習作本練習 (影音播放說明) 解答 PPT 啟動畫筆.

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1 習作本練習 (影音播放說明) 解答 PPT 啟動畫筆

2 Getting Started D C F B A E 回目錄 活動式PPT *LV3L03-07影片

3 cause any misunderstanding.
Reading Sometimes people can “say” something even when they aren’t talking. Gestures are the “silent language” of every culture. It is important to know the body language of another country if we do not want to cause any misunderstanding. 中譯 回目錄 整課朗讀 *LV3L03-10影片 下一頁

4 If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness.
Reading part-2 In the United States, people greet each other with a handshake when they are being introduced in a formal way. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. 5 8 中譯 回目錄 *LV3L03-08影片 上一頁 下一頁

5 greet their friends with a hug.
Reading part-3 When friends meet, one of them might place a hand on the other’s arm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, greet their friends with a hug. 中譯 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

6 Space is important to Americans.
Reading part-4 Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they generally stand two and a half feet away at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. 15 中譯 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

7 Reading part-5 They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say, “Pardon me,” or “Excuse me.” 19 中譯 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

8 Reading part-6 Americans like to look the other person in the eyes when they are talking If you don’t do so, it might seem that you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested. But if you stare at someone, it is not polite. 23 中譯 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

9 To show you want the check, make a movement with your hands as if you
Reading part-7 For Americans, thumbs up means yes, very good, or well done. Thumbs down means the opposite To call a waiter, raise one hand to head level or above. To show you want the check, make a movement with your hands as if you are signing a piece of paper. 29 30 中譯 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

10 Reading part-8 It is all right to point at things but not at people with the hand and index finger. Americans shake their index finger at children when they scold them and pat them on the head when they admire them. 32 33 中譯 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

11 Reading part-9 Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing If you don’t know what to do, the safe thing to do is to smile. 36 37 中譯 回目錄 *LV3L03-09影片 上一頁

12 we do not want to cause any misunderstanding.
Reading 中譯 part-1 Sometimes people can “say” something even when they aren’t talking. Gestures are the “silent language” of every culture. It is important to know the body language of another country if we do not want to cause any misunderstanding. 有時候即使是在人們沒開口說話的時候,他們也會「說」點東西。手勢或姿勢是每個文化裡的「無聲語言」。 如果我們不想要造成誤解,了解另一國家的身體語言是很重要 的。 返回

13 weakness or unfriendliness.
Reading 中譯 part-2 In the United States, people greet each other with a handshake when they are being introduced in a formal way. The handshake must be firm. If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness. 在美國,當別人用正式的方式介紹人們彼此認識時,他們會握手打招呼。握手一定要堅定有力, 如果軟弱無力,就是一種軟弱或不 友善的象徵。 返回

14 當朋友見面時,當中的一個人可能會將一隻手放在另一個人的手臂或肩膀上。 有些人, 通常是女人,會用擁抱來迎接朋友。
Reading 中譯 part-3 When friends meet, one of them might place a hand on the other’s arm or shoulder. Some people, usually women, greet their friends with a hug. 當朋友見面時,當中的一個人可能會將一隻手放在另一個人的手臂或肩膀上。 有些人, 通常是女人,會用擁抱來迎接朋友。 返回

15 uncomfortable when a person stands too close.
Reading 中譯 part-4 Space is important to Americans. When two people talk to each other, they generally stand two and a half feet away at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly. Americans get uncomfortable when a person stands too close. 距離對美國人是很重要。當兩個人在談話時,他們通常會相距二點五英尺以某種角度站著,所以沒有直接面對面。 當有人站得太 靠近,美國人會覺得不舒服。 返回

16 they say, “Pardon me,” or “Excuse me.”
Reading 中譯 part-5 They will move back to have their space. If Americans touch another person by accident, they say, “Pardon me,” or “Excuse me.” 他們會往後移動來挪出他們所需的距離。 如果美國人不小心觸碰到另一個人,他們會說 「請原諒」或「對不起」。 返回

17 at someone, it is not polite.
Reading 中譯 part-6 Americans like to look the other person in the eyes when they are talking. If you don’t do so, it might seem that you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested. But if you stare at someone, it is not polite. 美國人講話時喜歡看著對方的眼睛。 如果你不這麼做,可能會讓你看起來很無聊、在隱藏些什麼或不感興趣。但如果你是瞪著某 人看,就很不禮貌。 返回

18 you are signing a piece of paper.
Reading 中譯 part-7 For Americans, thumbs up means yes, very good, or well done. Thumbs down means the opposite. To call a waiter, raise one hand to head level or above. To show you want the check, make a movement with your hands as if you are signing a piece of paper. 對美國人而言,拇指向上意思是指對的、非常好或做得好。拇指向下則意思相反。要叫服務生,就舉起一隻手到頭部或以上的位置。 如果要表示你想要帳單,就動動你的 手,好像在一張紙上簽名。 返回

19 用手和食指指著物品是可以的,但不可對著人指。 美國人責備小孩時,會對著小孩搖動他們的食指,當讚賞小孩時,則會輕拍他們
Reading 中譯 part-8 It is all right to point at things but not at people with the hand and index finger. Americans shake their index finger at children when they scold them and pat them on the head when they admire them. 用手和食指指著物品是可以的,但不可對著人指。 美國人責備小孩時,會對著小孩搖動他們的食指,當讚賞小孩時,則會輕拍他們 頭。 返回

20 do, the safe thing to do is to smile.
Reading 中譯 part-9 Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing. If you don’t know what to do, the safe thing to do is to smile. 學習一個文化的身體語言有時候會產生困惑。 如果你不知道如何做,安全的做法是微 笑。 返回

21 (中譯:在美國,當別人用正式的方式介紹人們彼此認時,他們會握手打招呼。)
句型-1 In the United States, people greet each other with a handshake when they are being introduced in a formal way.(見第5行) (中譯:在美國,當別人用正式的方式介紹人們彼此認時,他們會握手打招呼。) (1) greet ... with a handshake 以握手的方式 跟……打招呼 例:The principal greeted my father with a handshake. 校長握手和我爸打招呼。 回目錄 下一頁

22 (2) are being introduced 為被動語態的現在進 行式。
句型-1 (2) are being introduced 為被動語態的現在進 行式。 例:The eggs are being boiled in the pot. 鍋裡正在煮蛋。 (3) in a ... way 以……方式 例:Vicky sang the song in a different way. 薇琪用不同的方法唱這首歌。 【補充】on one’s/the way to ... 在……路上 例:Simon fell off of his bike on his way to school. 賽門在上學途中從腳踏車上摔下來。 關鍵句型 回目錄 回課文 上一頁

23 (中譯:如果軟弱無力,就是一種軟弱或不友善的象徵。) (1) a sign of ... ……的徵兆、象徵
句型-2 If the handshake is weak, it is a sign of weakness or unfriendliness.(見第8行) (中譯:如果軟弱無力,就是一種軟弱或不友善的象徵。) (1) a sign of ... ……的徵兆、象徵 例:Dark clouds can be a sign of heavy rain. 烏雲密布可能是大雨欲來的徵兆。 (2) 對等連接詞or(或者)連接兩個詞性相同 的字詞。 例:You may stay here or come with me. 你可以待在這裡或者跟著我來。 回目錄 回課文

24 (中譯:當兩個人在談話時,他們通常會相距二點五英尺以某種角度站著,所以沒有直接面對面。)
句型-3 When two people talk to each other, they generally stand two and a half feet away at an angle, so they are not facing each other directly.(見第15行) (中譯:當兩個人在談話時,他們通常會相距二點五英尺以某種角度站著,所以沒有直接面對面。) 回目錄 下一頁

25 (1) two and a half feet away 距離兩英尺半之遠 ... away 意思是「距離……之遠」。另
句型-3 (1) two and a half feet away 距離兩英尺半之遠 ... away 意思是「距離……之遠」。另 外,two and a half 意思是「兩個半」,而 feet 為 foot 的複數形。 例:My hometown is five hundred miles away. 我的家鄉距離五百英里遠。 Elvis has been learning Japanese for one and a half years. 艾維斯學日文已經一年半了。 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

26 例:All the girls in the beauty contest are
句型-3 (2) at an angle 以某種角度 例:All the girls in the beauty contest are standing at an angle on the stage. 所有參加選美的女孩都以某種角度站在 舞台上。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁

27 They will move back to have their space.(見第19行)
句型-4 They will move back to have their space.(見第19行) (中譯:他們會往後移動來挪出他們所需的距離。) to have their space(為了要保有他們的距離) 為表目的的不定詞片語,to have 也可用in order to have 或so as to have 表示。 ※ 本句型可參考本課Grammar Focus II 。 回目錄 下一頁

28 例:The bus stopped to let some passengers get on.
句型-4 例:The bus stopped to let some passengers get on. = The bus stopped in order to let some passengers get on. = The bus stopped so as to let some 公車停下來好讓一些乘客上車。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁

29 (中譯:如果你不這麼做,可能會讓你看起來很無聊、在隱藏些什麼或不感興趣。)
句型-5 If you don’t do so, it might seem that you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested.(見第23行) (中譯:如果你不這麼做,可能會讓你看起來很無聊、在隱藏些什麼或不感興趣。) 回目錄 下一頁

30 (1) so 代替前面做的動作,這裡代替的是前一句的look the other person in the eyes(看著對方的眼睛)。
句型-5 (1) so 代替前面做的動作,這裡代替的是前一句的look the other person in the eyes(看著對方的眼睛)。 例:You must quit smoking. If you don’t do so, it will ruin your health. 你一定要戒菸。如果你不這麼做會毀了 你的健康。 (2) It seems that S + V 似乎;好像 例:It seems that you are ready for the job. 看起來你似乎已經準備好接這個工作 了。 關鍵句型 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

31 句型-5 (3) you are bored, hiding something, or are not interested = you are bored, you are hiding something, or you are not interested 原本依句子結構bored 、hiding 及interested三個分詞共用主詞與動詞you are ,句中相同主詞及動詞應該省略,但這句最後一項的interested 之前保留了are ,為的是與not 形成否定句的形式。另外, are 和hiding 合起來表示現在進行式。 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

32 當她像那樣眨眼時,通常就表示她很緊張、試著要想起什麼東西,或者不以為然。
句型-5 例:When she blinks like that, it usually means that she is nervous, trying to remember something, or unimpressed. 當她像那樣眨眼時,通常就表示她很緊張、試著要想起什麼東西,或者不以為然。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁

33 To call a waiter, raise one hand to head level or above.(見第29行)
句型-6 To call a waiter, raise one hand to head level or above.(見第29行) (中譯:要叫服務生,就舉起一隻手到頭部或以上的位置。) (1) 這句等於If you want to call a waiter, you should raise one hand to head level or above.。 表目的的不定詞片語,若與祈使句連用, 通常是假設一種情況,建議對方該要如何 做。 回目錄 下一頁

