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In our Last study we learned the Glory of God’s Name

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1 The Glory of God the Father’s GOODNESS to Us and Through Us 天父賜給我們,並經由我們去表彰的良善的榮耀
In our Last study we learned the Glory of God’s Name as Jesus revealed it in the New Testament. 上次我們學習到新約所啟示上帝的名字是耶穌的榮耀. We learned to “hallow” (sanctify) God’s name “FATHER.” 我們學習到要尊「天父」的名為「聖」.

2 Father is a “Name” to those who are truly Saved 天父對那些真正得救的人來說, 是一個「名字」
We MUST be “born again” as God’s child through the Holy Spirit (John 1:12-3; 3:3-7; James 1:18; I Pet. 1:23-5; I John 2:29) 我們必須經由聖靈重生成為上帝的孩子(約1:12-13; 3:3-7; 雅1:18; 彼前1:23-25; 約一2:29). Now we will study the Glory of God’s GOODness. 現在我們要研討上帝良善(美好)的榮耀. We can only properly understand God’s Goodness in light of the fact that God is our Heavenly FATHER 我們只能從上帝是我們天父的事實, 來恰當地明白上帝的良善.

3 I. The Glory of the GOODness of God the Father 父神良善的榮耀
Moses prayed to God: “Shew me thy glory” (Ex. 33:18) 摩西向上帝禱告:「求你顯出你的榮耀給我看。」(出33:18). God responded: “I will make all my goodness pass before thee” (19) 上帝回答:「我要顯我一切的恩慈(良善),在你面前經過」 (出33:19). The LORD proclaimed Himself: “abundant in goodness” (Ex. 34:6) 上帝宣告自己:「有豐盛的慈愛(良善)和誠實」(出34:6)

4 The LORD is Always Absolutely & Perfectly Good 耶和華永遠絕對是完全的良善
Thus God can only do “Good.” 因之上帝只能做「善事」. “Thou art good, and doest good” (Ps 119:68; 145:7-9). 「你本為善,所行的也善」(詩119:68; 145:7-9). It is IMPOSSIBLE for God to do anything that is not Good! (I John 1:5; Heb. 6:18 with Num. 23:19; Tit. 1:2). 上帝不可能做任何不良善的事! (約一1:5; 來6:18; 民23:19; 多1:2)

5 Every Good thing we ever received came from God the Father 我們所領受的每一件好事, 都來自父神
(James 1:17) Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. (immutable) 雅1:17 -各樣美善的恩賜和各樣全備的賞賜都是從上頭來的,從眾光之父那裡降下來的;在他並沒有改變,也沒有轉動的影兒. (1:18) Of his own will begat he us with the word of truth… 雅1:18 -他按自己的旨意,用真道生了我們…

6 The GOODness of God the Father 父神的良善
(Matt. 7:11) If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? 太7:11 -你們雖然不好,尚且知道拿好東西給兒女,何況你們在天上的父,豈不更把好東西給求他的人嗎?

7 II. Definition of Good 良善的定義
“Possessing or displaying moral virtue.” 擁有或展現道德美德, A good person – virtuous, right, commendable 好人 – 有德性, 正確, 值得稱道的 Good conduct – kind, benevolent, competent, skillful 好行為 – 善良, 仁慈, 能幹, 靈巧

8 Definition of Goodness 良善的定義
GOOD'NESS, n. The state of being good; qualities which constitute value, excellence or perfection; 美好的狀態; 具備價值, 卓越.或完美的品質. Kindness; benevolence; but more generally, acts of kindness; (Psalm 73:1; Titus 2:7, 14) 善良; 仁慈; 一般來說更多指的是 – 善行 (詩73:1; 多2:7,14). Promotive of happiness; pleasant; agreeable; gratifying (Gen. 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 25, 31; Ps. 133) 促進幸福; 愉快; 和藹的; 可喜的 (創1:4, 10, 12, 18, 25, 31; 詩133)

9 God’s Goodness 上帝的良善 God’s Goodness disposes Him to be kind, benevolent, and full of good will toward us. 上帝的良善展現祂是善良, 仁慈的, 且對我們滿懷善意. By His immutable nature He is inclined to bestow blessedness for the happiness of His people. 祂的不變性, 趨使祂賜給我們祝福, 讓屬祂的人幸福. What peace we have when we know the truth of God’s Goodness 當我們認識上帝良善的真理, 我們就有平安.

10 Look at the Goodness of God manifest in Jesus

11 III. God Himself is the Absolute Standard of Good 上帝自己是良善的絕對標準
The Good God, who Created everything “very good,” He alone determines the meaning & standard of “Good” 良善的上帝創造萬物均為「美好」, 只有祂能決定「良善/美好」的意義和標準. God’s goodness is infinite, perfect, eternal & immutable. 上帝的良善/美好是無限, 完美, 永恆, 與不變的.

