如何能力再現 Secret of Staying Strong

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Presentation on theme: "如何能力再現 Secret of Staying Strong"— Presentation transcript:

1 如何能力再現 Secret of Staying Strong
Rev. Allen Hu

2 一、事工四期Four Period of Ministry
1. 蜜月期 Honey Moon 2. 高峰期 Plateau 3. 透支期 Overdraft 4. 危機期 Crisis

3 事工四期Four Period of Ministry

4 二、面對問題與重新再來- 5 R Face it & Deal with it
1. Rest & Relax 休息與放下 2. Remember 沉澱與回顧 3. Repent 檢討與反省 4. Restore 光照與尋求 5. Restart 目標與同工

5 1. Rest & Relax 休息與放下 1. Sleep Take a walk, play basketball… 3. DVD or Music 4. Travel 5. Do something you really like… 6. Talk & Eat with someone(Facebook) 7. Diary… 8. Read a book 9. Ask for help A Retreat…

6 5 R 1. Rest & Relax 休息與放下 2. Remember 沉澱與回顧 3. Repent 檢討與反省..When, What, Where, How, Why…. 4. Restore 光照與尋求 5. Restart目標與同工

7 三、基督徒的均衡生活 Balance life of Christian(X10)

8 四、十字架 Cross 安靜 Calm down 交通 Communication 呼召 Calling 安撫 Comfort

9 詩篇 Psalm 37:23-24 23 義人的腳步被耶和華立定;他的道路,耶和華也喜愛。 24 他雖失腳也不致全身仆倒,因為耶和華用手攙扶他。 23 The LORD makes firm the steps of the one who delights in him; 24 though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the LORD upholds him with his hand.

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