34 例:To know more about Taiwan, you should come visit.
句型-6 例:To know more about Taiwan, you should come visit. = If you want to know more about Taiwan, you should come visit. (如果你)要多認識台灣,你就該來看看。 ※ 本句型可參考本課Grammar Focus II 。 (2) to head level or above = to head level or above head level 文法/句型 關鍵句型 回目錄 回課文 上一頁

35 (中譯:如果要表示你想要帳單,就動動你的手,好像在一張紙上簽名。)
句型-7 To show you want the check, make a movement with your hands as if you are signing a piece of paper.(見第30行) (中譯:如果要表示你想要帳單,就動動你的手,好像在一張紙上簽名。) (1) To show you want the check, make a movement ... 參考課文重點分析6 (1)。 回目錄 下一頁

36 (2) make a movement with ... 用……做個動作
句型-7 (2) make a movement with ... 用……做個動作 例:The actor made funny movements with his body and made us all laugh. 那個演員用他的身體做出許多好笑的動 作,使得我們都笑了。 (3) as if you are signing a piece of paper(好像 你正在一張紙上簽名)中,as if 用法請參 考T-65 片語補充。 關鍵句型 回目錄 回課文 上一頁

37 (中譯:用手和食指指著物品是可以的,但不可對著人指。) (1) it 為虛主詞,代替後面的不定詞to point ... finger。
句型-8 It is all right to point at things but not at people with the hand and index finger.(見第32行) (中譯:用手和食指指著物品是可以的,但不可對著人指。) (1) it 為虛主詞,代替後面的不定詞to point ... finger。 例:It is not appropriate to ask a woman her age. 問一個女人的年紀是不恰當的。 (2) point at things but not at people (指著東西但不要指著人)。 文法/句型 回目錄 回課文

38 (中譯:美國人責備小孩時,會對著小孩搖動他們的食指,當讚賞小孩時,則會輕拍他們頭。)
句型-9 Americans shake their index finger at children when they scold them and pat them on the head when they admire them.(見第33行) (中譯:美國人責備小孩時,會對著小孩搖動他們的食指,當讚賞小孩時,則會輕拍他們頭。) (1) shake their index finger at children 對著小 孩搖動他們的食指 (2) pat them on the head 拍他們的頭 文法/句型 文法/句型 回目錄 回課文

39 Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing.(見第36行)
句型-10 Learning a culture’s body language is sometimes confusing.(見第36行) (中譯:學習一個文化的身體語言有時候會產生困惑。) (1) 此句動名詞當主詞視為單數,故動詞用 is。 例:Being a good mother is not easy. 做個好母親並不容易。 (2) confusing 現在分詞修飾事物,過去分詞 confused 修飾人。 關鍵句型 回目錄 回課文

40 If you don’t know what to do, the safe thing to do is to smile.(見第37行)
句型-11 If you don’t know what to do, the safe thing to do is to smile.(見第37行) (中譯:如果你不知道如何做,安全的做法是微笑。) (1) what to do 為名詞片語,作know 的受詞。 這類的名詞片語為名詞子句簡化而來,意 思等於what you should do,也可換成how you should do it。 例: Tell me what to do to make you happy. 告訴我如何做才能讓你開心。 關鍵句型 回目錄 下一頁

41 (2) 此句the safe thing to do is to smile 中,be 動詞之後的不定詞to smile 為主詞補語,
句型-11 (2) 此句the safe thing to do is to smile 中,be 動詞之後的不定詞to smile 為主詞補語, 描述主詞。另外, the safe thing 後接的to do 不定詞為形容詞片語,修飾the safe thing。 例:The best way to avoid a traffic jam is to take the MRT. 避免交通阻塞最好的方法就是搭乘捷 運。 關鍵句型 回目錄 回課文 上一頁

42 above 既是介系詞也是副詞,原為介系詞的above 省略了head level 之後,在這句就變成了副詞。
文法/句型-6 above 既是介系詞也是副詞,原為介系詞的above 省略了head level 之後,在這句就變成了副詞。 例:After practicing yoga, Amy could raise her leg to shoulder level or above. 練了瑜珈之後,艾咪可將腿舉到肩部或肩部以 上的位置。 回目錄 回課文 返回

43 對等連接詞but 連接at things 和at people 兩個介系詞片語。not at people 表否定之意。
文法/句型-8 對等連接詞but 連接at things 和at people 兩個介系詞片語。not at people 表否定之意。 例:You can go out with your friends to a movie but not to a night club. 你可以和朋友出去看電影,但不能上夜店。 回目錄 回課文 返回

44 例:I can’t stand my little sister. She is always shouting at me.
介系詞at 意思是「對著」,類似的片語有laugh at ...(嘲笑……)、smile at ...(對……微笑)及shout at(對……大叫)等。 例:I can’t stand my little sister. She is always shouting at me. 我無法忍受我的妹妹。她總是對我大吼大叫。 回目錄 回課文 返回

45 這類「pat 人 on 身體部位」用法的例子還有:
文法/句型-9B 這類「pat 人 on 身體部位」用法的例子還有: kiss sb. on the cheek(輕吻某人的臉頰)、hit/punch sb. in the stomach(打某人的肚子)、slap/strike sb. across the face(甩某人耳光) 及grab sb. by the hand(捉住某人的手)等,介系詞則可依所接部位不同而做變化。 例:His girlfriend slapped him on the face right in the middle of the street. 他的女朋友當街甩了他一個耳光。 回目錄 回課文 返回

46 關鍵句型 1.be + being + p.p. 2.get + adj. 3.it seems that ...
4.infinitive of purpose 5.as if 6.V-ing + V單數 7.wh- + to V 8.be + to V 回目錄

47 此句型用來表達某一被動動作正在進行、即將發生或不斷重複。 【範例】
關鍵句型-1 be + being + p.p. 進行式的被動語態 【說明】 此句型用來表達某一被動動作正在進行、即將發生或不斷重複。 【範例】 Stephen Chou’s movies are always being rerun on cable TV. 周星馳的電影老是在第四台重播。 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-2 練習 回句型 回課文

48 As I hurried down the dark lane, I sensed that I ______.
Your turn-1 ( ) 1. D As I hurried down the dark lane, I sensed that I ______. (A)was following (B)am followed (C) was be followed (D) was being followed 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-2 下一頁

49 This website is ______. You are not able to view it now.
( ) 2. C This website is ______. You are not able to view it now. (A) rebuilding (B) rebuilt (C) being rebuilt (D) be rebuilt 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-2 上一頁 下一頁

50 ( ) 3. A The X-rays ______ examined right now, and we will get the results soon. (A) are being (B) are been (C) are (D) will 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-2 返回 回句型 回課文 上一頁

51 get當連綴動詞時,後面加形容詞,表示「變得……,成為……」。 【範例】
關鍵句型-2 get + adj. 變得…… 【說明】 get當連綴動詞時,後面加形容詞,表示「變得……,成為……」。 【範例】 He eats a lot and never exercises at all. That’s why he is getting fat. 他吃很多又從不運動。那就是他一直變胖的原因。 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-1 關鍵句型-3 練習

52 This medicine will prevent your cold from ______ worse. (A) making
Your turn-2 ( ) 1. C This medicine will prevent your cold from ______ worse. (A) making (B) doing (C) getting (D) taking 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-1 關鍵句型-3 下一頁

53 She gets ______ if someone makes fun of her. (A) anger (B) angry
( ) 2. B She gets ______ if someone makes fun of her. (A) anger (B) angry (C) angrily (D) to be angry 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-1 關鍵句型-3 上一頁 下一頁

54 It wasn’t a great show, and I quickly got ______. (A) boring (B) bored
( ) 3. B It wasn’t a great show, and I quickly got ______. (A) boring (B) bored (C) bores (D) boredom 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-1 關鍵句型-3 返回 上一頁

55 這個海灘度假勝地似乎非常熱門,一年到頭遊客絡繹不絕。
關鍵句型-3 it seems that ... 似乎 【補充】 seem的其他句型: seem + as if/like + S + V seem + (to be) adj./N seem + to V 【範例】 It seems that the beach resort is very popular with visitors all year round. 這個海灘度假勝地似乎非常熱門,一年到頭遊客絡繹不絕。 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-2 關鍵句型-4 下一頁

56 It seems like you are not telling me the whole truth.
關鍵句型-3 It seems like you are not telling me the whole truth. 看樣子你好像沒有告訴我全部的實情。 The comedian seems so humorous, but in private he is a serious man. 那位喜劇演員看似很幽默,但私底下是個嚴肅的人。 You seemed to enjoy the salad, but what about the main dish? 你似乎很喜歡這道沙拉,但是主菜怎樣呢? 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-2 關鍵句型-4 練習 回句型 回課文 上一頁

57 It seems ______ the company will not meet its sales target this year.
Your turn-3 ( ) 1. A It seems ______ the company will not meet its sales target this year. (A) that (B) to be (C) to (D) as 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-2 關鍵句型-4 下一頁

58 Shawn’s behavior seemed ______ today; he wasn’t like his normal self.
( ) 2. D Shawn’s behavior seemed ______ today; he wasn’t like his normal self. (A) strangely (B) as if strange (C) that strange (D) strange 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-2 關鍵句型-4 上一頁 下一頁

59 ( ) 3. D It’s true that iPods are a hot item these days; it seems ______ everyone has one. (A) to be (B) like that (C) as if that (D) like 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-2 關鍵句型-4 返回 回句型 回課文 上一頁

60 不定詞to V常用來談論目的,= in order to V。 【範例】
關鍵句型-4 infinitive of purpose 【說明】 不定詞to V常用來談論目的,= in order to V。 【範例】 She is working two jobs (in order) to save money for her dream of going to university in England. 為了存錢實現去英國唸大學的夢想,她兼了兩份差事。 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-3 關鍵句型-5 下一頁

61 為了吃到新鮮又沒農藥的蔬菜,我在自家後院種了包心菜、紅蘿蔔和蕃茄。
關鍵句型-4 In order to/To eat fresh and chemical-free vegetables, I grow cabbages, carrots and tomatoes in my backyard. 為了吃到新鮮又沒農藥的蔬菜,我在自家後院種了包心菜、紅蘿蔔和蕃茄。 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-3 關鍵句型-5 練習 回句型 回課文 上一頁

62 The man’s been waiting for two hours ______ ______ you.
Your turn-4 1. 那位先生為了見你一面已經等了兩個小 時。 The man’s been waiting for two hours ______ ______ you. 2. 為了還債,王先生必須把他的車子賣掉。 ______ ______ ______ pay his debts, Mr. Wang had to sell his car. to see In order to 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-3 關鍵句型-5 下一頁

63 ______ avoid heavy traffic, Dad leaves for work very early. To
Your turn-4 3. 為了避開壅塞的交通,爸爸都很早就出門 上班。 ______ avoid heavy traffic, Dad leaves for work very early. To 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-3 關鍵句型-5 返回 回句型 回課文 上一頁

