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Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

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1 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
不妥協的福音 徒17:16-33 潘柏滔 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

2 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
科學: 求真 ? (Science: Truth) 藝術: 求美 ? (Arts: Beauty) 宗教: 求善 ? (Religion: Morality) 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

3 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
ARNOLD PENZIAS, 1978 NOBELIST PHYSICIST﹐ (BELL LAB/FERMI LAB) “假如我只有聖經的頭五卷書, 加上詩篇, 或聖經主要部份, 那麼我的結論與當前最佳的科學證據比較下, 兩者不謀而合.” 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

4 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
徒17:16-23 保罗在雅典等候他们的时候,看见满城都是偶像,就心里著急;於是在会堂里与犹太人和虔敬的人,并每日在市上所遇见的人,辩论。 还有以彼古罗和斯多亚两门的学士,与他争论。….. 他们就把他带到亚略巴古,说:「你所讲的这新道,我们也可以知道吗?」因为你有些奇怪的事传到我们耳中,我们愿意知道这些事是什麽意思。」 保罗站在亚略巴古当中,说:「众位雅典人哪,我看你们凡事很敬畏鬼神。 我游行的时候,观看你们所敬拜的,遇见一座坛,上面写著『未识之神』。你们所不认识而敬拜的,我现在告诉你们。 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

5 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
徒17:24-31 創造宇宙和其中萬物的神、既是天地的主、就不住人手所造的殿.也不用人手服事、好像缺少甚麼、自己倒將生命、氣息、萬物、賜給萬人。衪從一本造出萬族的人,住在全地上,並且預先定準他們的年限,和所住的疆界,要叫他們尋求神;或者可以揣摩而得, 其實衪離我們各人不遠。我們生活、動作、存留,都在乎衪! 就如你們作詩的,有人說: “我們也是衪所生的。”我們既是神所生的,就不當以為神的神性,像人用手藝、心思所雕刻的金、銀、石。世人蒙昧無知的時候、 神並不監察、如今卻吩咐各處的人都要悔改。 因為衪已經定了日子、要藉著衪所設立的人、按公義審判天下.並且叫衪從死裏復活、給萬人作可信的憑據。 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

6 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
II. 保羅雅典演說的背景: 希羅文化 多神論, 笑一神論 專崇知識 人只要知就行, 无罪 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

7 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
III. 保羅雅典演說的論据: 引用希臘哲學家指出人心空虛, 需要精神寄托 v22: 我看你们凡事很敬畏鬼神 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

8 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
III. 保羅雅典演說的論据: b.神籍大自然啟示自已, 誏人尋找他 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

9 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
1.神创造宇宙和其中万物: V. 24 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

10 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
科學理論: 人类原則(Anthropic Principle)-精密微調的宇宙Cosmic Fine tuning)容許人类生存. 93 項調節恰到好處, 生命在宇宙的出現並非偶然 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

11 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
引力常數 宇宙的膨漲速度光速 水分子的極性 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

12 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
星系間的平均距離 星體間的平均距離 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

13 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
Robert Jastrow Astronomer NASA and Columbia University “科學家在攀登無知的高山, 他將要征服最高的山巔, 但當他爬上最後一個山峰, 卻發現一群神學家已在山頂上等候他數千年之久.” 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

14 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
2. 世人同出一轍 26: 衪从一本造出万族的人, 住在全地上, 并且预先定准他们的年限和所住的疆界. 神造人, 賜人生命 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

15 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
Genetic information is stored in DNA on sequences of base pairs: A-T & G-C 遺傳資訊在於DNA的根基對比 This is not to say DNA is the whole show. There are other forms of information biology that we are just beginning to detect. Mitochondria Eve, 粒缐体夏娃 Y chromosome Adam Y 染色体亚当 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

16 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
Vol 463|28 January 2010| doi: /nature08700 Y chromosome Gene and Gene families Numbers of intact copies Human Chimpanzee Difference (human -chimp) Grand Total (Genes) 78 37 41 (53%) Grand Total (Gene families) 27 18 9 (33%) 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

