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What do these TV serials tell?

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1 What do these TV serials tell?
灰姑娘 What do these TV serials tell? 青春舞曲 By Kayla Pak of St.Stephen’s Girls' Primary School

2 引言 每逢小息時,我班同學都經常談起《青春舞曲》及《灰姑娘》這兩套電視劇,我覺得大家已不再是稚氣的小女孩了;大家開始有自己的個性,就好像電視劇裏的主角一樣,都是愛漂亮、愛獨立的「大細路」啊! 在這個專題研習裏,首先我會簡短地讓大家認識這兩套劇的特點,然後報告我的調查結果。原來同學們都是跟我一樣的「大個女」了!

3 目錄 What do these TV serials tell? A Cinderella Story High School
Musical Survey Character Introduction Introduction Character Findings Reflections

4 Characters (1) Troy Gabriella Sharpay
Troy Bolton is the team captain of the East High Wildcats, but once he shares a duet with pretty Gabriella, he finds there is more to life than basketball. Troy Gabriella Montez is new to East High, but she’s sure to dazzle with her math and science genius. Problem is, after one song with Troy Bolton,s she’s ready to break out of the old mold and sing a new tune. Gabriella Sharpay Evans has been starring in school plays since kindergarten, so she is sure she will snag the lead again this year, along with her singing and dancing brother Ryan. But now that brainiac Gabriella and star athlete Troy might beat them out, it’s time to start scheming. After all, there’s only room for one star! Sharpay

5 Characters (2) Ryan Taylor Chad
Ryan Evans can move and groove with the best of them, and he loves to knock’em dead in the school musical every year. Nut if anyone gets in the way of his stardom, he’ll do what it takes to shove the competition right out of the way. Ryan Taylor Mckessie captains the East High Scholastic Decathlon Team, and she needs academic superstar Gabriella to focus on securing the big sin. So if Gabriella wants to sing when she should be studying, Taylor’s ready to set her straight. Taylor Chad Danforth is Troy’s best friend and a true hoops dude. But when his buddy gets ideas about singing onstage, Chad thinks he’s joking! He’ll risk a lot to put Troy back on target because it’s all about the big game! Chad

6 Summary High School Musical
During a karaoke contest they discover their love for singing and interest in each other. Troy’s best friend, Chad and Gabriella, new friend Taylor discourage them from moving forward with their plans. Ryan and his sister Sharpay find out how Gabriella and Troy’s decision to audition turns their world and their school upside down!

7 六乙班同學喜不喜歡「青春舞曲」? 人數(人) 喜歡《青春舞曲》的人數是全班的 27/31 不喜歡《青春舞曲》的人數是全班的 4/31

8 A Cinderella Story 的主角 灰姑娘 - Sam Montgomery 姓名 : Sam Montgomery
年齡 : ~20 運動 : baseball 性格 : 開郎、樂意幫助別人和開放 白馬王子 - Austin Ames 姓名 : Austin Ames 年齡 :~22 運動 : football 性格 : 開放和有型

9 Summary A Cinderella Story
芯(SAM)的後母弗安娜(Fiona)和她兩個狠毒的姐姐把芯當作是工人多過家裏的一份子。 芯在一個非常之浪慢的晚宴中找到她的白馬王子安田(Austin) 。 安田(Austin)的前位女友和芯的兩位姐姐不想安田和芯成為情侶,所以她們就想了一個計劃去把她們分開。

10 六乙班的同學喜不喜歡「灰姑娘」? 人數(人) 喜歡「灰姑娘」的人數是全班的14/31 不喜歡「灰姑娘」的人數是全班的16/31

11 總結 《青春舞曲》比起《灰姑娘》更多人喜歡 小六的同學已經開始有青少年的想法,不再喜歡《灰姑娘》這些童話故事

12 Reflection 完成這次專題研習後我才知道,原來約有一半我的同學已經開始有青少年的思想,不再是一些只愛看童話故事的小朋友了。當我自己回答那份問卷的時侯,我也發覺自己的思想開始成熟了,各位師長門,不要再用看待小孩子的方法來教導我們了!

13 資料來源 : High School Musical A Cinderella Story

14 鳴謝 在此感謝所有曾經協助我完成這份專題研習的家人、老師和同學。


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