64 She often talks as if she knows a lot about fashion, but she doesn’t.
關鍵句型-5 as if 好像 【說明】 as if為連接詞。 【範例】 She often talks as if she knows a lot about fashion, but she doesn’t. 她常說得好像自己是時尚專家,但其實她什麼都不懂。 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-4 關鍵句型-6 練習 回句型 回課文

65 It looks ______ ______ the bad weather is
Your turn-5 1. 看來壞天氣好像終於要在這個禮拜結束 了。 It looks ______ ______ the bad weather is finally coming to an end this week. 2. 有時候艾芙琳表現得好像她是我們班上唯 一有男朋友的人。 Sometimes Eveline acts ______ ______ she is the only person in our class who has a boyfriend. as if as if 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-4 關鍵句型-6 下一頁

66 He shrugged his shoulders ______ ______ he didn’t care about the news.
Your turn-5 3. 他聳聳肩好像不在意那個消息似的。 He shrugged his shoulders ______ ______ he didn’t care about the news. as if 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-4 關鍵句型-6 返回 回句型 回課文 上一頁

67 用動名詞V-ing當作句子的主詞,後面要接單數動詞。 【範例】
關鍵句型-6 V-ing + V單數 【說明】 用動名詞V-ing當作句子的主詞,後面要接單數動詞。 【範例】 Going to an amusement park is great fun for kids. 對小孩子來說,去遊樂園真的很好玩。 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-5 關鍵句型-7 練習 回句型 回課文

68 ______ an aspirin(阿斯匹靈)will relieve the pain in your leg. (A) Taking
Your turn-6 ( ) 1. A ______ an aspirin(阿斯匹靈)will relieve the pain in your leg. (A) Taking (B) Take (C) Takes (D) It takes 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-5 關鍵句型-7 下一頁

69 Exercising regularly ______ a good way to keep in shape. (A) have been
( ) 2. C Exercising regularly ______ a good way to keep in shape. (A) have been (B) are (C) is (D) it is 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-5 關鍵句型-7 上一頁 下一頁

70 ______ money isn’t as easy as you seem to think it is! (A) To making
( ) 3. C ______ money isn’t as easy as you seem to think it is! (A) To making (B) Makes (C) Making (D) Make 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-5 關鍵句型-7 返回 回句型 回課文 上一頁

71 疑問詞what、when、where、who、which等加上不定詞,用法同間接問句。 【範例】
關鍵句型-7 wh- + to V 【說明】 疑問詞what、when、where、who、which等加上不定詞,用法同間接問句。 【範例】 We haven’t decided where to go on our holiday. 我們還沒有決定放假的時候要去哪裡。 You need to tell your mom what to prepare for your lunch. 你得告訴你媽媽要為你準備什麼午餐。 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-6 關鍵句型-8 練習 回句型 回課文

72 It is clear that you didn’t listen properly when I told you ______.
Your turn-7 ( ) 1. C It is clear that you didn’t listen properly when I told you ______. (A) should do what (B) what should do (C) what to do (D) to do what 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-6 關鍵句型-8 下一頁

73 She had no idea ______ to keep the kids entertained for two hours.
( ) 2. A She had no idea ______ to keep the kids entertained for two hours. (A) how (B) what (C) that (D) who 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-6 關鍵句型-8 上一頁 下一頁

74 Could you tell me ______ the bus to I-lan(宜蘭)? (A) where should take
( ) 3. D Could you tell me ______ the bus to I-lan(宜蘭)? (A) where should take (B) where do I get (C) what to take (D) where to get 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-6 關鍵句型-8 返回 回句型 回課文 上一頁

75 be + to V 【說明】 (1) 該句型的to V當作主詞補語。 (2) 這種句型通常用在 (a) 計畫或安排;(b) 先決條件。
關鍵句型-8 be + to V 【說明】 (1) 該句型的to V當作主詞補語。 (2) 這種句型通常用在 (a) 計畫或安排;(b) 先決條件。 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-7 下一頁

76 The next step in our wedding plans is to confirm the guest list.
關鍵句型-8 【範例】 The next step in our wedding plans is to confirm the guest list. 我們婚禮籌辦計畫的下一步就是確定賓客名單。 A good way to stay healthy is to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. 一個保持健康的好方法就是吃各類的水果與蔬菜。 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-7 練習 回句型 回課文 上一頁

77 The only way to improve your playing
Your turn-8 1. 要讓演奏技巧精進的唯一方法就是經常練 習。 The only way to improve your playing ______ ______ _________ regularly. 2. 既然你已經擬定讀書計畫,接下來就是照 表操課。 Now that you have made a study plan, the next step ______ ______ ______ it. is to practice is to follow 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-7 下一頁

78 Her greatest wish ______ ______ become a doctor like her father. is to
Your turn-8 3. 她最大的願望就是像她父親一樣當個醫 生。 Her greatest wish ______ ______ become a doctor like her father. is to 回關鍵句型目錄 關鍵句型-7 返回 回句型 回課文 上一頁

79 Tom made a welcoming gesture toward his friend by opening his arms.
>>Vocabulary>>Words for Production [1] gesture 【統測出現題數:0】 ['dIGstNQ] n. [C] a movement of part of one’s body to show what one means or how one feels 手勢,姿勢 Tom made a welcoming gesture toward his friend by opening his arms. 中譯 湯姆對著他的朋友展開雙手,做了一個歡迎的手勢。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 下一頁

80 [2] culture ['kKltNQ] n. [U, C]
【統測出現題數:2】 ['kKltNQ] n. [U, C] the way of life, customs, and beliefs that are shared by a particular group of people 文化 In a city like New York, you can meet people from many different cultures. 中譯 在像紐約這樣的一個城市裡,你可以遇到來自很多不同文化背景的人。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

81 [2-1] cultural ['kKltNDrDl] adj. 文化的
【統測出現題數:0】 ['kKltNDrDl] adj. 文化的 Although there are some cultural differences between us, we still get along very well. 中譯 雖然我們之間有些文化上的差異,但是我們仍然相處得很好。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

82 to make something happen, especially something bad 導致,引起
[3] cause 【統測出現題數:3】 [kCz] v. [T] to make something happen, especially something bad 導致,引起 The bus driver’s carelessness caused the accident. 中譯 公車司機的疏忽導致車禍意外。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

83 Smoking is one of the main causes of lung cancer.
【統測出現題數:2】 n. [C] 原因,起因 Smoking is one of the main causes of lung cancer. 中譯 抽菸是罹患肺癌的主要原因之一。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

84 a wrong idea about something, often between two or more people 誤解,誤會
[4] misunderstanding 【統測出現題數:0】 [`m0sKndQ'st$nd0H] n. [U] a wrong idea about something, often between two or more people 誤解,誤會 There must be some misunderstanding. I didn’t order a hamburger. 中譯 這當中一定有誤會。我不是點漢堡。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

85 [`m0sKndQ'st$nd] v. [T] (misunderstand,misunderstood, misunderstood
【統測出現題數:0】 [`m0sKndQ'st$nd] v. [T] (misunderstand,misunderstood, misunderstood 誤解,誤會 反:understand Don’t misunderstand me. That’s not what I meant. 中譯 別誤解我。那不是我的本意。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

86 The children are too little to have real understanding of this poem.
【統測出現題數:5】 [`KndQ'st$nd0H] n. [U] 了解,理解,諒解 The children are too little to have real understanding of this poem. 中譯 這些小孩還太小,無法了解這首詩的真正意涵。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

87 to welcome someone with particular words or actions 打招呼,問候,迎接
[5] greet 【統測出現題數:0】 [grit] v. [T] to welcome someone with particular words or actions 打招呼,問候,迎接 The manager of the restaurant greeted each guest with a smile. 中譯 餐廳的經理用微笑迎接每位賓客。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

88 The two businessmen exchanged greetings.
【統測出現題數:0】 ['grit0H] n. [U, C] 招呼,問候 The two businessmen exchanged greetings. 中譯 這兩個生意人相互問候。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

89 made or done officially or publicly 正式的 反:informal
【統測出現題數:1】 ['fCrm9] adj. made or done officially or publicly 正式的 反:informal You should wear a suit and tie when you go to a formal dinner. 中譯 當你參加正式的晚餐,應該穿西裝打領帶。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

90 [6-1] formally ['fCrm90] adv. 正式地
【統測出現題數:0】 ['fCrm90] adv. 正式地 The couple invited me to their wedding formally, with a beautiful invitation card. 中譯 這對新人用一張漂亮的喜帖,正式地邀請我參加他們的婚禮。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

91 tight and strong;fixed 結實的;牢固的
[7] firm 【統測出現題數:1】 [f"m] adj. tight and strong;fixed 結實的;牢固的 The mountain climber took a firm hold of the rope so as not to fall. 中譯 這個登山客緊握住繩子,以免掉落。 Nelson made sure that the chair was firm before he sat on it. 中譯 尼爾森在坐椅子之前,已經先確定椅子是牢固的。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

92 the state of being fragile 虛弱,軟弱
[8] weakness 【統測出現題數:0】 ['wikn0s] n. [U, C] the state of being fragile 虛弱,軟弱 Crying is considered by some people to be a sign of weakness. 中譯 有些人認為哭泣是一種軟弱的象徵。 The child was born with a weakness in his heart. 中譯 這小孩一出生心臟就不太健康。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

93 The typhoon weakened the structure of the bridge, and it fell down.
【統測出現題數:0】 ['wikDn] v. [T] 減弱,變衰弱 The typhoon weakened the structure of the bridge, and it fell down. 中譯 颱風使這座橋的結構鬆動而垮了。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

94 unkind behavior toward someone 不友善 反:friendliness
[9] unfriendliness 【統測出現題數:0】 [Kn'frGndl0n0s] n. [U] unkind behavior toward someone 不友善 反:friendliness He shut the door in my face, which I thought was a gesture of extreme unfriendliness. 中譯 他當著我的面把門「砰」地關上,我認為這是一種非常不友善的態度。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

95 to put something somewhere, especially with care 放置 似:put, lay
[10] place 【統測出現題數:5】 [ples] v. [T] to put something somewhere, especially with care 放置 似:put, lay Mr. Milton walked into the office and placed a box on the desk. 中譯 米爾頓先生步入辦公室,並在桌上放了一個盒子。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

96 My uncle welcomed me at the door and gave me a big hug.
【統測出現題數:0】 [hKg] n. [C] the action of putting your arms around someone and holding them to show love or friendship 擁抱 My uncle welcomed me at the door and gave me a big hug. 中譯 我的叔叔在門口歡迎我並給我一個大大的擁抱。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

97 v. [T] (hug, hugged, hugged) 擁抱 似:embrace, hold
【統測出現題數:0】 v. [T] (hug, hugged, hugged) 擁抱 似:embrace, hold The little girl was hugging her teddy bear as she fell asleep. 中譯 這個小女孩抱著她的泰迪熊入睡。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