17 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
“垃圾DNA”: 進化遺跡? “Junk DNA”: Vestiges of Evolution? 只有2-5%的人類基因組編碼蛋白質 Only 2-5% of human genome encode proteins Possible functions of “Junk DNA” 假基因不再是假的了! Pseudogenes were long considered as junk genomic DNA: present in the genome but non-coding and without function. However, discoveries in the ancient protist T. brucei, as well as in some metazoan, indicate that pseudogene regulation is widespread in eukaryotes. Accordingly, the moniker "pseudogene" has been challenged. (Yan-Zi Wen, Ling-Ling Zheng, Liang-Hu Qu, Francisco J. Ayala and Zhao-Rong Lun, "Pseudogenes are not pseudo any more," RNA Biology, Vol. 9(1):27-32 (January, 2012).) 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

18 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
DNA元素百科全書 ENCODE doi: /nature11245, 6 S E P T E M B E R , | VO L | N AT U R E | doi: /nature11247, 6 S E P T E M B E R , | VO L | N AT U R E | Collaborative project to construct an Encyclopedia of DNA Elements. Assembled 1640 data sets from 147 cell types . 80% of the genome has biochemical function. 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

19 Non-coding DNA research
10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

20 人類基因組的新貌 Human Genome Set Right
Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL 10/13/2019

21 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
“Human DNA is like a computer program but far, far more advanced than any we’ve ever created.” “人體內的DNA是如電腦程序, 但卻遠超任何人造的產物” Bill Gates We of course know that computer programs are written by computer programmers, that is intelligent people. 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL Discovery Institute

22 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
3. 人不認識神, 反拜偶像 神创造宇宙和其中万物, 但神不在受造物中, V24b: 既是天地的主,就不住人手所造的殿. 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

23 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
4. 神創造人的目的, 是要人尋求神 v.27 要叫他们寻求神, 或者 可以揣摩而得 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

24 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
Rom 1: 神的事情,人所能知道的,原显明在人心里,因为神已经给他们显明。自从造天地以来,神的永能和神性是明明可知的,虽是眼不能见,但藉著所造之物就可以晓得,叫人无可推诿. 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

25 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
康德: 有两样东西, 愈是经常和持久地思考它们,对它们日久弥新和不断增长之魅力以及崇敬之情就愈加充实着心灵: 我头顶的星空, 和我心中的道德律。 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

26 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
"你為你自己創造我們, 我們的心不能安息, 直到安息在你裡面" AUGUSTINE 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

27 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
传 3:11 神造万物,各按其时成为美好;又将永生安置在世人心里。 约六68: 主啊, 你有永生之道, 我们还归从谁呢? 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

28 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
神与尋求衪的人同在: 27-28: 其实衪离我们各人不远;我们生活、动作、存留,都在乎衪。就如你们作诗的,有人说:『我们也是衪所生的。』 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

29 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
徒17:27-29: “其實衪離我們各人不遠。我們生活、動作、存留,都在乎衪!” 就如你們作詩的,有人說:『我們也是衪所生的。』 我們既是神所生的,就不當以為神的神性,像人用手藝、心思所雕刻的金、銀、石. 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

30 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

31 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
6. 悔改, 認識神 v 世人蒙昧无知的时候,神并不监察,如今却吩咐各处的人都要悔改, 因为衪已经定了日子,要藉著衪所设立的人按公义审判天下,并且叫衪从死里复活,给万人作可信的凭据. 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

32 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
空墳墓 教会開始 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

33 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
徒Acts 17:30-31 徒Acts 17:24-29 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

34 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
神尋找人 God Seeks Man 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

35 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
I. 唯一的真理是沒有絕對性的真理? II. 保羅雅典演說的背景: III. 保羅雅典演說的論据: 引用希臘哲學家指出人心空虛, 需要精神寄托 b. 神籍大自然啟示自已, 誏人尋找他 1.神创造宇宙和其中万物 2. 世人同出一轍 3. 人不認識神, 反拜偶像 4. 神創造人的目的, 是要人尋求神 5. 神与尋求衪的人同在 6. 悔改, 認識神 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

36 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL
結論: 1. 人心空虛, 享徃終極歸依 2. 神普遍啟示: 神的創造和人性. 3. 神特殊启示: 耶穌基督复活, 是獨一的救主. 4. 耶穌基督是道路, 真理, 生命. 10/13/2019 Pattle Pun. Professor of Biology emeritus, Wheaton College, IL

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