Unit 1 Book 8 A land of diversity

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1 Unit 1 Book 8 A land of diversity
By Zan Yajuan

2 Learning goals(学习目标):
1. Learn about six language points in the text by cooperating with our partners Have a better understanding of the history and culture of the US, especially California Accumulate basic knowledge for our future career. 4. Try to find pleasure in learning English.

3 Main Procedures(主要环节):
1. Translate the six sentences (翻译预习案中的6个句子). 2. Discuss the answers to the exercises with your partners (分组讨论探究案中练习的答案). 3. Present your answers on the blackboard(分组展示). 4. Make comments on the given answers(点评拓展). Do exercises to check how much you have learned(做巩固练习). Assign homework(布置作业).

4 Ⅰ.Translate the following sentences:
1. It also has the distinction of being the most multicultural state in the USA, having attracted people from all over the world The customs and languages of the immigrants live on in their new home Exactly when the first people arrived in what we now know as California, no one really knows It is likely that Native Americans were living in California at least fifteen thousand years ago Scientists believe that these settlers crossed the Bering Strait in the Arctic to America by means of a land bridge which existed in prehistoric times Today there are more Native Americans living California than in any other state.

5 Discuss the answers to the exercises with your partners (分组讨论探究案中练习的答案).
No 1 from Groups 1-6 are to present your answers on the blackboard(1-6组的一号同学在黑板上展示1-6题的答案) Ⅱ. Working in groups(合作探究): Ⅲ. Present your answers on the blackboard展示环节:

6 Ⅳ. Comment on the answers点评环节.
No 1 from Groups 7-11 make comments on the answers(7-11组的一号同学分别对应1-5题的答案进行点评. 点评内容:①读一遍答案, 判断讲解是否正确、全面; ②如有错误,进行订正; ③评判书写和卷面情况。(满分6分) 点评得分: ①声音洪亮,仪态大方; ② 判断准确,给分公正; ③条理清楚,语言凝练。 (满分2分)

7 Ⅴ. Autonomous learning (自主学习):
Do Self – testing on P3-P4. Ⅵ. Homework. Do the Supplementary Exercises on P4. That’s ll. Thank you!

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