98 一般地,普遍地;概略地,大體上 似:widely 一般地,普遍地; overall 概略地,大體上 反:particularly
[12] generally 【統測出現題數:2】 ['dIGnDrDl0] adv. by or to most people;considering the whole of a thing or group rather than its details or specific parts 一般地,普遍地;概略地,大體上 似:widely 一般地,普遍地; overall 概略地,大體上 反:particularly 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

99 High school students in Taiwan generally have to wear uniforms.
中譯 台灣的高中生通常必須穿制服。 Generally speaking, he is hard-working and easy-going. 中譯 大體上來說,他很勤奮,人又隨和。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

100 The director was asked some general questions about his latest movie.
【統測出現題數:3】 ['dIGnDrDl] adj. 一般的,普遍的;概略的,大體的 The director was asked some general questions about his latest movie. 中譯 導演被問一些關於他最新電影的一般性問題。 The teacher gave us a general introduction to the rules of basketball. 中譯 老師大致向我們介紹籃球的規則。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

101 The old building leans at an angle of 15 degrees.
【統測出現題數:0】 ['$Hg9] n. [C] the space around where two lines or surfaces meet;a way of considering a problem or situation 角,角度;觀點 The old building leans at an angle of 15 degrees. 中譯 那棟老舊的建築已經傾斜了十五度角。 We should try looking at this matter from a different angle. 中譯 我們應該要試著用不同的角度來看這件事。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

102 [14] face 【統測出現題數:3】 [fes] v. [T] to have or turn the face toward someone or something;to accept or deal with a problem or difficulty 面對,面向;面對(難題或困難) 似:confront 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

103 The police officer asked the man to turn around and face the wall.
中譯 警察要那個人轉身面對牆壁。 Try to stay calm when you are faced with any difficulty. 中譯 面對任何困難時,試著保持冷靜。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

104 with no other person, action, process in between
[15] directly 【統測出現題數:1】 [dD'rGktl0] adv. with no other person, action, process in between 直接地 似:straight 反:indirectly The car ran directly into the tree. 中譯 車子直接撞上這棵樹。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

105 Amy always feels uncomfortable when she’s on an airplane.
【統測出現題數:2】 [Kn'kKmfQtDb9] adj. not feeling pleasant 不舒服的 反:comfortable Amy always feels uncomfortable when she’s on an airplane. 中譯 艾咪在飛機上總是覺得不安。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

106 Martha has lived in comfort ever since she married a rich businessman.
【統測出現題數:0】 ['kKmfQt] n. [U] 舒適;安慰 Martha has lived in comfort ever since she married a rich businessman. 中譯 自從瑪莎嫁給一個富商就一直過著錦衣玉食的生活。 We should give comfort to those in need. 中譯 我們應該要安慰那些貧苦無助的人。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

107 The nurse is comforting the sick child.
【統測出現題數:0】 v. [T] 安慰 The nurse is comforting the sick child. 中譯 護士正在安慰那個生病的小孩。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

108 The couple sat close together on the couch, watching a scary movie.
【統測出現題數:5】 [klos] adv. not far away 靠近地,接近地 似:near The couple sat close together on the couch, watching a scary movie. 中譯 這對情人貼身坐在沙發上看恐怖片。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

109 似:near 靠近的; intimate 親密的
[17-1] close 【統測出現題數:0】 adj. 靠近的;親密的 似:near 靠近的; intimate 親密的 The bank you are looking for is close to the supermarket. 中譯 你要找的銀行離超市很近。 Wendy is a very close friend of mine. 中譯 溫蒂是我的一位密友。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

110 to forgive someone for behaving badly 原諒 似:forgive
[18] pardon 【統測出現題數:1】 ['pArd%] v. [T] to forgive someone for behaving badly 原諒 似:forgive Pardon me, I didn’t know this was your seat. 中譯 對不起,我不知道這是你的位子。 The man is seeking a pardon for his crime. 中譯 那個人在為他的罪尋求寬恕。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

111 [18-1] pardon n. [C] 原諒 ;再說一次
【統測出現題數:1】 n. [C] 原諒 ;再說一次 A: Dinner is ready. B: I beg your pardon? A: I said, “Dinner is ready.” 中譯 甲:晚餐已經準備好了。乙:可以再說一次嗎?甲:我說:「晚餐已經準備好了。」 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

112 It’s not polite to stare at people like that.
【統測出現題數:1】 [stGr] v. [I] to look at something or someone for a long time without moving the eyes 盯著看;瞪 似:look It’s not polite to stare at people like that. 中譯 那樣盯著人看是很沒禮貌的。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

113 the short thick finger set apart from the other four 拇指
[20] thumb 【統測出現題數:0】 [LKm] n. [C] the short thick finger set apart from the other four 拇指 Some kids comfort themselves by sucking their thumbs. 中譯 有些小孩藉著吸吮拇指頭來慰藉自己。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

114 Simon is a very hard-working person, but his brother is the opposite.
【統測出現題數:1】 ['ApDz0t] n. [C] something or someone that is completely different from another thing or person 相反的人或事物 Simon is a very hard-working person, but his brother is the opposite. 中譯 賽門是個很努力工作的人,但他的哥哥則不然。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

115 [21-1] opposite 【統測出現題數:0】 adj. 相反的 You are heading the wrong way; the train station is in the opposite direction. 中譯 你走錯方向了,火車站在反方向的地方。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

116 I can’t believe this tree has already grown above eye level.
【統測出現題數:2】 ['lGv9] n. [C] the height of something in relation to the ground;a particular standard of skill or ability 高度;程度 I can’t believe this tree has already grown above eye level. 中譯 我無法相信這棵樹已經長到超過眼睛的高度。 Miss Chang teaches students at a beginner’s level. 中譯 張老師教的是初級程度的學生。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

117 The hunter made a sudden movement and scared the birds away.
【統測出現題數:0】 ['muvmDnt] n. [C] a change in position 移動 The hunter made a sudden movement and scared the birds away. 中譯 獵人突然動了一下把鳥嚇走了。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

118 to express anger, criticism, etc., especially to a child 責罵
[24] scold 【統測出現題數:0】 [skold] v. [T] to express anger, criticism, etc., especially to a child 責罵 The waiter was scolded by his boss for breaking a dish. 中譯 那服務生因為打破盤子被老闆責罵。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

119 [p$t] v. [T] (pat, patted, patted)
【統測出現題數:0】 [p$t] v. [T] (pat, patted, patted) to touch someone or something gently and usually repeatedly with the hand flat 輕拍 The nurse patted the child on his back to make him feel better. 中譯 護士輕拍那小孩的背,好讓他覺得舒服一點。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

120 Joan admires Tom for his talent as an artist.
【統測出現題數:1】 [Dd'ma0r] v. [T] to respect and like someone because he or she has done something that you think is good 欽佩,欣賞 Joan admires Tom for his talent as an artist. 中譯 喬安欣賞湯姆藝術方面的才華。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

121 [26-1] admiration [`$dmD'reNDn] n. [U] 欽佩,欣賞
【統測出現題數:0】 [`$dmD'reNDn] n. [U] 欽佩,欣賞 Ella looked at her boyfriend in admiration as he talked about his dream of becoming an engineer. 中譯 當男友談到他想當工程師的夢想,艾拉就一臉崇拜地看著他。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

122 unclear and difficult to understand 令人困惑的
[27] confusing 【統測出現題數:1】 [kDn'fjuz0H] adj. unclear and difficult to understand 令人困惑的 The road signs were very confusing, so we got lost. 中譯 這些路標實在令人困惑,所以我們迷路了。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

123 English pronunciation rules often confuse students.
【統測出現題數:0】 [kDn'fjuz] v. [T] 使困惑 English pronunciation rules often confuse students. 中譯 英文發音的規則常常讓學生混淆。 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

124 I was confused by the questions the policeman asked.
【統測出現題數:1】 [kDn'fjuzd] adj. 感到困惑的 似:puzzled I was confused by the questions the policeman asked. 中譯 我對警察問的問題感到困惑。 回目錄 單字補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

125 [1] handshake ['h$nd`Nek] n. [C] 握手
>>Vocabulary>>Words for Recognition [1] handshake ['h$nd`Nek] n. [C] 握手 回目錄 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

126 [2] index finger ['0ndGks `f0HgQ] n. 食指 回目錄 回課文 上一頁

127 in a way that is not planned or intended 意外地
>>Idioms and Phrases [1] by accident in a way that is not planned or intended 意外地 Tom met his high school classmate by accident on the bus. 中譯 湯姆意外地在公車上遇見他的高中同學。 回目錄 片語補充 回課文 下一頁

128 You look as if you didn’t sleep well last night.
as though 好像 You look as if you didn’t sleep well last night. 中譯 你看起來好像昨晚沒睡好。 My parents talk to me as if I were still a child. 中譯 我的父母和我說話的樣子好像我還是個小孩。 回目錄 片語補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

129 a single thing of a particular type 一張,一塊,一片
[3] a piece of a single thing of a particular type 一張,一塊,一片 The man wrote his telephone number on a piece of paper. 中譯 那個男人將他的電話號碼寫在一張紙上。 回目錄 片語補充 回課文 上一頁 下一頁

130 My son pointed at another child and said,“He took my toy.”
[4] point at to direct other people’s attention to something by holding out one’s finger toward it 指著 My son pointed at another child and said,“He took my toy.” 中譯 我兒子指著另一個小孩說:「他拿我的玩具。」 回目錄 回課文 上一頁

131 ■ an obscene gesture 淫穢的手勢 例:The hand signal for “OK” in America is an
gesture n. [C] 手勢,姿勢 ■ a rude gesture 粗魯的手勢 ■ an obscene gesture 淫穢的手勢 例:The hand signal for “OK” in America is an obscene gesture in Latin America. 在美國OK 的手勢在拉丁美洲是一個淫穢的手 勢。 gesture n. [C] 表示;示意 例: Smiling is a gesture of friendship. 微笑是友善的表示。 回目錄 下一頁

132 例:The policeman gestured for all the drivers to stop their cars.
gesture v. [I] 做手勢 例:The policeman gestured for all the drivers to stop their cars. 警察做手勢示意要所有的駕駛停車。 回目錄 回課文 回單字 上一頁

133 ■ Western/American/Chinese culture 西方/美國/ 中國文化 ■ local culture 當地文化
culture n. [U, C] 文化 cultural adj. 文化的 ■ Western/American/Chinese culture 西方/美國/ 中國文化 ■ local culture 當地文化 ■ popular culture 流行文化 ■ cultural value 文化價值 ■ culture shock 文化衝擊 例:Many Westerners experience culture shock if they come to live in Taiwan. 許多西方人如果來到台灣住的時候,都會經歷 到文化衝擊。 回目錄 下一頁

134 cultured adj. 有教養的,有知識的,文雅的
例:You can tell that Susan’s father is a cultured man. = You can tell that Susan’s father is a man of culture. 你可以看得出來蘇珊的父親是個很有教養的 人。 回目錄 回課文 回單字 上一頁