12 It is impossible for God to do something that is not “Good
This revelation of a perfectly Good God combined with our experience in a world filled with so much suffering & evil requires an explanation. 聖經所啟示完美的上帝,加上我們所經歷的充滿苦難和罪惡的世界, 需要一個解釋. We must be careful how we try to reconcile evil in our World with an All Powerful Good God. 我們必須留意如何去闡釋世界的罪惡與一位全然大能良善的上帝共同存在.

13 IV. THE PROBLEM OF EVIL (Man’s problem not God’s) 罪惡的問題 (人的問題, 不是上帝的問題)
“Either God is all-powerful but not all-good, and therefore doesn’t stop evil, 「要不是上帝是全能的,但不全然美善, 因此祂不止住罪惡, or he is all-good but unable to stop evil, in which case he is not all-powerful.” 就是祂全然美善, 但無能止息罪惡, 因此祂不是全能的.」 Some people argue the existence of evil proves there is no God! 有些人爭辯說, 罪惡的存在證明沒有上帝!

14 This great evil – where did it come from
This great evil – where did it come from? “The Thin Red Line” 這重大的罪惡 – 它來自何處? ‘一道薄弱的紅線’

15 GENESIS: God’s revelation of the Origin of evil 創世記: 上帝啟示罪惡的來源
Those who reject God’s Word will never find a solution to the problem of evil. 那些排斥上帝話語的人,將永遠不會找到罪惡問題的解決方法. But the problem is not that hard to comprehend for those that believe God’s word. 但這個問題對那些相信上帝話語的人並不難明瞭. Illustration: The Importance of the Biblical Genealogies!

16 Adam & Eve disobeyed God & sin & death entered the World 亞當和夏娃違背上帝, 罪惡和死亡進入世界
God could have made man so he couldn’t sin but then we would be machines & not human beings. 上帝可以造不會犯罪的人,但我們就會是機器, 而不是人類. Machines can’t experience love. 機器無法經歷愛.

17 The eternal Glory of giving man Free will far outweighs the temporary suffering 給予人自由意志的永恆榮耀, 遠超過暫時的苦難 “our light affliction, which is but for a moment, works for us a far more exceeding & eternal weight of glory” (2Cor 4:17-8) 「我們這至暫至輕的苦楚,要為我們成就極重無比、永遠的榮耀。 」 (林後4:17-18) Bearing up under evil in this life increases the glory of our resurrection in the next. 在今生罪惡下擔待, 增加我們來生復活的榮耀.  Illus.: Mark Eastman, M.D., story of Mother whose child died

God reveals His Good & moral standards to us in His holy Word 上帝在聖經裡啟示我們祂的良善和道德標準. “He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8; read Ps. 25:8) 彌6:8 -世人哪,耶和華已指示你何為善。他向你所要的是什麼呢?只要你行公義,好憐憫,存謙卑的心,與你的神同行。

19 Goodness in Man is not a mere passive quality 人內在的良善不只是被動的品質
It is the deliberate "preference of right to wrong…, the firm & persistent resistance of all moral evil…, 它是刻意的「選擇正確而非錯誤…堅定並固執地抗拒所有道德邪惡… and the choosing and following of all moral good.” 並選擇且跟隨所有的道德良善.」 “Depart from evil, & do good; seek peace, & pursue it.” (Ps. 34:14; 37:27) 詩34:14 - 「要離惡行善,尋求和睦,一心追趕。」

20 Can anyone be Good enough to “earn” a place in Heaven
We have all fallen short of God’s standard of Goodness (Rom. 3:23; Eccl. 7:20) 我們都虧缺了上帝良善的標準 (羅3:23; 傳7:20).

21 So as far as mankind is concerned, “There is none that doeth
So as far as mankind is concerned, “There is none that doeth good, no, not one!” (Ps. 53:1; Eccl. 7:20). 至於人 -他們都是邪惡,行了可憎惡的罪孽;沒有一個人行善。 (詩53:1; 傳7:20) You don’t get to heaven by vainly trusting in your own goodness but by trusting in the perfections of our LORD Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 5:21; Isaiah 53:4-6). 我們不是靠虛妄地信靠自己的良善進天堂, 而是靠主耶穌基督的完美(林後5:21; 賽53:4-6).

22 VI. BECAUSE WE HAVE ALL FALLEN SHORT OF GOD’S GLORY THERE ARE 2 MIRACLES WE NEED TO EXPERIENCE 每個人需要經歷的兩個神蹟 1. We need a way to be forgiven for the countless times we have come short of God’s perfect standard of Goodness 我們需要在數不清的虧欠上帝完美良善標準的狀態下,有一個被饒恕的方法. 2. We need to be supernaturally empowered to live up to God’s standard. 我們需要超自然地領受能力, 活出達至上帝標準的生活.

