死亡, 從此永與眾聖徒一同作王, 主復活!主復活!哈利路亞,主復活! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hal le lu jah! Christ arose!

8 唱詩/Worship in Praise 耶和華是愛 Lord Our God Is Love

9 耶和華是愛 Lord Our God Is Love (1/4)
耶和华是爱, 让我安歇青草溪水边, 神令我省察心中的幽暗, 共度每一天.

10 耶和華是愛 Lord Our God Is Love (2/4)
耶和华是爱, 在困境中祂保守引领, 神为我摆设丰盛的恩典, 在危难也不改变.

11 耶和華是愛 Lord Our God Is Love (3/4)
在世间主恩与共, 祂的爱常在我身边, 神为我施恩惠保守勉励, 共同度此生

12 耶和華是愛 Lord Our God Is Love (4/4)
耶和华是爱, 让我安歇青草溪水边, 无限满足快乐涌自心田, 在危难也不改变.

13 唱詩/Worship in Offering
這一生最美的祝福 The Gift of Knowing You 13

14 這一生最美的祝福 <1/2> The Gift of Knowing You

15 這一生最美的祝福 <2/2> The Gift of Knowing You

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