135 (果)result from(因)= arise from = be attributed to 起因於
cause 補充 cause v. [T] 導致,引起 cause n. [C] 原因,起因 (因)cause(果)= lead to = bring about = result in = give rise to = contribute to 導致 (果)result from(因)= arise from = be attributed to 起因於 例:The continuous heavy rain caused the mudslide. = The mudslide resulted from the continuous heavy rain. 連續的大雨引發土石流。 回目錄 下一頁

136 ■ cause sb. trouble/problems 造成某人的麻煩/難題
例:I know I have caused you much trouble. I am sorry. 我知道我帶給你很多麻煩。我很抱歉 ■ cause damage/injury/pain/death 造成損害/傷害/ 痛苦/死亡 ■ cause uncertainty/embarrassment 造成不確定性/ 尷尬 cause n. [C] 目標;理想;職志 例:Animal rights are a cause she has been devoted to all of her life. 爭取動物的權利是她一生致力的目標。 回目錄 回課文 回單字 上一頁

137 ■ a formal occasion 正式的場合 ■ a formal agreement 正式的協議
formal adj. 正式的 formally adv. 正式地 ■ a formal occasion 正式的場合 ■ a formal agreement 正式的協議 ■ be formal with 對……拘泥形式,拘謹於 例:You don’t have to be so formal with me. 你不需要對我如此拘謹。 informal adj. 非正式的 例:I don’t think informal English is appropriate in a business letter. 我覺得非正式的英文不適用於商業書信中。 回目錄 回課文 回單字

138 ■ a firm grip/hold/grasp 緊握 ■ a firm belief 堅定的信仰 ■ stand firm 保持堅定
firm adj. 結實的;牢固的 ■ a firm grip/hold/grasp 緊握 ■ a firm belief 堅定的信仰 ■ stand firm 保持堅定 ■ be firm with sb. 對某人態度要堅定 例:You should be firm with your children on this matter. 在這件事情上,你對你的小孩立場應該要堅 定。 回目錄 下一頁

139 ■ an advertising firm 一家廣告公司 ■ an accounting firm 一家會計事務所
firm n. [C] 公司,事務所 ■ a law firm 一家律師事務所 ■ an advertising firm 一家廣告公司 ■ an accounting firm 一家會計事務所 ■ a small/medium-sized/large or big firm 一家小型/ 中型/大型企業 回目錄 回課文 回單字 上一頁

140 ■ have a weakness for something (因為喜愛)對某 物無招架之力
weakness n. [U, C] 虛弱,軟弱 weaken v. [T] 減弱,變衰弱 ■ have a weakness for something (因為喜愛)對某 物無招架之力 例:Lucy has a weakness for sweets. 露西對甜食毫無招架之力。 weakness n. [C] 偏愛;缺點,弱點 ■ strengths and weaknesses 優點及缺點 例:Everyone has his strengths and weaknesses. 每個人都有他的優缺點。 回目錄 回課文 回單字

141 ■ place ... importance/emphasis on ... 強調……
place v. [T] 放置 ■ place ... importance/emphasis on ... 強調…… 例:You can’t place too much importance on your health. 健康的重要強調再多也不為過。 ■ place sb./sth. above or before sb./sth. 將……置 於……之上或之前 例:Many businessmen place their business above their health. 很多生意人將事業置於健康之上。 回目錄 下一頁

142 ■ be placed first/second (in a race or competition) 在比賽中排名第一/第二
place v. [T] 設置,設立 例:The candidates placed advertisements everywhere during the election. 選舉期間候選人到處設立廣告。 回目錄 回課文 回單字 上一頁

143 generally adv. 一般地,普遍地;概略地,大體上 general adj. 一般的,普遍的;概略的,大體的
■ in general = generally 一般地;通常 例:In general, it takes about two hours to drive from Taipei to Taichung. 通常從台北到台中大約開車要兩個小時。 general n. [C] 將軍 回目錄 回課文 回單字

144 ■ an angle of 90 degrees 九十度角 ■ measure an/the angle 測量角度
angle n. [C] 角,角度;觀點 ■ at an angle 以某個角度地 ■ an angle of 90 degrees 九十度角 ■ measure an/the angle 測量角度 例:We need to measure the angle between the wall and the floor to make sure it is 90 degrees. 我們需要測量牆和地板之間的角度,以確定它 是九十度。 ■ the angle of a/the table 桌角(= corner) 例:My son hit his head on the angle of the table. 我兒子的頭撞到桌角。 回目錄 回課文 回單字

145 face v. 面對,面向;面對(難題或困難) ■ face (the) east/west/south/north(建築物)朝東/
西/南/北 例:The living room faces east. 這客廳朝東。 ■ face the sea/the lake/the mountain(建築物)面海 /湖/山 ■ face = be faced with 面對(有主動及被動兩種用 法) ■ be faced with/face a problem/a difficulty/achallenge/danger 面對難題/困難/挑 戰/危險 回目錄 下一頁

146 ■ face the fact/the truth/the world 面對事實/真相/ 世界 ■ face it 面對現實
例:She will never come back to you. Face it! 她不會回到你身邊。面對現實吧! ■ face the music 勇於承擔後果 例:If you are going to break the law, you should be prepared to face the music. 如果你要做違法的事情,就要有勇於承擔後果 的心理準備。 回目錄 回課文 回單字 上一頁

147 例:Mr. Watson took a direct flight to Shanghai this morning.
directly 補充 directly adv. 直接地 direct adj. 直接的 例:Mr. Watson took a direct flight to Shanghai this morning. 瓦森先生今天早上搭乘直飛到上海的班機。 direct v. [T] 指揮;執導;指向;指路 例:Steven Spielberg directed the film Schindler’s List. 史蒂芬史匹格執導《辛德勒的名單》這部電 影。 director n. [C] 指揮家;導演 direction n. [C, U] 方向;指導 例:I have a lousy sense of direction. I often get lost. 我的方向感很差。我常迷路。 回目錄 回課文 回單字

148 例:The police found that the two cases were closely related.
close adv. 靠近地,接近地 close adj. 靠近的;親密的 closely adv. 緊密地;仔細地 例:The police found that the two cases were closely related. 警方發現這兩個案件息息相關。 例:My mom told me to watch my baby brother very closely when she went out. 媽媽要我在她出門時看緊我的小弟。 回目錄 回課文 回單字

149 例:Several political prisoners have been pardoned by the president.
pardon v. [T] 原諒 pardon n. [C] 原諒;請再說一次 pardon v. [T] 赦免,特赦(罪刑) 例:Several political prisoners have been pardoned by the president. 總統已經特赦好幾個政治犯。 ■ Pardon me. = I beg your pardon. 請再說一次。 ■ Pardon me. = I’m sorry. 對不起。 ■ Pardon me. = Excuse me. 打擾一下/不好意思。 例:Pardon me. Can you tell me how to get to the post office? 打擾一下,你可以告訴我如何去郵局嗎? 回目錄 回課文 回單字

150 例:I am all thumbs today. I dropped my coffee cup again.
thumb n. [C] 拇指 ■ be all thumbs 笨手笨腳的 例:I am all thumbs today. I dropped my coffee cup again. 我今天笨手笨腳的。咖啡杯又弄掉了。 ■ have a green thumb 有綠手指;很會種花草樹木 例:Look at this beautiful garden. You do have a green thumb. 看看這漂亮的花園。你對花草樹木真有一套。 ■ thumb/index finger/middle finger/ring finger/little finger 拇指/食指/中指/無名指/小指 回目錄 下一頁

151 thumb v. [I, T] 用拇指翻動;迅速翻閱
例:I thumbed through a fashion magazine while I was waiting for my friend. 在等我朋友的時候,我迅速翻閱了一下時尚雜 誌。 ■ thumb a lift (英式英語)/thumb a ride (美式英 語)比拇指攔車要搭便車 例:The backpacker thumbed a ride to town. 這個背包客攔車要搭便車進城。 回目錄 回課文 回單字 上一頁

152 ■ opposites attract 因不同而互相吸引,異性相吸 ■ the opposite sex 異性
opposite n. [C] 相反的人或事物 opposite adj. 相反的 ■ opposites attract 因不同而互相吸引,異性相吸 ■ the opposite sex 異性 ■ opposite adv. 相反的 例:The man followed me into the restaurant and sat at a table opposite (to) mine. 那個男人跟我進了餐廳並坐在我對面的桌子。 opposite prep. 在……對面 例:The bank is opposite the hospital. 銀行在醫院的對面。 回目錄 回課文 回單字

153 ■ at a(n) beginner’s/intermediate/advanced level初級 /中級/高級程度
level n. [C] 高度;程度 ■ at a(n) beginner’s/intermediate/advanced level初級 /中級/高級程度 ■ sea level 水平面 ■ head/eye/shoulder level 頭部/眼睛/肩膀的高度 回目錄 回課文 回單字

154 move v. [I, T] 動;使……移動;使……感動
movement 補充 movement n. [C] 移動 move v. [I, T] 動;使……移動;使……感動 例:Don’t move, or you’ll scare the birds away. 別動,否則你會把那些鳥兒嚇走。 Could you help me move this sofa? It’s too heavy for me. 你能不能幫我搬這張沙發?它太重了,我搬不 動。 We were moved by the candidate’s speech about environmental issues. 候選人這番關於環境議題的演講讓我們十分感 回目錄 回課文 回單字

155 admirer n. [C] 讚賞者,欽佩者,愛慕者
admire v. [T] 欽佩,欣賞 admiration n. [U] 欽佩,欣賞 ■ admire the view 欣賞風景 admiring adj. 羨慕的 admirer n. [C] 讚賞者,欽佩者,愛慕者 例:Jill has a secret admirer who has sent her flowers several times. 吉兒有一個不知名的愛慕者,他已經送她好幾 次花了。 回目錄 下一頁

156 例:Susan’s father used to be an admiral in the army,
admire 補充 admiral n. [C] 海軍將領 例:Susan’s father used to be an admiral in the army, but he is retired now. 蘇珊的爸爸以前是海軍將領,但現在已經退休 了。 回目錄 回課文 回單字 上一頁

157 例:I am confused by these traffic rules.
confusing 補充 confusing adj. 令人困惑的 confuse v. [T] 使困惑 confused adj. 感到困惑的 例:I am confused by these traffic rules. = These traffic rules are confusing to me. = These traffic rules confuse me. 這些交通規則把我搞糊塗了。 confusion n. [U] 混亂,騷動,混淆 例:To avoid confusion, you should speak clearly. 為了避免混淆,你應該說清楚。 回目錄 回課文 回單字

158 ■ by accident = by chance = accidentally = unexpectedly 意外地
例:I accidentally locked the keys in the car. 我意外地將鑰匙鎖在車內。 反:on purpose = intentionally = deliberately 故意地 例:I think my sister lost her cell phone on purpose so that she could get a new one. 我覺得我妹妹故意弄丟她的手機,這樣一來她 就可以買新的手機。 回目錄 回課文 回片語