Jesus Christ’s death on the Cross for my sins is the miracle of God’s Grace that makes Forgiveness possible if I believe 耶穌基督為我的罪死在十字架上,是上帝恩典的奇蹟,倘若我相信,上帝的赦免就成為可能.

The Cross was where Jesus Christ defeated evil. The Cross was D-DAY for the evil of sin and satan. 耶穌基督在十字架擊退罪惡.十字架是罪惡和撒旦的潰敗日. The Devil, who became the embodiment of evil (Isaiah 14:12-15; Ezek. 28:11-17), was defeated by the Cross (Hebrews 2:14-15; I John 3:8; Rev. 20:10). 魔鬼, 罪惡的化身(賽14:12-15; 結28:11-17), 被十字架擊敗 (來2:14-15; 約一3:8; 啟20:10).

25 We now live between D-DAY and V-DAY 我們現今活在潰敗日與勝利日之間
Every time we partake of the LORD’s Supper we proclaim Christ’s death until He comes again (I Cor. 11:26). 我們每次領受主餐的時候, 都宣告基督的死, 直到祂再來 (林前11:26).

26 Those who believe God’s Word understand that God
Those who believe God’s Word understand that God has once and for all settled the question of His Goodness when Jesus Christ died on the Cross for sinners. (Rom. 5:8-9; I John 3:5; Rom. 8:3). 那些相信上帝話語的人, 明瞭當耶穌基督為罪人死 在十字架上時, 上帝一次永遠解決了 關於祂的良善的問題 (羅5:8-9; 約一3:5; 羅8:3).

27 現在「我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處,就是按他旨意(目的)被召的人。」(羅8:28)
Now “we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose” (Rom. 8:28) 現在「我們曉得萬事都互相效力,叫愛神的人得益處,就是按他旨意(目的)被召的人。」(羅8:28)

What an amazing miracle! To think that God would give us His Holy Spirit to live in us forever (John 14:16-17). 多麼奇妙的神蹟, 想到上帝竟然會將祂的聖靈賜給我們, 永遠住在我們裡面! (約14:16-17) By receiving the Gift of the Holy Spirit we are empowered to live an upright & godly life in this fallen sinful world. 領受聖靈, 使我們得著能力,在這個罪惡的世界,活出正直和敬虔的生活.

29 When the Holy Spirit lives in us we can manifest the fruit of the Spirit in our life 當聖靈住在我們裡面時, 我們能夠表彰出生命中聖靈的果子 (Gal 5:22) “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,” 加5:22 -聖靈所結的果子,就是仁愛、喜樂、和平、忍耐、恩慈、良善、信心、

30 One of the supernatural fruit of the Spirit is “goodness. ” (Gal
聖靈超自然的果子之一是 「 良善」(加5:22-24).

31 God Supernaturally empowers us to live up to His high standards of moral Good (Zech. 4:6) 上帝超自然地賜給我們能力, 活出達至祂道德良善的高標準(撒4:6) “For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die: but if ye through the Spirit do mortify the deeds of the body, ye shall live.” 你們若順從肉體活著,必要死;若靠著聖靈治死身體的惡行,必要活著。

32 “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear;
“For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.” (Rom. 8:13, 15) 你們所受的,不是奴僕的心,仍舊害怕;所受的,乃是兒子的心,因此我們呼叫:「阿爸!父!」 (羅8:13,15)

33 The Book of REVELATION: The Final Victory over, & elimination of, all Evil 啟示錄: 得勝並消除所有罪惡的最終勝利!
The Book of Revelation reveals the Good God’s Triumph over the horror of human history. 啟示錄啟示-良善的上帝至終勝過人類歷史的恐怖. No matter what we suffer in the sinful fallen world it will all be more than worth it in the End! 不論我們在罪惡墮落的世界受什麼樣的苦, 最終都是值得的! Illustration: Corey ten Boom – “VICTORY!”

34 Important Lessons 重要功課
God is eternally & immutably GOOD. 上帝的良善是永恆且不變的. It is impossible for God to do something that is not GOOD 上帝不可能做任何不良善的事. God Is & sets the Standard for what is Good & what’s bad 上帝是良善的, 且設立良善與邪惡的標準.

35 We are responsible to live according to God’s standard of Goodness
我們有責任根據上帝良善的標準來生活. We can only do that if we are “Born Again” and receive God’s gift of His Holy Spirit. 倘若我們「重生」, 且領受上帝所賜的聖靈, 我們才做得到. Believing God’s Holy Word solves the problem of Evil 相信上帝神聖的話語, 能解開罪惡的問題. GOOD Triumphs in the End for all Eternity! 良善最終會得勝, 直到永遠!



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