159 例:Nora looks as if she is sick. 諾拉看起來好像生病了。
as if (= as though) 為連接詞片語,用來做比喻,意思是「好像,好比」。若所比喻的情況與事實相反時,則as if 後必須接表假設語氣的子句。 例:Nora looks as if she is sick. 諾拉看起來好像生病了。 Stretch your arms as if you are reaching for something. 伸展你的手臂,好像你要拿東西一樣。 回目錄 下一頁

160 The little girl talks as if she were an adult.
這個小女孩說起話來好像是個大人。(與現在事實相反,假設語氣用過去式。) This boy looks as though he saw a ghost. 這個男孩看起來好像見到鬼一樣。(與現在事實相反,假設語氣用過去式。) The stranger greeted me as though he had known me for a long time. 這個陌生人和我打招呼,好像他已經認識我很久。(與過去事實相反,假設語氣用過去完成式。) 回目錄 回課文 回片語 上一頁

161 ■ a piece of artwork 一件藝術品 ■ a piece of furniture 一件傢俱
■ a piece of chalk 一支粉筆 ■ a piece of paper 一張紙 ■ a piece of news 一則消息 ■ a piece of artwork 一件藝術品 ■ a piece of furniture 一件傢俱 ■ a piece of advice 一則忠告 回目錄 回課文 回片語

162 Comprehension Check Choose the main idea of the article.
(A) Thumbs up means good in every culture. (B) Space is important to Americans when they are talking. (C) Americans have many customs related to body language. (D) There are many ways of greeting in America. 回目錄 下一頁

163 C B Choose the best answer to each question.
( ) 1. What does“silent language” mean in the first paragraph? (A) Spoken language. (B) Sign language. (C) Body language. (D) The American language. ( ) 2. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that American people greet each other? (A) With a hug. (B) By kissing each other on each cheek. (C) With a handshake. (D) By placing a hand on the other person’s shoulder. C B 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

164 C B ( ) 3. What do Americans say if they touch another
person by accident? (A) “Don’t touch.” (B) “You got me.” (C) “Excuse me.” (D) “Thank you.” ( ) 4. What might an American think if you have a conversation without looking at him or her in the eyes? (A) That you are honest. (B) That you are bored. (C) That you are polite. (D) That you are interested. C B 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

165 D ( ) 5. What does thumbs down mean to Americans?
(A) Yes. (B) Well done. (C) Not so good. (D) Very bad. D 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

166 Answer the following questions
1. What does a weak handshake suggest to Americans? 2. How do two Americans generally stand when they talk to each other? 3. How will an American feel when a person stands too close? 4. What do Americans do to call a waiter in a restaurant? 5. If you are confused about a culture’s body language, what is the safe thing to do? 參考解答 參考解答 參考解答 參考解答 參考解答 回目錄 上一頁

167 Comprehension Check參考解答1
It suggests weakness or unfriendliness. 回目錄 返回

168 Comprehension Check參考解答2
They generally stand two and a half feet away from each other at an angle. 回目錄 返回

169 Comprehension Check參考解答3
He or she will feel uncomfortable. 回目錄 返回

170 Comprehension Check參考解答4
They raise one of their hands to the level of their head or above. 回目錄 返回

171 Comprehension Check參考解答5
The safe thing to do is to smile. 回目錄 返回

172 Word Power 回目錄 整段發音 教學建議

173 Word Power教學建議 本課主要學習身體的動作。老師可以在課堂中教授,或者請學生在家中自修。
其他身體的動作有: raise one’s hand (舉起手)、arch one’s back (拱起背)、scratch one’s head(抓頭皮)、stick out one’s tongue (伸出舌頭)等。 回目錄 返回

174 Grammar Focus I I. Wh- + to V Examples:
1. If you don’t know what to do, the safe thing to do is to smile. 2. Both dresses look great on me. I can’t decide which (one) to buy. 回目錄 下一頁

175 Grammar Focus I Practice :
Combine each pair of sentences below by using the pattern “wh- + to V.” 1. Jessica couldn’t decide which dress she should buy. The clerk was helping her to decide. → The clerk was helping Jessica to decide which dress to buy. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

176 Grammar Focus I 2. My grandfather wanted to know when he
should take the medicine. The nurse told him. → The nurse told my grandfather__________ ____________________________________ 3. Alice wanted to know how she could log on to the website. Peter taught her. → Peter taught Alice ____________________ when to take the medicine. how to log on to the website. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

177 Grammar Focus I 4. My father wanted to know what he
should eat for better health. The doctor advised him. → The doctor advised my father__________ ____________________________________ 5. Mrs. Smith wanted to know where she could find a turkey. The clerk showed her. → The clerk showed Mrs. Smith___________ what to eat for better health. where to find a turkey. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

178 Grammar Focus I 6. The woman called and wanted to know
whom she could talk to about her problem. The woman asked me on the phone. → The woman asked me on the phone______ ____________________________________ whom to talk to about her problem. 回目錄 說明 補充包 上一頁 下一頁

179 Grammar Focus II I. Infinitive of Purpose Examples:
1. They will move back to have their space. 2. To call a waiter, raise one hand to head level or above. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

180 Grammar Focus II Practice A :
Rewrite the sentences below by using “to V ...” to show the purpose. 1. Mr. Smith got up early. He wanted to catch the first train to London. Mr. Smith got up early to catch the first train to London./To catch the first train to London, Mr. Smith got up early. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

181 Grammar Focus II 2. Nelson bought his girlfriend a lovely
necklace. He wanted to win her heart. ____________________________________ 3. Mrs. Clark has two part-time jobs. She needs them to support her family. Nelson bought his girlfriend a lovely necklace to win her heart. /To win his girlfriend’s heart, Nelson bought her a lovely necklace. Mrs. Clark has two part-time jobs to support her family. /To support her family, Mrs. Clark has two part-time jobs. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

182 Grammar Focus II 4. Martin has planted several trees in his
garden. He wanted to get more fresh air. ____________________________________ 5. The baby cried loudly. He wanted to get attention. Martin has planted several trees in his garden to get more fresh air. /To get more fresh air, Martin has planted several trees in his garden. The baby cried loudly to get attention. /To get attention, the baby cried loudly. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

183 Grammar Focus II Practice B :
Rewrite the sentences below by using the pattern “To V …, V ….” 1. If you want to get good grades, you should do your homework and study hard. To get good grades, do your homework and study hard. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

184 Grammar Focus II 2. If you want to keep healthy, you should
make sure you get enough exercise every week. ____________________________________ 3. If you want to have some fun, you should come to my birthday party tonight. To keep healthy, make sure you get enough exercise every week. To have some fun, come to my birthday party tonight. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

185 Grammar Focus II 4. If you want to make friends, you can log
on to the Internet and visit our website. ____________________________________ 5. If you want to save energy, you should take public transportation to work. To make friends, log on to the Internet and visit our website. To save energy, take public transportation to work. 回目錄 說明 補充包 上一頁

186 Grammar Focus I 說明 此句型為疑問詞引導的名詞片語,是由名詞子句簡化而來。引導名詞子句的疑問詞有what 、how 、which 、whom 、where 、when 等。 回目錄 返回

187 Grammar Focus I 補充包 Rewrite the sentences using the pattern “wh- + to V.” 1. Jessica couldn’t decide which dress she should buy. ____________________________________ 2. My grandfather wanted to know when he should take the medicine. Jessica couldn’t decide which dress to buy. My grandfather wanted to know when to take the medicine. 回目錄 下一頁

188 Grammar Focus I 補充包 3. Alice wanted to know how she could log
on to the website. ____________________________________ 4. My father wanted to know what he should eat for better health. Alice wanted to know how to log on to the website. My father wanted to know what to eat for better health. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

189 Grammar Focus I 補充包 5. Mrs. Smith wanted to know where she
could find a turkey. ____________________________________ 6. The woman called and wanted to know whom she could talk to about her problem. Mrs. Smith wanted to know where to find a turkey. The woman called and wanted to know whom to talk to about her problem. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

190 Grammar Focus I 補充包 Rewrite the first sentences using the pattern “wh- + to V,” then combine each pair of sentences. 1. James and Peggy wanted to know where they should go for their honeymoon. The travel agent advised them. ____________________________________ James and Peggy wanted to know where to go for their honeymoon. The travel agent advised James and Peggy where to go for their honeymoon. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

191 Grammar Focus I 補充包 2. The new employee wanted to know how he
could operate the machine. Laura taught him. ____________________________________ The new employee wanted to know how to operate the machine. Laura taught the new employee how to operate the machine. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

192 Grammar Focus I 補充包 3. He wanted to know what he should do with
the leftover pizza. His mother showed him. ____________________________________ He wanted to know what to do with the leftover pizza. His mother showed him what to do with the leftover pizza. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

193 Grammar Focus I 補充包 4. Teresa couldn’t decide which program she
should choose. Her advisor was helping her to decide. ____________________________________ Teresa couldn’t decide which program to choose. Teresa’s advisor was helping her to decide which program to choose. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

194 Grammar Focus I 補充包 5. Little Harry wanted to know when he
should stand up and when he should raise his hand. Mrs. Yeh told him. ____________________________________ Little Harry wanted to know when to stand up and when to raise his hand. Mrs. Yeh told Little Harry when to stand up and when to raise his hand. 回目錄 返回 上一頁

195 Grammar Focus II 說明 1. 不定詞片語可以當副詞用,表示目的,也可等
於in order to ... 或so as to ...。不定詞片語可置於 句首或句中,但so as to 無置於句首的用法。 2. 若與祈使句搭配,不定詞片語通常置於句首, 且不可與in order to 或so as to 替換,因為這類 的不定詞片語通常是假設一種情況,來建議對 方該要如何做。 3. 表否定的不定詞片語:(in order) not to V = so as not to V (為了不……) 回目錄 下一頁

196 Grammar Focus II 說明 【補充】 表目的的副詞子句:
in order that S + can/may V = so that S + can/may V(為了……) 表否定目的的副詞子句: ... for fear that S + should V = ... lest S + should V(為了不……) 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

197 Grammar Focus II 說明 例:Josh drank some coffee (in order) to stay awake.
= Josh drank some coffee so as to stay awake. = Josh drank some coffee in order that he could stay awake. = Josh drank some coffee so that he could stay awake. 賈許喝了一些咖啡以保持清醒。 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

198 Grammar Focus II 說明 例:Jenny kept quiet so as not to wake the baby up.
= Jenny kept quiet in order not to wake the baby up. = Jenny kept quiet for fear that she should wake the baby up. = Jenny kept quiet lest she should wake the baby 珍妮保持安靜以免吵醒寶寶。 回目錄 返回 上一頁

199 Grammar Focus II 補充包 Rewrite the sentences using “In order to/To V” and “in order to V/so as to V ....” to show the purpose. 1. We wanted to surprise Larry. We didn’t let Larry know that we were throwing him a birthday party. ____________________________________ In order to/To surprise Larry, we didn’t let him know that we were throwing him a birthday party. We didn’t let Larry know that we were throwing him a birthday party in order to/so as to surprise him. 回目錄 下一頁

200 Grammar Focus II 補充包 2. The FBI agents didn’t want to disturb the
neighborhood. The FBI agents were investigating the case in secret. ____________________________________ In order not to/Not to disturb the neighborhood, the FBI agents were investigating the case in secret. The FBI agents were investigating the case in secret in order not to/so as not to disturb the neighborhood. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

201 Grammar Focus II 補充包 3. Wendy needed to do research for her new
book about the Incas(印加帝國). Wendy spent two months in Peru(秘魯). ____________________________________ In order to/To do research for her new book about the Incas, Wendy spent two months in Peru. Wendy spent two months in Peru in order to/so as to do research for her new book about the Incas. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

202 Grammar Focus II 補充包 4. Her friends changed the subject. Her
friends didn’t want to upset her further. ____________________________________ In order not to/Not to upset her further, her friends changed the subject. Her friends changed the subject in order not to/so as not to upset her further. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

203 Grammar Focus II 補充包 5. He wanted to teach the children about
tornadoes. He showed them some pictures. ____________________________________ In order to/To teach the children about tornadoes, he showed them some pictures. He showed the children some pictures in order/so as to teach them about tornadoes. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

204 Grammar Focus II 補充包 Rewrite the sentences using the pattern “To V ..., V ....” 1. If you want to impress Regina, you should prove that you are man enough to fight for her. ____________________________________ 2. If you want to improve your English, you should practice for at least an hour a day. To impress Regina, prove that you are man enough to fight for her. To improve your English, practice for at least an hour a day. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

205 Grammar Focus II 補充包 3. If you want to become a fashion designer,
you should read fashion magazines to stay on top of the latest trends. ____________________________________ 4. If you want to get a promotion, you should work harder. To become a fashion designer, read fashion magazines to stay on top of the latest trends. To get a promotion, work harder. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

206 Grammar Focus II 補充包 5. If you want to learn about medicinal herbs,
you should go to the Lins’ Garden, where there are many such herbs. ____________________________________ To learn about medicinal herbs, go to the Lins’ Garden, where there are many such herbs. 回目錄 返回 上一頁

207 Mrs. Hanson: Annie! It’s so good to see you!
Conversation Annie and Brian are traveling in America. They are having dinner with Annie’s host family from last year. Mrs. Hanson: Annie! It’s so good to see you! Come on in! And let me give you a big hug! Annie: Hi, Mrs. Hanson. It’s good to see you, too. 中譯 回目錄 整段發音 字彙 會話動畫 下一頁

208 Mr. Hanson: Hello, Annie. How are you?
Conversation part-2 Mr. Hanson: Hello, Annie. How are you? Annie: I’m fine, Mr. Hanson. This is my friend Brian. Mr. Hanson: Nice to meet you, Brian. (Mr. Hanson shakes hands with Brian.) Mrs. Hanson: You can leave your coats in the guest room over here— then we’ll go into the living room, and I’ll introduce both of you to our other guests. 中譯 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

209 Brian: I’m so nervous. What should I do when I meet the other guests?
Conversation part-3 (Taking off their coats in the guest room, Brian and Annie whisper to each other.) Brian: I’m so nervous. What should I do when I meet the other guests? Annie: Just shake their hands, like Mr. Hanson did—oh, but if it’s a woman, shake her hand more gently. Brian: OK ... and what about at dinner? 中譯 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

210 Annie: Just don’t reach for the food. Wait
Conversation part-4 Annie: Just don’t reach for the food Wait until it’s passed to you. Oh, and don’t put your elbows on the table. … oh, and at the beginning of the meal, Mr. Hanson will say grace. Just fold your hands together and look down respectfully. Brian: Anything else? Annie: No. Don’t worry—just be polite. And if you’re not sure what to do, just smile. 中譯 回目錄 上一頁

211 安妮和布萊恩正在美國旅行。他們現在正在和安妮去年的寄宿家庭吃晚餐。 漢生太太:安妮!看到妳真好!快進來!讓 我給妳一個大大的擁抱!
Conversation 中譯 part-1 Annie and Brian are traveling in America. They are having dinner with Annie’s host family from last year. Mrs. Hanson: Annie! It’s so good to see you! Come on in! And let me give you a big hug! Annie: Hi, Mrs. Hanson. It’s good to see you, too. 安妮和布萊恩正在美國旅行。他們現在正在和安妮去年的寄宿家庭吃晚餐。 漢生太太:安妮!看到妳真好!快進來!讓 我給妳一個大大的擁抱! 安妮:嗨,漢生太太!我也很高興看到妳! 返回

212 Conversation 中譯 part-2 漢生先生:哈囉,安妮!妳好嗎? 安妮:我很好,漢生先生。這是我的朋友布 萊恩。
Mr. Hanson: Hello, Annie. How are you? Annie: I’m fine, Mr. Hanson. This is my friend Brian. Mr. Hanson: Nice to meet you, Brian. (Mr. Hanson shakes hands with Brian.) Mrs. Hanson: You can leave your coats in the guest room over here— then we’ll go into the living room, and I’ll introduce both of you to our other guests. 漢生先生:哈囉,安妮!妳好嗎? 安妮:我很好,漢生先生。這是我的朋友布 萊恩。 漢生先生:很高興認識你,布萊恩。(漢生 先生和布萊恩握手。) 漢生太太:你們可以將外套放在客房這裡, 然後我們就可以到客廳去,我要 介紹你們給其他的客人認識。 返回

213 (在客房脫下外套之後,布萊恩和安妮兩人竊竊私語。) 布萊恩:我好緊張哦。當我和其他客人見面 時,我該怎麼做?
Conversation 中譯 part-3 (Taking off their coats in the guest room, Brian and Annie whisper to each other.) Brian: I’m so nervous. What should I do when I meet the other guests? Annie: Just shake their hands, like Mr. Hanson did—oh, but if it’s a woman, shake her hand more gently. Brian: OK ... and what about at dinner? (在客房脫下外套之後,布萊恩和安妮兩人竊竊私語。) 布萊恩:我好緊張哦。當我和其他客人見面 時,我該怎麼做? 安妮:就和他們握手,就像漢生先生一 樣……喔,但是如果對方是女人的 話,握手就要比較輕一點。 布萊恩:好……那麼吃晚餐時怎麼辦? 返回

214 Conversation 中譯 part-4 安妮:就不要主動伸手拿食物。要等到人家 把食物傳給你。喔,而且不要將你的
Annie: Just don’t reach for the food. Wait until it’s passed to you. Oh, and don’t put your elbows on the table. … oh, and at the beginning of the meal, Mr. Hanson will say grace. Just fold your hands together and look down respectfully. Brian: Anything else? Annie: No. Don’t worry—just be polite. And if you’re not sure what to do, just smile. 安妮:就不要主動伸手拿食物。要等到人家 把食物傳給你。喔,而且不要將你的 手肘放在桌上……喔,還有在用餐一 開始時,漢生先生會做飯前感恩禱 告。就將雙手握在一起並且很恭敬地 往下看。 布萊恩:還有別的嗎? 安妮:沒了。別擔心……就有禮貌點。還有 如果你不確定怎麼做,那就微笑。 返回

215 Conversation 解析-1 You can leave your coats in the guest room over here .... (1) leave + O + 地方將……留在…… 例:You should leave your shoes at the door before entering the house. 你應該在進屋子前將你的鞋子留在門口。 (2) guest room 客房 回目錄 返回

216 Conversation 解析-2 ... I’ll introduce both of you to our other guests.
introduce A to B 介紹A 給B 認識 例:Carrie introduced me to her friend. 凱莉介紹我認識她的朋友。 回目錄 返回

217 Conversation 解析-3 ... if it’s a woman, shake her hand more gently.
例:Answer the phone for me. If it’s my mother, tell her that I’m busy. 幫我接電話,如果是我媽媽的話,告訴她我很 忙。 回目錄 返回

218 Conversation 解析-4 Wait until it’s passed to you.
(2) be passed to ... 被傳給…… 主動語態為pass sb. sth. = pass sth. to sb. 例:Please pass me the salt. Please pass the salt to me. 請將鹽巴傳給我。 回目錄 返回

219 Conversation 解析-5 ... at the beginning of the meal, Mr. Hanson will say grace. at the beginning of ...(介系詞片語)在……開始的時候 【比較】 in the beginning(副詞片語)一開始時 例:My son liked school in the beginning, but after a few weeks he began to feel bored. 我兒子一開始喜歡上學,但幾個禮拜以後就開 始覺得無聊。 回目錄 返回

220 Conversation Vocabulary
1. host family 寄宿家庭 2. whisper ['w0spQ] v. 低聲說出 3. gently [‘dIGntl0] adv. 輕輕地 4. reach for 伸長手去拿 5. elbow [‘Gl`bo] n. 手肘 6. Say grace (飯前)感恩禱告 7. fold [fold] v. 交疊,合攏 8. respectfully [r0'spGktfDl0] adv. 恭敬地 Conversation Useful Expressions 1. It’s so good to see you! 真開心看到你! 2. Come on in! 快進來! 3. Anything else? 還有其他的嗎? 下一頁

221 Conversation生字片語例句 1. host family 寄宿家庭
例:I travelled to the Grand Canyon with my host family. 我和我的寄宿家庭一起到大峽谷旅遊。 2. whisper v. 低聲說出 例:My mother says it is rude to whisper in front of other people. 我媽媽說在別人面前竊竊私語是不禮貌的。 3. gently adv. 輕輕地 例:The mother kissed her baby gently on his cheek. 那個母親輕輕地親吻小寶寶的臉頰。 上一頁 下一頁

222 Conversation生字片語例句 4. reach for 伸長手去拿
例:Daren reached for the pen on the desk. 戴倫伸長手去拿桌上的筆。 5. elbow n. 手肘 例:A player on the other team hit me with his elbow. 另外一隊的一名球員用手肘撞我。 6. say grace(飯前)感恩禱告 例:It is always my father that says grace. 一直都是我爸爸做飯前感恩禱告。 7. fold v. 交疊,合攏 例:My boss stood there with his arms folded. 我的老闆雙臂交叉地站在那裏。 上一頁 下一頁

223 Conversation生字片語例句 8. respectfully adv. 恭敬地
例:We should sing the national anthem respectfully. 我們應該恭敬地唱國歌。 返回 上一頁

224 Listening You are about to hear five dialogues. Listen to each dialogue carefully and choose the correct answer to each question. ____ 1. (A) They love each other. (B) They are learning more about a culture. (C) They are waiting for a bus. (D) They are greeting each other. ____ 2. (A) On the train. (B) In a restaurant. (C) At school (D) In the gym. D B 回目錄 整段發音 1 2 腳本 下一頁

225 Listening C B ____ 3. (A) The boss gave him a new job.
(B) The boss helped him start a design company. (C) The boss gave him a thumbs up gesture. (D) The boss gave him more work to do. ____ 4. (A) They are going to stare at each other. (B) They are going to get married. (C) They are going to go to college together. (D) They are going to visit Victor. C B 回目錄 3 4 上一頁 下一頁

226 Listening D ____ 5. (A) He wants the waiter to take his order.
(B) He wants to ask the waiter to keep quiet. (C) He wants to ask the waiter for a pen. (D) He wants the waiter to bring him the check. D 回目錄 5 上一頁

227 Listening腳本-1 Dialogue 1
Woman: The couple standing at the bus stop must love each other very much. Man: How can you tell? Woman: They are kissing each other on the cheeks. Man: But that’s not because they are in love. That’s just the way that people here greet each other. Woman: Oh, I see. I guess I should learn more about your culture. Question: Why are the couple kissing each other on the cheeks? 回目錄 下一頁

228 Listening腳本-2 Dialogue 2 Man: See that man over there. Is that Ted?
Woman: Yes, it is. And who is the man that just arrived to have dinner with him? Man: I don’t know. Woman: It must be a good friend of his. Man: Why do you think so? Woman: By the way that Ted placed his hand on the man’s shoulder, it seems they are very close. Question: Where are Ted and the man? 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

229 Listening腳本-3 Dialogue 3 Woman: I heard you found a job.
Man: Yes. I’m working for a design company now. Woman: So, how is it? Man: Pretty good, I guess. Yesterday my boss even gave me a thumbs up gesture. Woman: Does that mean he thought you did a good job? Man: I think so. Question: What did the man’s boss do to show that the man did a good job? 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

230 Listening腳本-4 Dialogue 4
Man: Victor was not very polite to me this morning. Woman: What did he do? Man: He kept staring at me when I told him that Anita and I were getting married. He seemed angry at me. Woman: Of course he was angry. Didn’t you know that Anita was his high school sweetheart? Man: I know, but that was a long time ago. Woman: Well, it seems he still has some feelings for her. Question: What are Ted and Anita going to do? 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

231 Listening腳本-5 Dialogue 5 Man: Waiter, check please!
Woman: Maybe you should raise your voice a little. Man: Waiter! Check please! Woman: It seems he still didn’t hear you. It’s so noisy in here. Man: How can I get his attention? Woman: Try this: When he looks over here, just make a movement with your hand as if you are signing a piece of paper. Man: That’s a good idea! Question: What does the man want from the waiter? 回目錄 返回 上一頁

232 Language Use F D C B A E 回目錄 整段發音 下一頁

233 Language Use 回目錄 上一頁

234 Writing Expanding Sentences with Participle Phrases
除了形容詞單字及形容詞子句外,也可以用形容詞片語來修飾名詞,使句子更明確生動。常見的形容詞片語包括分詞片語、介系詞片語、不定詞片語等。本課練習用分詞片語修飾名詞。分詞片語通常是由形容詞子句簡化而來,放在所修飾的名詞之 後。 回目錄 下一頁

235 Writing Examples 1. The man who was standing very close to me
made me feel uncomfortable. →The man standing very close to me made me feel uncomfortable. 2. The gestures that are used by people when they talk can be called body language. →The gestures used by people when they talk can be called body language. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

236 Writing Practice A 請根據以下圖片,從方框內選出適當的分詞片語填入空格,使圖片中人物說明,更加明確生動。
raising one of his hands confused by the French menu hugging each other scared by the mouse under the table greeting each other with a handshake 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

237 Writing 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

238 Writing 1. The two men look like businessmen.
2. The two women seem pretty close. → The two women _______________________ seem pretty close. 3. The young man is asking the waitress for help. → The young man _______________________ _____ is asking the waitress for help. greeting each other with a handshake hugging each other confused by the French menu 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

239 Writing 4. The old man wants to call a waiter.
5. The young woman is jumping up from her seat. → The young woman _____________________ _______________ is jumping up from her raising one of his hands scared by the mouse under the table 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

240 Writing Practice B 請將下面文章中,畫底線的形容詞子句,改為分詞片語。
Amanda and Robert, who have known each other for a long time, are very good friends. They play basketball together, take part in the same clubs together, and even walk together to their school, which is located in the downtown area. Amanda has a secret, though—she has a crush on Robert. She has tried to tell him, but she is too shy to do so. 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

241 Writing Every time Robert, who treats Amanda just like a friend, places his hand on her arm or shoulder, her heart beats very fast. Any girl who is faced with this kind of problem will usually turn to her best friend for help, but Amanda can’t. It is Robert that has always been her best friend! What should Amanda do? Poor girl! 1. _________________________________________ 2. _________________________________________ 3. _________________________________________ 4. _________________________________________ having known each other for a long time located in the downtown area treating Amanda just like a friend faced with this kind of problem 回目錄 上一頁

242 Pronunciation 回目錄 整段發音 下一頁

243 Pronunciation 回目錄 整段發音 上一頁

244 many ways c se to get to her. here. l l as your shoulders?
Exercises I. Vocabulary ________ 1.Sam has a crush on Jane and has tried many ways c se to get to her. ________ 2.P n me, I didn’t notice you were here. ________ 3.Can you raise your arms to the same l l as your shoulders? ________ 4.Mother and I are going shopping for f l clothes to wear to my cousin’s wedding. close Pardon level formal 回目錄 回目錄 下一頁

245 head, and the dog moved his tail. w s in front of his team.
Exercises patted ________ 5.The boy p ted the little dog on its head, and the dog moved his tail. ________ 6.A good leader should not show any w s in front of his team. ________ 7.The worker made sure that the a e between the wall and the floor was 90 degrees. ________ 8.The two French women g ted each other with a kiss on each cheek. weakness angle greeted 回目錄 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

246 the fact that their son is dead. too much noise. face
Exercises ________ 9.Mr. and Mrs. Simpson still can’t f ce the fact that their son is dead. ________ 10.The teacher s ded us for making too much noise. face scolded 回目錄 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

247 Ted placed his hands on my shoulders, trying to encourage me. (A) put
( ) 11. A Ted placed his hands on my shoulders, trying to encourage me. (A) put (B) washed (C) held (D) confronted 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

248 My brother entered the house and walked directly to his computer.
( ) 12. D My brother entered the house and walked directly to his computer. (A) friendly (B) formally (C) near (D) straight 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

249 the traffic jam, take the MRT. (A) Avoided (B) Avoiding (C) Avoid
II. Grammar and Usage ( ) 1. D the traffic jam, take the MRT. (A) Avoided (B) Avoiding (C) Avoid (D) To avoid 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

250 ( ) 2. B The air conditioner be shut down before you leave your office. Don’t forget! (A) may (B) must (C) need (D) can 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

251 ( ) 3. D If you stand directly in front of me, I can’t see the stage. Can you stand an angle instead? (A) with (B) by (C) from (D) at 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

252 I did ask you to throw the garbage away,
( ) 4. C I did ask you to throw the garbage away, I didn’t mean you were supposed to throw it on the street. (A) as (B) for (C) but (D) if 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

253 ( ) 5. B You must take care of the dog yourself. If you don’t do , I won’t let you keep him. (A) such (B) so (C) these (D) them 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

254 The best way to make the air fresher is more trees. (A) to plant
( ) 6. A The best way to make the air fresher is more trees. (A) to plant (B) plant (C) planted (D) to planting 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

255 ( ) 7. C The mother shook her head the little boy, who was playing with a lighter. (A) on (B) with (C) at (D) in 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

256 My mother taught me to cook rice. (A) which (B) what (C) how (D) where
( ) 8. C My mother taught me to cook rice. (A) which (B) what (C) how (D) where 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

257 III. Passage Completion
1.Body language varies from country to country. Take America for example. When Americans shake hands, they do firmly. When they talk to each other, they are careful to look in each other’s eyes, but they don’t stand too close to each other. For Americans, the thumbs up gesture means very good or well done, thumbs down means the In a restaurant in America, if you want the check, all you have to do is a movement with your hand you are signing something. 回目錄 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

258 1. (A) not (B) never (C) so (D) such
These are just a few examples that show us that the more we know about the body language of a certain country, the easier it will be to communicate with the people there. 1. (A) not (B) never (C) so (D) such 2. (A) if (B) while (C) when (D) because 3. (A) opposite (B) same (C) below (D) above 4. (A) made (B) make (C) making (D) to be made 5. (A) even though (B) only if (C) even if (D) as if C B A B D 回目錄 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

259 He wrote his name and telephone number on 2.那小男孩指著他的一隻腳,說著「好 痛」。
IV. Guided Translation 1.他在一張紙上寫下他的名字和電話號碼。 He wrote his name and telephone number on ________ ________ ________ paper. 2.那小男孩指著他的一隻腳,說著「好 痛」。 The little boy ________ ________ one of his legs and said, “It hurts.” 3.我意外地打破那個玻璃花瓶。 I broke the glass vase ________ ________. a piece of pointed at by accident 回目錄 回目錄 上一頁 下一頁

260 The police officer told me _______________
4.那警察告訴我如何到火車站。 The police officer told me _______________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________. 5.為了找更好的工作,傑夫搬到台北。 _____________________________________ how to get to the train station/how I could get to the train station (In order) To find a better job, Jeff moved to Taipei. 回目錄 回目錄 上一頁

261 本課背景及參考資料 1.  介紹不同文化的身體語言 2.  提供學習外國文化的身體語言的準則 3.  提供影片真人示範各種身體動作所傳達的訊息 4. 回目錄 下一頁

262 5. http://library.thinkquest.org/04oct/00292/differences/intro.htm
 介紹不同文化、性別及年齡層身體語言的差別。 回目錄 上一頁

263 影音播放 說明 1.影音播放如要正常的顯示字幕,需要使用KmPlayer 播放軟體,老師可到光碟的起始頁,點選「影片播放軟體及其他軟體安裝」項目,進行安裝。 2.播放軟體快速鍵: Shift + “L” 切換字幕 ; Alt + “X” 隱藏/顯示字幕 Alt + “F1” 加大字體 ; Alt + “F2” 縮小字體 ; Alt + “F3” 字體還原 3.本光碟的所有檔案不含病毒,系統跳出以下視窗,只是例行性的動作,請老師安心使用。 回目錄

264 相關影音資源 1.如何解讀身體語言,片長02:32。 2.十種握手方式,片長02:09。 3.身體語言-手勢篇,片長01:40。
影片出處: 2.十種握手方式,片長02:09。 影片出處: 3.身體語言-手勢篇,片長01:40。 影片出處: 4.美式握手-握拳互碰,片長01:56。 影片出處: *LV3L03-07影片 LV3L03-07學習單 *LV3L03-08影片 LV3L03-08學習單 *LV3L03-09影片 LV3L03-09學習單 *LV3L03-10影片 LV3L03-10學習單 回目錄

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